Title: Navy%20Perspectives%20on%20Wireless%20Communications%20and%20Networking
1Navy Perspectives on Wireless Communications and
Presented atNSF/ONR/ARO/ARL-CTA WorkshopFuture
Challenges of Signal Processing and
Communications in Wireless Networks
Cornell University 6 September 2002
Dennis N. McGregor Program Manager Communications
Networking ONR 313 mcgregd_at_onr.navy.mil 703-696-
2ONR Thrust Seamless, Robust Connectivity
- Multi-band / Multi-beam / Multi-function Wireless
Signaling and Antennas - Efficient modulation, coding, and antenna designs
for high capacity communication links - Adaptive Wireless Networking to support all users
in a dynamic NCW radio relay grid - Provide reconfigurable and robust networking
within the grid between mobile, dispersed forces
ashore and at sea - Reliable and adaptive Quality of Service (QoS)
and Bandwidth Management of user traffic - End-to-end performance to the user (latency,
bit error rate, precedence, etc.)
3Seamless, Robust Connectivity
- Provide assured, user-transparent, rapidly
adapted and reconfigurable communications
connectivity between/among - Globally dispersed sanctuary locations
- Ships, aircraft and submarines
- Positions in theater down to the lowest echelon
4High Capacity Communication Links
- Efficient Modulation and Coding Designs (more
bps/Hz) - Iterative decoding, Space-Time coding and MIMO
channels - Interference mitigation
- AWGN and LOS channels (jamming, interference,
fading,) - Low Probability of Interception/Detection links
- Low data rate voice
- Multi-band / Multi-beam / Multi-function Wireless
Signaling and Antennas - Ship SATCOM links
- Ship to aircraft links
- Integrate communications, surveillance and
electronic warfare functions into a combined
architectural concept - Resource management
- Broadband (frequency) capability
5Adaptive Wireless Networking
- Adaptive Wireless Networking to support all users
in a dynamic NCW radio relay grid - Mobile ad-hoc networking approaches (IETF MANET
WG) - Efficient channel access approaches
- Energy efficient wireless networking concepts
- Provide reconfigurable and robust networking
within the grid between mobile, dispersed forces
ashore and at sea - UAV communications package (short/long ranges
high/low alt.) - UAV tactical phased array networking
- Joint/Coalition networking
- Joint Tactical Radio - Wideband Networked
Waveform - Next Generation IP Internetworking
- Migration from IPv4 to IPv6 over wireless
6Quality of Service (QoS) and Bandwidth Management
- Reliable and adaptive QoS for all user traffic
over heterogeneous networks - End-to-end performance to the user (variable
data rate, latency, bit error rate, precedence,
etc.) - Multi-layer QoS interactions and design
- Bandwidth and Resource Management
- Shipboard wireless communication links/networks
in multiple frequency bands - Management of shipboard communications,
surveillance and EW resources - Bandwidth management across multiple networks
(BGP4 protocol extensions, border gateways,
bandwidth broker concepts)
7Summary - Focus Areas for Research
- Bandwidth Efficiency and Management
- Multi-beam, Multi-functional Antennas
- Adaptive, Self-healing, and Energy-Efficient
Networking - Sensor nets
- Mobile communications nets (terrestrial and
airborne UAV) - QoS across Navy, Marine Corps, Joint Forces and
Coalition Forces