Title: Portfolio for Marnette Sortino
Lesson Plan
- Portfolio for Marnette Sortino
- Oberlin High School www.allen.k12.la.us.schools/o
2Professional Reflections
- Expectations of SchoolTech Leadership
- Leadership
- Lesson Planning
- Building Vision
- SchoolTech Leadership Experience
3Technology Integration Artifacts
- Inspiration
- PowerPoint
- Picasa
- Movie Maker
- Curriculum Enhancement
4Reflections Expectations
- What I have gained from this leadership
experience and one goal I have for my continued
growth as a technology leader.
I have gained an enormous amount of technological
experience. I hope to find ways to incorporate
technology into all of my lessons.
5Reflections Leadership
- Experiences with technology as a teacher and a
leader in my school.
I have increased the use of technology in my
classes. My students appreciate the different
types of technological tools we have used to
publish and edit research. I no longer find
myself struggling to incorporate technology into
my lessons. I now have many ideas and available
resources to accomplish this task.
6Reflections Lesson Planning
- Making Connection lesson planning experience
The Making Connection lesson site helped me
organize my thought process, develop lessons that
incorporates other curriculum, and technology
into my English classes.
7Reflections Building Vision
What kinds of instructional strategies did you
observe?The classes were student led and the
teacher served as the facilitator. What roles did
the students play?The students were active
8Reflections School Tech
Technology has become an ongoing tool used by
teacher and students alike. Before SchoolTech I
was not sure how to include technology into my
lessons in order to aid student learning. Now I
am confident in being able to incorporate
different types of technology into my lessons.
SchoolTech has allowed me to become a different
teacher because it has forced me to change some
of my lessons, my thinking process in the
inclusion of technology, and my teaching style.
No longer do I think one way is the only way. The
results of student learning are not always pen
and paper products. I hope to continue searching
for new ways to increase my students performance.
9Making Connections Lesson Plan
- In this area, give a brief overview of your
lesson. Explain how technology enhanced the
lesson by - The Making Connections Lesson Plan site gives
convenient and practical use of incorporating
many benchmarks and standards into any lesson. My
Travel Brochure lesson that follows The Odyssey
is not effective without technology. My students
are able to locate different types of propaganda
by use of the Internet. It also allows them to
conduct extensive research on Greece. The use of
Publisher provides an excellent means for
students to produce quality work. Students are
also able to easily proofread, peer edit, and
assemble their work because it is centrally
located on the computer.
The Odyssey A Travel Brochure
10Artifact - Inspiration
Inspiration is a visual tool that allows students
to manipulate the outcome of the product. I use
it to teach the correct use of PowerPoint in a
research project.
11Artifact - PowerPoint
I created a model PowerPoint for a research
project on the Holocaust. I used it as an
example of what I expected from my students.
12Artifact Picasa
I took photographs at Jenkins Hardware Store of
items on that you would need in order to survive
on an deserted island.
13Artifact Movie Maker
I used the photographs of items from Jenkins
Hardware Store to create a movie. My students
will view the movie and pick three items they
need in order to survive on a deserted island.
Items cannot be traded with others. There is a
limited food and water source on the island, but
students must locate them. They will then create
a diary with daily entries documenting their time
spent struggling to survive. Items cannot be
traded with others.
14Artifact CBT Lesson Plan
- A Wedding to Remember
- http//mconn.doe.state.la.us/builder.php?taskLP_e
After reading the play "Romeo and Juliet," the
students will create a wedding portfolio
detailing customs and traditions for a wedding
celebration during the Renaissance Period. I
developed this lesson during my first year of
teaching. However, at the time it was done
without the use of technology. Throughout the
years, I have modified the lesson. A colleague
and I collaborated during training for SchoolTech
in order to combine various curriculum and
technology. The use of technology makes it much
easier and enjoyable for both student and
teacher. The wedding portfolio is a wonderful
project to end the unit. It incorporates many
interdisciplinary connections for my students.
They really enjoy it and so do I!
15Artifact Curriculum Enhancement
Groups of students will use GPS devices and
written communication skills in order to find
their way from Soileau, LA to Oberlin High
School. This activity will show students the
importance of being able to write well, read
correctly, and follow written instructions. I
created this activity to incorporate the use of a
GPS device into my English curriculum.
16The Evacuation Race
17Marnette Sortino is recognized as a member
of Oberlin High Schools
Technology Leadership Team
In recognition of her diligent efforts and hard
work to become more proficient in technology
skills and integrating technology to improve
student achievement. Presented on Tuesday, April
25, 2006 Ruby Dupuie
Roger Maxey
School Tech Grant Facilitator
School Tech Facilitator