Title: N'D' Kalinina, A'M' Sobolev, S'V'Salii Ural State University
1N.D. Kalinina, A.M. Sobolev, S.V.SaliiUral
State University
- "Spectral Survey of NGC 6334 in the range 80.5
242.0 GHz"
- 1. Reduction of spectral observations of
molecular cores NGC 6334 I and NGC 6334 I(N) - 2. Identification of spectral lines
- 3. Compilation of a catalogue of observed
spectral lines - 4. Preliminary estimation of physical parameters
in these objects
3(No Transcript)
4Peak position of the radio and FIR sources of
Table 1 plotted over images of the SIMBA
continuum at 250 GHz Diego J. Munoz et al. (2007)
5Peak position of the radio and FIR sources of
Table 1 plotted over images of the ATCA continuum
at 1.6 GHz
6Gray scale and black contours 1.3 mm continuum
image of NGC 6334I(-3, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48,
64, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180) x 7.5 mJy/beam
- , x - water masers
- ? - Class II CH3OH
- masers
- - IRS-I 1 and IRS-I 2
- - NH3 peaks
- 6-pointed stars - mid IR sources
- Red cont. - VLA 3.6 cm emission (-5, 5, 15, 30,
60, 90, 120, 150) mJy beam -1
Hunter et al. (2006)
71.3 mm continuum image of NGC 6334I(N)(-3, 3, 6,
9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70,
85, 100, 115) x 6.5 mJa/beam
- - 44 GHz Class I CH3OH masers
- X - 6.7 GHz Class II CH3OH maser
- X - faint 3.6 cm source
- ? - 25 GHz Class I CH3OH masers
- 6-pointed stars - infrared H2 knots
- - NH3 peak
8Star formation complex NGC 6334 I NGC 6334 I(N)
- NGC 6334 I
- Cometary ultra-compact H II region at the centre
- Hot core lt 10 in size
- Central star cluster in NIR
- OH, NH3(3,3), H2O masers and class II CH3OH
masers - NGC 6334 I(N)
- Molecular outflow
- H2O and CH3OH masers
- Protostar or Cluster of protostars
9NGC 6334
10Spectral survey in selected frequency ranges
- NGC 6334 I
NGC 6334 I(N) - 80.50 81.49 GHz
- 88.45 89.44
- 94.05 95.04
- 96.25 97.24
- 109.50 110.50
- 147.13 148.14
- 156.33 157.33
- 164.56 165.57
- 219.30 220.30
- 238.64 239.64
- 240.96 241.97
- Telescope SEST 15 m
- Receivers
- SESIS 100, SESIS 150, IRAM 115,
- IRAM 230
- LRS1 ( 1008.5 MHz )
- LRS2 ( 999.4 MHz )
12Observational parameters
- Cent.freq.(GHz) Sp.Resolution (km s-1) Tsys
(K) Int.Time (min) -
I I(N)
I I(N) - 80.99323 5.14
374.9 8 - 88.94009 4.72
188.6 192.5 16 4 - 94.54178 4.40
235.6 8 - 96.74458 4.30
212.1 212.1 4 4 - 110.00000 4.30
214.4 206.9 2 4 - 147.63000 2.84
178.8 8 - 156.82851 2.68
543.8 537.9 8 8 - 165.06116 2.54
262.0 259.4 16 4 - 219.79828 1.90
235.4 8 - 239.13792 1.76
295.8 8 - 241.46425 1.74
295.8 305.0 8 4
13AOS non-linearity
- Ranges with central frequencies
- 94.54178 GHz
- 147.63000
- 156.82851
- 165.06116
- 239.13792
- 241.46425
- Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy, CDMS
- (Müller et al., J. Mol. Struct. 742, 215, 2005)
- JPL catalog
- (Pickett et al., J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad.
Transfer 60, 883, 1998) - NIST Recommended Rest Frequencies for Observed
Interstellar - Molecular Microvawe Transitions
- (Fr. Lovas)
- in total 310 spectral details at the level of 3
sigma - NGC 6334I
NGC 6334I(N) - Identified
- 192
50 - Unidentified
- U (from Lovas list) 2
- New 44
16Molecules detected
- 2 3 4 5
6 7 8
- SO2
17The most intense lines
- C-13-O
- CO-18
- CS-34
- SO
18Spectra of region with central frequency
165061.16 MHz
19Example of Molecular lines catalogue of NGC 6334I
- Line Transition
FO Area V W
Ta Ta/sig
Notes -
(GHz) (Kkms-1)
(kms-1) (kms-1) (K) - CH3OCH3 5_2_3_3-5_1_4_3 80,53624
0,34 -7,83 4,37 0,07 4,24
Talt5sig b - CH3OCH3 5_2_3_2-5_1_4_2
b -
- New U 80,80078
0,28 4,38 0,06 3,49 Talt5sig - or
- H2CCO 4_3_2-3_3_1
80,80205 0,28 -5,10 4,37 0,06
3,49 Talt5sig - H2CCO 4_3_1-3_3_0 80,80205
- CH3OH, vt0,1 7_2_2-8_1_2 80,99323 1,50
-7,55 8,29 0,17 10,00 -
- CH3OH, vt0,1 15_3-14_4 A 88,59496 1,39
-4,96 6,93 0,19 27,00 -
- HCN 1_1-0_1 88,63041
- HCN 1_2-0_1
88,63184 108,00 -6,40 16,07
6,34 905,71 lr - HCN 1_0-0_1
20Rotational diagrams in NGC 6334I
Eu / k
21Rotational temperatures and column densities in
NGC 6334 I
- T (K)
Nm (cm-2) - CH3OCH3 122
2.3 1015 - HCOOCH3 139
2.4 1015 - CH3CN v80,1 232
1.9 1013 - CH3CCH 53
1.1 1014 - CH3OH vt0,1 44
1.6 1015 - C2H5CN 134
3.9 1013
22CH3OH rotational temperature diagrams NGC 6334
I NGC 6334 I(N)
Eu / k
Eu / k
23CH3OH (96 241 GHz) rotational temperature
diagrams NGC 6334I NGC 6334I(N)
24CH3OHSp reg (GHz) Trot
(K) lg(Column density)
- I I(N)
I I(N) - 96 23 11
15.1 15.4 - 157 44 39
15.0 14.8 - 165 26 23
15.1 14.5 - 241 67 18
15.3 15.3 - 96241 36 16 15.3
25 Preliminary model parameters from
CH3OH NLTE modeling (series at 96 GHz and 241
I I(N)
Temperature (K)
50 20 Specific column
density (cm-3s) 1014.5
1014.8 H2 density (cm-3)
106.5 105.5
CH3OH fractional abundance
10-8 10 -8
26Results of estimation of physical parameters in
NGC 6334(I) and NGC 6334I(N)
- Rotational
parameters Model parameters - Temperature (K) I 44 -
232 - I(N)
- I
23 - 67 50
- I(N)
11 - 39 20 - Column I 2.11013 -
2.31015 - densities (cm-2) I(N)
- I
1015.0 - 1015.3
1014.5 - I(N)
1014.5 - 1015.4
1014.8 - - using HCOOCH3, CH3OH, CH3CN, CH3OCH3, CH3CCH,
C2H5CN - without - using CH3OH
- 1. Reduction and identification of spectral
features were carried out. - 2. The catalogues containing identified and
unidentified molecular species for both cores
were compiled. - 3. Estimation of physical parameters of
molecular cores was made using - standard method of rotational diagrams using
lines of several complex molecules in NGC 6334 I
- standard method of rotational diagrams using
CH3OH lines for both cores - NLTE modeling of CH3OH emission for both cores.
- 4. Estimation of physical conditions in both
molecular cores confirm the idea that they
correspond to different stages of early evolution
of young stellar objects.
- The authors are very grateful to P.Harjunpaa for
help in conducting some observations - and
- I.I.Zinchenko who kindly presented us
observations in the spectral range with the
central frequency of 219798.282 GHz. - All of you for attention!