Title: Security 101
1 Security 101
- PEC Conference
- University of Richmond
- October 18, 2005
- Chris Faigle
2What are the issues?
- Privacy
- Is it almost gone???
- E-mails for sale, online lookup of phone numbers,
addresses, maps, tax sales - Cell-phone 911 locators
- Public and Traffic Cameras
- Identity
- Are we losing the ability to be uniquely
identified - Used to simply be Social Security Number
- We do not use SSNs for identification on campus,
except where mandated (i.e. Human Resources,
Student Financial Aid) - Identity theft
3More issues?
- Viruses Trojans
- We are under automated attack
- Worms, viruses and trojans
- It goes on Spam Phishing
- My inbox is attacking me
- My browser is attacking me
4What happened?
- The Internet began to connect all computers
together - Businesses became to rely on computers
- Huge increase in personal data collecting
- Internet-based services became available e-mail
- shopping banking auction gambling chat
etc. - Home computer use in developed countries became
the norm - Computers began to auto-execute many things
- E-mails
- Web controls
- ZIP files
5What else happened?
- Lack of user training
- Software vendors did not make proper future
assumptions about their software - Insecure default installation settings
- There were no built-in systems for authentication
- As communication increased, the knowledge of how
to break software and systems has become
publicized - Bottom line
- It became technically possible and even at times
profitable to produce automated and anonymous
large scale attacks or small scale penetrations
- Identity is what we authenticate
- i.e. The entity or person is who they claim to be
- How do we authenticate this identity
- Person to person
- Birth certificates
- Photo-ID (drivers license / passport)
- Knowledge of some information (SSN, Address
Mothers maiden name) - Person to machine
- User ID / Passwords (something you know)
- Tokens (something you have)
- Biometrics (something you are)
- Once we authenticate a person or entity, we
then authorize what access or rights they have
- Passwords are the easiest form of machine
authentication to implement - What makes a good password?
- Not a standard word
- Hard to guess
- Has a reasonable length (at least 8 characters)
- Uses numbers and symbols
- And both upper and lower case
- Automatic password cracking programs
- John
- l0pthcrack
8Smart Cards and Tokens
- Smart Cards
- Contain an entire computer on a chip on the card
- Contain secret encryption keys (see later) that
prove your identity - Require a reader in order to attach to a
computer - SmartVisa
- American Express Blue card
- Tokens
- Are either really a smart-card
- These normally interface via USB and have a smart
card reader built in - Or are a display with a number or passphrase that
changes every minute - These are normally typed in to a system as an
additional password - Normally these are issued to a person and then
the secret keys are associated with their identity
- Fingerprints
- IBM Laptop option
- Retinal Scans
- Hand / Palm Scans
- Busch Gardens
- New recreation center
- Normally these are hashed to provide a single
number or sequence for matching - Issues
- What happens if this data is compromised?
- Can I be required to give you this data?
- False Accept Rate
- False Reject Rate
- Encryption - Converts clear text to encrypted
text - Decryption - Converts encrypted text back to
clear text - Normally we encrypt some data for someone or
thing (perhaps us) to decrypt later but to keep
secure in the meantime - While stored
- During communication
- Depending on the algorithm the encrypted data may
or may not be the same size - Modern encryption uses the concept of a function
plus a key - The key is simply a long number
- The function is an algorithm that takes in data
and uses the key to encrypt/decrypt it
11Encryption II
- Encryption Function F Uses key
- Decryption Function F Uses key
- Sometimes the encryption functions are the same
- other times not but they will be related
- Sometimes the keys will be the same
- other times not but they will be related
- Encryption
- F( key, clear_text ) encrypted_text
- F( key, encrypted_text ) clear_text
- Length of the key
- Normally described in bits
- Changes the amount of work to brute-force an
algorithm - Keys of length 1024 take 2512 times as long as a
key of length 512
12Symmetric Key Encryption
- Also known as shared key encryption
- Here Key Key
- i.e. The encryption and decryption use the same
key - Simplest example
- Bitwise XOR (Exclusive Or)
- XOR logic table (Noted by )
- 0 0 0
- 0 1 1
- 1 0 1
- 1 1 0
- On-board example
- Real types
- 3DES (Really DES applied three times)
13Public / Private Key Encryption
- Public Private
- In this case there are two keys
- Public Key_public - Given out to anyone
- Private Key_private - Kept very private
- These are related by an algorithm based on a
mathematical formula - Expensive (in machine cycle terms) to calculate
these keys - Expensive to use
- Types
- Elliptical Curve Cryptography
14Public / Private Key Encryption II
- Encryption with Key_public
- Data can only be decrypted with Key_private
- Scenario
- Sender gets the Receivers public key
- Sender encrypts data using the Receivers public
key - Sender sends the encrypted data to the Receiver
- Receiver decrypts it
- Encryption with Key_private
- Anyone with Key_public can decrypt it
- Used for Digital Signatures see next slide
- Public keys can be made available on internal or
external key servers so that they can be obtained
automatically for encryption or digital signature
15Digital Signatures
- Signing
- Using a private key to create a unique number
(digital signature) for a message (or data or
file) - Can be verified using the associated public key
- Proves that the private key must have signed the
message - Infrastructure is required to be able to verify
digital signatures - Issues
- Requirements for revoking
- Private key compromise
- Standards
16Digital Signatures - Scenario
- Signer hashes file/data
- Uses a standard algorithm to convert the file
from its raw data to a single number of a fixed
length - The hash algorithm has some unique properties
- Signer encrypts hash result using their private
key Key_private - Verifier decrypts this using Signers public key
Key_public - Verifier hashes the original file/data and
compares the two results - If same
- Signer must have signed this exact file/data with
the corresponding private key since they are the
only one with this
17How SSL Works
- Web Server has both a private key and a public
key - Your browser requests a secure web-page from the
server - The server sends its public key to your browser
- Your browser generates a random symmetric key
- Your browser encrypts this key using the servers
public key and sends it to the server - The server receives and decrypts this symmetric
key - The server and browser begin to communicate with
the rest of the session encrypted using this key
and symmetric (shared key!) cryptography
18Network Security I
- Firewalls
- Filters our Internet traffic
- Removes people remotely trying to interact with
our Microsoft Systems - Packeteer
- Controls bandwidth to our Internet connection
- Squelches certain protocols down to low bandwidth
- P2P (Peer to Peer)
- Gives the students a minimum bandwidth
- But gives the Faculty/Staff and Lab machines
priority bandwidth - VPN
- Allows an outside user to have an encrypted
tunnel into our network software is available
for download for fac/staff - IDS / IPS
- Coming soon This will prevent higher level web
and other attacks and help our infrastructure be
more resilient
19Network Security II
- Do we monitor the Internet?
- No and not really
- No - we do not record the parameters and
web-traffic contents of web surfing - However - we do have a log of the addresses and
which IP address hit them - Do we block any Internet Protocols?
- We block some standard protocols that are
standard to block - We use the Packeteer to squelch certain protocols
- We also block IRC as it is a security risk for
compromised machines - Malicious processes on compromised machines
join IRC channels and say Hi. Im
141.166.xx.xx and Im compromised. - Others on the channel can then reply with
commands that control the machine often to
download other software
20Network Security III
- Do we simply turn over information to external
agencies ie. RIAA, etc. - No we follow a process
- Must have a valid subpoena
- Will be passed to the Universitys General
Counsel - We absolutely will comply with all laws and
lawful orders and subpoenas - In the future, we may be required to automate
monitoring for law agencies ?
21Wireless Security
- We now have campus-wide wireless coverage
- Richmond SSID
- This is broadcast for registration
- This is our real network
- Requires authentication
- We use EAP TLS with TKIP
- This is one step down from the absolute best
current standard, but that would have required a
hardware upgrade for each laptop - However fear not This is very secure!
22U of R Security Systems
- Firewalls
- Virtual LANs
- Computer Registration
- Anti-Virus
- Packeteer
- Systems Management Server
- Background patch checking
- E-mail handling spam anti-virus
- Authentication and authorization systems
23U of R Security Systems Anti-Virus
- We use Symantec Corporate AntiVirus for PC
Systems and also Macs - All machines connected to the network are
required to have this software - We have a license that covers the faculty and
staff home machines available from the software
download page
24U of R System Types
- Frozen (Deep Freeze)
- Classrooms
- Labs
- Library
- Some additional public use or other machines
- Managed (SMS)
- Faculty
- Staff
- Generic workstations used by single people
- Servers
- Other
- There are a small number of systems that for
technical reasons cannot be treated like the
others - These are determine on a one-off basis
25How can I protect myself at home?
- Keep your machine patched
- This is the single most important item
- Patch your operating system
- Patch your word processing and other packages
- Patch any tools
- Automate this patching process if possible
- Note that this can lead to your machine
installing a software for you - Run a firewall
- Microsoft
- Turn on the XP firewall
- Or Install the free version of Zone alarm
- http//zonealarm.com
- Macintosh
- Turn on the built-in firewall
26How can I protect myself at home? II
- Do not open e-mail that you do not recognize
- You did not win the lottery
- You are not going to get money from Nigeria
- PayPal does not need you to update your account
- Buying Viagra from a Spam message Good luck
there!! - Do not follow links that are sent via e-mail,
Instant Messenger, etc - It is not a new Bin Laden video
- It is not from your friends
- Store your personal data in an encrypted folder
- Download free version of PGP http//www.pgp.com
- Or the Open Source version GnuPG
- Do not shop online at sites that are not
trustworthy - Do not give out any more information than needed
27How can I protect my Kids?
- My Kids are the students here I assume they
are adults and we essentially do not filter
behavior - Real Kids are not
- The Internet will expose them to all of the
knowledge of the world, from the very good to the
very bad - And it is not going to go away or get better
- Education and information!!
- Have an open dialog so they can make the best
choices - Install NetNanny or one of the other filters
- In short Draw a line in the sand and do not
deviate For younger kids - if you feel you need
to monitor chat-rooms, then you simply should - At some point they are capable of making their
decisions - Remember Every weirdo has access to the Internet
28Staying Anonymous on the Internet
- Part of protecting your privacy is done by being
private - Thinking of posting your religious, political,
poorly worded, disgusting, repetitive or
offensive view? Using your real name? - What will a future employee see about you on the
Internet? - Avoid breaking the law court results are
public information - I may meet you on the Internet and you will
never know - BAD NEWS This is only going to get worse
- IDEA Name your baby John Smith or Ann Kelly