Title: ND Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project
1ND Adolescent Suicide Prevention Project
- Mental Health Association of ND
701-255-3692 - Mark LoMurray, LSW
Outreach Services Inc.
2Quick Facts on ND Suicide
- 2 Cause of death of 10 - 24 year olds
- Nations 2nd highest suicide rate for 10-14 year
olds - Nations 6th highest suicide rate for 15-19 year
olds. - In past year 7 of ND teens report having made a
suicide attempt
3Age Comparison - Suicide Rates
4Teen and Young Adult Risk
5ND Suicide Prevention Recent History
- 1991-93 Training of 82 crisis teams
- 1995-97 Local suicide prevention task forces
developed in some regions - 1997 ND Childhood Fatality Review Committee
developed - 1998 1st national suicide prevention plan written
with assistance from 12 from ND - 1999 ND Adolescent Suicide Prevention Task Force
develops 1st state plan
6Suicide Prevention Strategies for Year 2000
- Promote five key strategies
- Train in all RCSCC and TSCCC areas.
- Professional organizations - implement one
strategy. - Policy maker education and awareness project
7Causes of Death Region VII ND10-24 Years Old
8Key Adolescent Risk Factors
Impulsive Aggressiveness
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11Indian Children in ND
- Average age of Northern Plains Indians is 18
years old compared to ND average of 32 years old - 43 of American Indian population is under the
age of 20. - 15,500 Indian children in North Dakota
- 41 live off reservation in near-by communities
12Indian Children Health Issues
- 13 percent of Indian deaths are under age 25
compared to 4 U.S. - Accident death rate for Indian children ages 5-14
is double the U.S. rate. (20.8) - Diabetes prevelance are 2-3 times higher
- Suicide for 15-24 years old is 3 times the
national rate.
13Indian Children Health Funding
- Indian Health Services is funded at 65 of need.
- IHS mental health is funded at 25 of need.
- IHS per capita expenditure in 1997 was 1,132
compared to U.S. per capita expenditure of 3,261.
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18Five Key Suicide Prevention Strategies
- Asset Building/Relationships
- Youth Leadership
- Community Gatekeeper Training
- Assessment Tool Implementation
- Means Restriction Approaches
19UND Mentoring Drug Behavior Results after 8
20UND Mentoring Conflict Behavior after 8 months
21UND Mentoring Mood Changes after 8 months
22A Circle of Protection
Healthy Beliefs
Leadership Opportunities
Clear Boundaries
Healthy Relationships
23We must promote public awareness that suicides
are preventable. We must enhance resources in
communities for suicide prevention programs and
mental and substance abuse disorder assessment
and treatment. Dr. David Satcher United
States Surgeon General July 28, 1999