Title: Content Management without a CMS
1Content Management without a CMS Mark Kerr
2Content Management
Wheres the need?
Content Management is about getting the right
content to the right place on the Web site at the
right time - but in the most economical and
reliable way possible.
3Content Management
Content Management makes collaboration easier,
enforces design standards and enhance
user-interface consistency and reduce confusion
and training costs. (Alertbox Nov 25, 2001)
4Content Management
Without any CM
Webmaster bottleneck good for consistency of
output, but bad for speed
5Content Management
Partial solution
Adoption of tools and some automated
workflow speed volume increases, but training
consistency implications
6Content Management
CM solution
Syndication globalisation of input combined
with CM toolkit or a CMS Multiple authors,
consistent output fit and ready for multiple
7Content Management
The Toolbox
- Rules and regulations
- The eToolkit
8Content Management
Cascading Style Sheets
- Styles set/modified for whole site
- Defaults to standard settings
- Simpler HTML but greater consistency
- Separates content from appearance
- Also separates content from presentation
- Overcomes limitations of HTML
- few tags, limited features, multiple versions
- XML is a metalanguage
- Enables creation of your own tags
9Content Management
Setting Rules
- Stylesheets and specifications
- File naming protocols
- Document lifecycle settings
- METADATA requirements
- origin, expiry, ownership
- Delegated ownership
- Graphics libraries, colour charts
10Content Management The Toolkit
11Content Management The Toolkit
Collaborative Content
- Minutes to set up
- Seconds to update
- 12 to lose banner
- Instant collaborative output
- Instant topicality
- Trusted sources
- Consistent output
12Content Management The Toolkit
Interactive communities
- Group contributions
- The power of the archive
- Self managing system
Search Tools
- Translation, conversion
- Site sub-site search
- Multi-format indexing
- Keyword monitoring
13Content Management The Toolkit
Validation Link Check
- Validation for browsers
- Asset listing
- Instant sitemap
- Ensuring compliance
- Legal and ethical obligations
- Accessibility /// usability
14Content Management The Toolkit
Usability Design
- Error avoidance
- Customer satisfaction
- Peer group approval
Scripts for Everything
- Off-site hosting
- Minimal editing
- Added value to site
- Future integration to site
15Content Management
And finally . . . These may be a limited
substitute for a full CMS, but whilst youre
waiting for contracts, people, budgets and
infrastructure, the content can at least look
16Content Management
Mark Kerr kerrmw_at_sbu.ac.uk London
Aspect http//www.sbu.ac.uk/it-training eToolkits