Title: Chapter 5: CPU Scheduling
1Chapter 5 CPU Scheduling
- Always want to have CPU working
- Usually many processes in ready queue
- Ready to run on CPU
- Consider a single CPU here
- Need strategies for
- Allocating CPU time
- Selecting next process to run
- Deciding what happens after a process completes a
system call, or completes I/O - Short-term scheduling
- Must not take much CPU time
2CPU Burst I/O Burst Alternation (Fig. 5.1)
What happens when the I/O burst occurs? What is
the process state at that time?
3When does/can scheduling occur?
- When a process switches from running to waiting
state - E.g., when it does an I/O request
- When a process terminates
- When a process switches from running to ready
state - E.g., when a timer interrupt occurs
- When a process switches from waiting state to
ready state - E.g., completion of I/O
Cases 1 2 Non-preemptive scheduling Cases 3
4 Preemptive scheduling (will also include case
1 2)
4Scheduling Performance Criteria
- CPU utilization
- Percentage of time that CPU is busy (and not
idle), over some period of time - Throughput
- Number of jobs completed per unit time
- Turnaround time
- Time interval from submission of a process until
completion of the process - Waiting time
- Sum of the time periods spent in the ready queue
- Response time
- Time from submission until first output/input
- Approximate by time from submission until first
access to CPU
5Scheduling Algorithms
- First-Come, First-Served (FCFS)
- Complete the jobs in order of arrival
- Shortest Job First (SJF)
- Complete the job with shortest next CPU burst
- Priority (PRI)
- Processes have a priority
- Allocate CPU to process with highest priority
- Round-Robin (RR)
- Each process gets a small unit of time on CPU
(time quantum or time slice)
6FCFS First-Come First-Served
- Ready queue data structure a FIFO queue
- Example
- Draw Gantt chart
- Compute the average waiting time for processes
with the following next CPU burst times and ready
queue order - P1 20
- P2 12
- P3 8
- P4 16
- P5 4
- Waiting time Sum of the time periods spent in
the ready queue
7Solution Gantt Chart Method
FCFS First-Come First-Served
- Waiting times
- P1 0
- P2 20
- P3 32
- P4 40
- P5 56
- Average wait time 148/5 29.6
- Disadvantage long waiting times
9SJF Shortest Job First
- The job with the shortest next CPU burst time is
selected - Example (from before)
- CPU job burst times and ready queue order
- P1 20
- P2 12
- P3 8
- P4 16
- P5 4
- Draw Gantt chart and compute the average waiting
time given SJF CPU scheduling
10SJF Solution
- Waiting times (how long did process wait before
being scheduled on the CPU?) - P1 40
- P2 12
- P3 4
- P4 24
- P5 0
- Average wait time 16
(Recall FIFO scheduling had average wait time of
- Provably shortest average wait time
- BUT What do we need to actually implement this?
- Requires future knowledge
- But, may estimate or predict
- How to estimate or predict the future?
- Use history to predict duration of next CPU burst
- E.g., base on duration of last CPU burst and a
number summarizing duration of prior CPU bursts - tn1 a tn (1 - a) tn
- Where
- tn is the actual duration of nth CPU burst value
for the process, - a is a constant indicating how much to base
estimate on last CPU burst, and - tn is the estimate of CPU burst duration for time
13Example Estimate
- Say, a 0.5
- t0 10 (last estimate)
- Current (measured) CPU burst, t 6
- What is estimate of next CPU burst?
- t1 0.5 6 0.5 10 8
14Time Complexity of SJF with estimation method?
- Need to keep ready queue ordered
- Process with the shortest estimated next CPU
burst must be kept at the beginning of the
queue - If queue is already sorted, time is O(n) or
O(lg n) where n is queue length
15Priority Scheduling
- Have to decide on a numbering scheme
- 0 can be highest or lowest
- Priorities can be
- Internal
- Set according to O/S factors (e.g., memory
requirements) - External
- Set as a user policy e.g., User importance
- Static
- Fixed for the duration of the process
- Dynamic
- Changing during processing
- E.g., as a function of amount of CPU usage, or
length of time waiting (a solution to indefinite
blocking or starvation)
16Starvation Problem
- Priority scheduling algorithms suffer from
starvation (or indefinite blocking) - In a heavily loaded system, a steady stream of
higher-priority processes can result in a low
priority process never receiving CPU time - I.e., it can starve for CPU time
- One solution aging
- Gradually increasing the priority of a process
that waits for a long time
17Which Scheduling Algorithms Can be Preemptive?
- FCFS (First-come, First-Served)
- Non-preemptive
- SJF (Shortest Job First)
- Can be either
- Choice when a new job arrives
- Can preempt or not
- Priority
- Can be either
- Choice when a processes priority changes or when
a higher priority process arrives
18RR (Round Robin) Scheduling
- Method
- Give each process a unit of time (time slice,
quantum) of execution on CPU - Then move to next process in ready queue
- Continue until all processes completed
- Necessarily preemptive
- Requires use of timer interrupt
- Example
- CPU job burst times order in queue
- P1 20
- P2 12
- P3 8
- P4 16
- P5 4
- Draw Gantt chart, and compute average wait time
- Time quantum of 4
- Assume 0 context switch time
- Waiting times
- P1 60 - 20 40
- P2 44 - 12 32
- P3 32 - 8 24
- P4 56 - 16 40
- P5 20 - 4 16
- Average wait time 30.4
20Other Performance Criteria
- Response time
- Estimate by time from job submission to time to
first CPU dispatch - Assume all jobs submitted at same time, in order
given - Turnaround time
- Time interval from submission of a process until
completion of the process - Assume all jobs submitted at same time
21Response Time Calculations
22Turnaround Time Calculations
23Performance Characteristics of Scheduling
- Different algorithms will have different
performance characteristics - RR (Round Robin)
- Average waiting time often high
- Good average response time
- Important for interactive or timesharing systems
- Best average waiting time
- Some overhead w.r.t. estimates of CPU burst
length ordering ready queue
24Context Switching Issues
- This analysis has not taken context switch
duration into account - In general, the context switch will take time
- Just like the CPU burst of a process takes time
- Response time, wait time etc. will be affected by
context switch time - RR (Round Robin) quantum duration
- To lower response times, want smaller time
quantum - But, smaller time quantum increases system
overhead - To increase throughput, want a large quantum
(compared to context switch time)
- Calculate average wait time for RR (round robin)
scheduling, for - Processes
- P1 24
- P2 4
- P3 4
- Assume above order in ready queue P1 at head of
ready queue - Quantum 4 context switch time 1
26Solution Average Wait Time With Context Switch
- P1 0 11 4 15
- P2 5
- P310
- Average 10
(This is also a reason to dynamically vary the
time quantum. E.g., Mach O/S.)
27Multi-level Ready Queues
- Multiple ready queues
- For different types of processes (e.g., system,
user) - For different priority processes (e.g., Mach)
- Each queue can
- Have a different scheduling algorithm
- Receive a different amount of CPU time
- Have movement of processes to another queue
(feedback) - e.g., if a process uses too much CPU time, put in
a lower priority queue - If a process is getting too little CPU time, put
it in a higher priority queue
28Figure 5.6 Multilevel Queue Scheduling
29Multi-level Feedback Queues (Fig. 5.7)
30Multiprocessor Scheduling
- Load sharing
- Scheduling problem becomes more complex
- Types of ready queues
- Local dispatch to a specific processor
- Global dispatch to any processor (load
sharing) - Processor/process relationship
- Run on only a specific processor (e.g., if it
must use a device on that processors private
bus) - Run on any processor
- Symmetric Each processor does own scheduling
- Master/slave
- Master processor dispatches processes to slaves
31Symmetric Multiprocessing Synchronization Issues
- Involves synchronization of access to global
ready queue - E.g., only one processor must execute a job at
one time - Processors CPU1, CPU2, CPU3,
- When a processor (e.g., CPU1) accesses the ready
queue - If they attempt access to the ready queue, all
other processors (CPU2, CPU3, ) must wait
denied access - Accessing processor (e.g., CPU1) removes a
process from ready queue, and dispatchs process
on itself - Just before dispatch, that processor makes ready
queue again available for use by the other CPUs
(CPU2, CPU3, )
32Pre-emptive Scheduling Data Structures
- With pre-emptive CPU scheduling, a new process
can run when an interrupt occurs - Consider the following situation
- a) Process A in middle of updating data
structures (in files or RAM), and due to an
interrupt, is put into ready queue - b) CPU schedules process B to run
- c) Process B accesses data structures that were
being modified by Process A - Problem Data structure update was not completed
by Process A data structures are in an
inconsistent state - Need mechanisms to support cooperative data
access - When one thread is updating data structures, we
need to ensure that it completes the updates
before other threads access the data structure - These mechanisms need to work even with
pre-emptive scheduling!
33Preemptive vs. Non-Preemptive Kernels (Chapter 6
p. 238-229 p. 256-257)
- Kernels can be preemptive or non-preemptive
- E.g., when a process is running a system call, a
hardware timer may or may not be able to change
the running process - Prior to the Linux 2.6 kernel, Linux was
non-preemptive - Linux 2.6 (stable kernel version is as
of 3/6/09 http//www.kernel.org) is preemptive,
but uses spinlocks (SMP), and on uni-processors
will disable kernel premption in some cases