The Wisdom Books - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Wisdom Books


Wisdom material is scattered through OT but concentrated in Proverbs, Job, ... terms: happiness, health, prosperity, longevity, good family/friends, respect in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Wisdom Books

The Wisdom Books
  • Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes

The Character of OT Wisdom
  • Wisdom material is scattered through OT but
    concentrated in Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes
    (Apocrypha Sirach, Wisdom of Solomon).
  • Hokma ( wisdom) generally means skill,
    ability, craftsmanship, cunning in wisdom
    literature it means skilled at living
    practical knowledge based on experience ability
    to live a successful life (as defined by wisdom
  • Wisdom literature is distinctive in making no
    reference to covenant traditions, Gods saving
    deeds in Israels history, or the law revealed at
    Mt. Sinai.
  • Basis of wisdom is not special revelation but
  • God created world instilled a certain order in
    how world operates.
  • Wisdom is based on observation and experience of
    how the world is ordered, close observation of
    actions and their consequences What works, what
    doesnt? What leads to a successful life, what
    leads to ruin?

The Character of OT Wisdom
  • International character of wisdom literature
    very similar material is found in Egypt and
  • Egyptian Instruction of Amenemope is very similar
    to Prov. 2217-2422.
  • Mesopotamia close parallels to Job and
  • Social setting of wisdom
  • Family and village collective wisdom of the
    culture passed down from parents to children.
  • Formal education schools that trained the elite
    in literacy teachers would have collected,
    preserved, created wisdom material for use as
    teaching handbooks.
  • Royal court professional wisdom teachers
    employed to train royal sons and government
    officials clearly seen in Egypt Solomon may
    have brought this practice to Israel.

The Character of OT Wisdom
  • Solomon and wisdom
  • Traditions of Solomons own fame for wisdom
  • 1 Kings 31-15 Dream at Gibeon asks for wisdom
    to rule well.
  • 1 Kings 316-28 Judgment between 2 harlots
    illustrates wisdom.
  • 1 Kings 429-34 Skill at composing proverbs
    (3000) and songs (1005).
  • 1 Kings 101-13 Queen of Sheba visits to test
    him with riddles.
  • Traditionally regarded as author of Proverbs,
    Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs.
  • Probably employed wisdom teachers (perhaps
    imported from Egypt).
  • Types of wisdom thought
  • Practical / conventional / traditional wisdom
  • Practical advice for the art of successful living
    wisdom leads to a good life folly leads to
  • Best exemplified in Proverbs.
  • Speculative / skeptical / critical wisdom
  • More scholarly, questioning enterprise probes
    and tests the limits of wisdom challenges
    assumptions of traditional wisdom.
  • Exemplified in Job and Ecclesiastes.

The Book of Proverbs
  • Complex collection of traditional wisdom
  • Evidence of 8 earlier collections (see 11 101
    2217 2423 251 301 311 3110).
  • Some attributed to Solomon others to the wise,
    Agur, and Lemuel.
  • Basic unit of book is the mashal proverb,
    saying (pl. meshalim is Hebrew title of book).
  • Distilled wisdom of generations of
    observation/experience of life, boiled down and
    couched in form of terse, witty, pithy saying.
  • Often strung together by catchword sometimes
    more extended composition (Prov. 1-9).
  • Theme practical advice for the art of successful
  • Way of wisdom/righteousness leads to success/the
    good life.
  • Way of folly/wickedness leads to
  • Success is defined in this-worldly terms
    happiness, health, prosperity, longevity, good
    family/friends, respect in community, to be well

The Book of Proverbs
  • Wisdoms advice on the way to success hard work,
    discipline, study, piety, good manners, careful
    use of language, sexual propriety, etc.
  • Prov. 220-22 way of the upright vs. way of the
  • Prov. 31-2 wisdoms reward length of days and
    abundant welfare.
  • Prov. 66-11 lesson of the diligence of the ant
    vs. laziness of the slacker.
  • Prov. 104, 26 slack hand vs. diligence
    laziness irritates ones employer.
  • Prov. 1112-13 belittling another vs. silence
    gossiping vs. keeping confidence.
  • Prov. 51-23 sexual fidelity, avoiding adultery
    (the strange woman).
  • Prov. 1623 187, 21 mastering the tongue.
  • Prov. 2329-35 avoiding drunkenness.
  • Prov. 17 910 1533 fear of the Lord is the
    beginning of wisdom.
  • Personification of Wisdom
  • Prov. 9 Lady Wisdom is depicted as a beautiful,
    alluring woman, inviting the simple ones to come
    eat her bread and drink her wine contrasted with
    Dame Folly, depicted as strange/foolish woman,
    seducing them to taste her forbidden fruit (cf.
    Prov. 7).
  • Prov. 822-36 Personified Wisdom speaks she is
    the first of Gods creation and the master
    craftsman by which God made heaven and earth
    becomes background for Logos concept in John

Book of Job
  • Story of the protests of a suffering righteous
    man challenges traditional wisdom assumptions
    that suffering results from wickedness.
  • Authorship and date of writing
  • Gives impression of great antiquity (most folk
    literature does), but also shows points of
    contact in language and theme with post-exilic
  • No way to identify author no reference within
    the book.
  • Structure of book shows signs of having been
    edited composition by stages.
  • Prologue (Job 1-2) and epilogue (427-17) are
    prose central section is poetic.
  • Prose patient Job poetic impatient/demanding
  • Prose traditional wisdom poetic
    speculative/questioning wisdom.
  • Postexilic author/editor may have taken ancient
    folk story and inserted dialogue material into it.

Book of Job
  • Structure and content of the book
  • Prose prologue 1-2
  • Jobs lament 3

Book of Job
  • Structure and content of the book
  • Prose prologue 1-2
  • Jobs lament 3
  • Conversation with 3 friends 4-31(3 cycles, the
    last incomplete)
  • Friends espouse traditional wisdom Job suffers
    because he sinned.
  • Job protests his innocence demands audience
    with God so he can plead his case.
  • Elihu speeches 32-37(breaks pattern, probably

Book of Job
  • Structure and content of the book
  • Prose prologue 1-2
  • Jobs lament 3
  • Conversation with 3 friends 4-31(3 cycles, the
    last incomplete)
  • Elihu speeches 32-37(breaks pattern, probably
  • Dialogue with God 381-426
  • God parades mystery of creation before Job takes
    humans out of center there is no simple cause
    and effect humans can understand.
  • Job repents and acknowledges his finitude.
  • Prose epilogue 427-14
  • God declares the friends wrong and Job right.
  • Restores Jobs fortunes twofold.

Book of Job
  • 4. What is the message of Job?
  • Does anyone serve God for nothing?
  • Does God rule justly?
  • Is there such a thing as innocent suffering?
  • Why is there suffering? (theodicy study of the
    problem of evil)
  • Traditional wisdom because you made bad choices.
  • Deuteronomist because you sinned.
  • Job challenges these traditional theories but
    offers no alternative.
  • For some inscrutable divine purpose.
  • For no discernable reason whatsoever.
  • How do I react to suffering?
  • Prologue patient Job of calm acceptance.
  • Poetry impatient, angry, demanding Job.

EcclesiastesAll is vanity and chasing after the
  • A wisdom teachers quest for the meaning of life
  • Finds little of lasting worth (all is vanity).
  • Like Job, this is speculative/skeptical/critical
    wisdom challenges simplistic assumptions of
    conventional wisdom.
  • Title of the book
  • Hebrew Koheleth lit., one who gathers /
    assembles (information or students), i. e. a
  • Septuagint Ecclesiastes one who gathers /
  • Luther Der Prediger the Preacher (followed
    by KJV).
  • Author
  • Traditionally attributed to Solomon (11, 12
  • Calls himself Koheleth, the Teacher (11, 2,
    12 29 727 128, 9, 10) anonymous wisdom
    teacher who assumes role of Solomon to conduct
    royal experiment.
  • Date of writing late Persian or early
    Hellenistic period (350-250 BCE).

EcclesiastesAll is vanity and chasing after the
  • Thesis Vanity of vanities, all is vanity (12
  • Vanity hebel lit., vapor, breath, puff
    of air.
  • Becomes metaphor meaning fleeting, temporary,
    ephemeral, transient.
  • Or, futile, absurd, meaningless.
  • Vanity of vanities is superlative the most
    vain thing of all everything is utter vanity.
  • Preface states thesis (12-11)
  • What do people gain from all their toil?
    Koheleth is searching for meaning of life,
    something of permanent value.
  • Finds nothing Life is in perpetual motion, yet
    there is nothing to show for it, no profit, no
    net gain.
  • Rest of book demonstrates this conclusion.

EcclesiastesAll is vanity and chasing after the
  • A royal experiment (112-226).
  • Posing as Solomon, Koheleth claims to have
    tried everything and found nothing that satisfies
  • The testing of pleasure, work, wealth, and fame
  • The testing of wisdom (212-17). Same fate
    befalls wise and foolish.
  • Conclusion despair there is no gain from all
    ones efforts (218-23).
  • Consolation The best one can do is simply to
    eat, drink, and find enjoyment in their toil
    enjoy life and toil as God gives it (224-26 cf.
    313 518 815 97)

EcclesiastesAll is vanity and chasing after the
  • Five main themes in Ecclesiastes
  • Death cancels everything.
  • Wisdom cannot achieve its goal.
  • God is remote.
  • The world is crooked.
  • Pleasure commends itself.

EcclesiastesAll is vanity and chasing after the
  • Epilogue (129-14)
  • Perhaps added by a pupil of the Teacher.
  • Pays tribute to Koheleths wisdom his words are
    like goads sharp, hard to take, but ultimately
  • V. 13-14 tend to soften Koheleths skepticism and
    make book more acceptable.
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