Title: Nurse Aide I Online Hybrid Approval Process
1Nurse Aide I Online HybridApproval Process
- Presenters
- Joyce Hamilton-Fleming, WCC
- Lennie Stephenson, CCC
2Online Hybrid NA I Program
- The Nurse Aide I Hybrid Training Program includes
an instructional component delivered online and
face-to-face delivery for lab/skills and clinical
components. - Determine length of your class
- Example 120 hrs. 156 180 etc.
3- To Begin Your Approval Process
- Go to the NC DHSR website for complete
instructions - http//www.ncdhhs.gov/dhs/hspr/pdf
- Must complete Part I and Part II of application
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12- Submitting Program Proposal
- Send 2 copies entire proposal to your NA I
Consultant Parts I II - Make sure all signatures are present
- Keep a copy of all information submitted for
necessary revisions - NA I consultant will review proposal and send an
Initial Review Report
13Nurse Aide I Training Program Proposal Review
Report Revision 1 for Wayne Community
College Goldsboro, North Carolina Prepared
By Teressa W. Banks, Consultant NC DHSR
14Goldsboro, North Carolina Nurse Aide I Training
Program Proposal Review Report Section I
Introduction and Overview of Report The Omnibus
Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987 and the
1989 Amendments direct states to specify those
training and competency evaluation programs that
the State approves for Nurse Aides employed by
nursing facilities participating in Medicare and
Medicaid programs on or after October 1,
1990. The North Carolina Department of Health
and Human Services/Division of Health Service
Regulation/Health Care Personnel Registry
Section reviews and determines federal and state
compliance of all nurse aide training and
competency evaluation programs in the
state. The purpose of this report is to provide
your facility, Wayne Community College,
Goldsboro, NC with a review of your Nurse Aide I
Training Program Proposal and recommendations for
improvement. The review was based on Sections
483.150, 483.151, and 483.152 of the Federal
Register Rules and Regulations, Vol. 56, No.137
and the Nurse Aide I Program Approval Checklist.
Section 2 Recommendations for
Improvement Application Form An application form
is included in the proposal and meets criteria
for approval. Program Philosophy/Objectives
The proposed program's philosophy/objectives
meet criteria for approval. Class Schedule A
class syllabus is included in the proposal. Class
content (chapter and title) is not based on the
State curriculum unit numbers and name. Please
designate hours of online instruction per State
curriculum unit number and name. They are
included below Unit 1 Introduction To Health
Care Unit 2 Communication And Interpersonal
Skills Unit 3 Infection Control Unit 4
Safety And Emergency Procedures
15- Unit 5 Ethical And Legal Issues
- Unit 6 Nutrition And Hydration
- Unit 7 Common Diseases And Conditions Of Body
Systems - Unit 8 The Residents Environment
- Unit 9 Personal Care And Grooming Relationship
To Self-Esteem - Unit 10 Basic Nursing Skills
- Unit 11 Resident Care Procedures
- Unit 12 Caring for Resident When Death Is
Imminent And Following Death - Unit 13 Basic Restorative Services
- Unit 14 Prevention Of Pressure Ulcers
- Unit 15 Restraints
- Unit 16 Psychological Effects Of Aging
- Simply, substitute chapter and title that is
included on the syllabus with the appropriate
unit and content featured in the State curriculum
above. They need not be in numerical order just
as a replacement for what is presented. Contact
me if you have questions 252-943-8763. - Supplemental Teaching Methodologies/Instructional
Resources - Supplemental teaching methodologies/instructional
resources are included in the proposal and meet
criteria for approval. Please consider procuring
new videos when feasible. - List of Equipment, Materials, and Supplies
16Section 3 Follow-up In order to complete the
application process for your Nurse Aide I
Training Program, we must receive a revised
application that includes the recommendations
outlined in this document, within ninety days.
Please contact Dr. Banks at (252) 974-0150 or
the Division of Facility Services Raleigh, NC
at (919) 855-3972, if you need further
information or if we can help you with your
proposal. Thank you for your time and efforts.
We look forward to working with you.
17- Final Approval
- Consultant will make a site visit
- Consultant will send a confirmation letter of
- approval if everything is acceptable
- Implementation of Hybrid Course
- Have your distance education coordinator
- download the hybrid course from the VLC site
- Revise the VLC course as needed
18NCAES Testing Results First WCC Hybrid class
implemented Spring 2009 Reporting Period
1/1/09-3/31/09 Traditional Class Written
and Skills 100 Hybrid Class
Written and Skills 100 Reporting Period
7/1/09-9/30/09 Traditional Class Written
Skills 82 Hybrid Class
Written 100
Skills 91
19QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ???? Contacts Joyce
Hamilton-Fleming Wayne Community
College 919-739-6929 Lennie Stephenson Central
Carolina Community College 910-814-8833