Title: Understanding Local Government Revenues
1Understanding Local Government Revenues
Tim Kelsey
2Two Main Questions
- Where do local governments get their money?
- Where do local governments spend their money?
3Where Do Local Governments Get Their Money?
- Local taxes
- Intergovernmental grants
- Fees for services
Many options are limited by law
4Available Taxes, by Jurisdiction
Can levy one or the other, but not both
5Sources of County Revenues in PA, 1999
6Sources of Municipal Revenues in PA, 1999
7Where Do Local Governments Spend Their Money?
- Mandatory programs
- those _at_! unfunded mandates!!!
- Discretionary programs
8County Spending in PA, 1999
9Municipal Spending in PA, 1999
10Where Does YOUR Local Government Get and Spend
Its Money?
Hands-on Exercise
11Where They Get their Money
12Where They Spend their Money
13Discussion Questions
- What surprised you about your findings?
- Where does most of the money come from? Why?
- Where does most of the money go? Why?
- So what does this mean about local government and
leadership? What control do local leaders have?
14Where They Get their Money
15Where They Spend their Money