Title: Derivatives
- By Mendy Kahan Jared Friedman
2What is a Derivative?
- Lets say we were given some function called f
and the derivative of that function is f. f
represents the slope of the tangent line to the
graph at point x. - This is represented by
3How Do We Take Derivatives?
4Chain Rule
This rule should be used for difficult problems
involving composite functions
The derivative of this composition is given by
the formula
- This can also be written as
5Chain Rule Examples
- For more Examples
- http//web.mit.edu/wwmath/calculus/differentiation
/chain.html - http//www.ugrad.math.ubc.ca/coursedoc/math100/not
es/derivative/chain.html - http//www.exambot.com/cgi/topic/show.cgi/math/dif
6Product Rule
7Product Rule Examples
For more Examples http//www.math.ucdavis.edu/ko
8Quotient Rule
9Quotient Rule Examples
For more Examples http//www.math.hmc.edu/calculu
10High Order Derivatives
The rules for taking higher order derivatives are
basically identical to taking a regular
derivative. Once you take the first derivative of
the answer repeat this process as many times as
necessary to find the nth derivative. However,
there are sometimes patterns and it would be very
time consuming to take higher order derivatives.
For more examples http//www.exambot.com/cgi/topi
11Higher Order Derivative Ex
- The pattern repeats every 4th derivative so
- Find the pattern of the derivatives of sin x
Since the remainder is 3, the 7th derivative of
sin x is the same as the 3rd derivative.
12Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
13Trigonometric Function Example
For more examples http//www.sosmath.com/calculus
14Derivatives of Exponential Logarithmic Functions
For more examples http//www.exambot.com/cgi/prob
15The End
- Now you are ready to take the test!!!