Title: Solitaire Townsend
1Solitaire Townsend
2Green it like you mean it!
3First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you then you win Mahatma
4Carbon dioxide levels over the last 60,000 years
Source University of Berne and National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration
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6Methane clathrates Inter-generational
Equity Climate Change Levy Direct
Action Carbon Tax Vostok Ice Cores Carbon
Disclosure Project Eco-efficiency Emissions
Trading Global Warming Precautionary
Principle Key Performance Indicator Kyoto
Protocol Mitigation and Adaptation
Albedo Effect Triple Bottom
Line Factor 4 Hydrogen Fuel Cell
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8How concerned are you about the impact of Climate
Change in the UK?
9Are you concerned about climate change?
May 2007 World Environment Review GMI
10- Going beyond the usual suspects
11- Blowing Away Myths
- Dont rely on concern about childrens future or
human survival instincts
12- Blowing Away Myths
- Dont create fear without agency
13- Blowing Away Myths
- There is no rational man
14- The right message
- Balance language
15(No Transcript)
16- Reaching people
- Remind remind remind
17- The right message
- were more worried by loss than gain
18- The right message
- Feedback is crucial
19 The pleasure principle
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21Thank you
- Solitaire Townsend
- www.futerra.co.uk