Title: [an%20error%20occurred%20while%20processing%20this%20directive]
1 an error occurred while processing this
directive lth1gtUnsupervised segmentation of words
into morphemes -- Challenge 2005lt/h1gt
lt!-- ltfont colorredgtPages under
constructionlt/fontgt --gt ltpgtltsmallgtPart of the lta
U Network of Excellence PASCAL Challenge Programlt/
agt. Participation is open to all.lt/smallgtlt/pgt ltpgt
The objective of the Challenge is to design a
statistical machine learning algorithm that segmen
ts words into the smallest meaning-bearing units o
f language, morphemes. Ideally, these are basic
vocabulary units suitable for different tasks,
such as text understanding, machine translation, i
nformation retrieval, and statistical language mod
eling. ltpgtThe scientific goals are ltulgt ltligtT
o learn of the phenomena underlying word
construction in natural languages ltligtTo disc
over approaches suitable for a wide range of
languages ltligtTo advance machine learning method
ology lt/ulgt ltpgtThe results will be presented in
a lta href"workshop.shtml"gtworkshoplt/agt arranged
in connection with other PASCAL challenges on mach
ine learning. ltpgtPlease read the lta href"rules.
shtml"gtruleslt/agt and see the lta
href"schedule.shtml"gtschedulelt/agt. The lta
href"datasets.shtml"gtdatasetslt/agt are available
for download. Instructions on how to lta href"rule
s.shtmlsubmission"gtsubmit your camera-ready
documentslt/agt are given on the lta href"workshop.s
html"gtWorkshoplt/agt page. ltpgtWe are looking forwa
rd to an interesting competition!lt/pgt
ltpgtltblockquotegt ltigtMikko Kurimo, Mathias Creutz
and Krista Laguslt/igtltbrgt Neural Networks Research
Centre, Helsinki University of Technologyltbrgt
The organizers lt/blockquotegtlt/pgt lta name"pc"gtlth
2gtProgram comitteelt/h2gtlt/agt ltpgtltblockquotegt Lev
ent Arslan, Bo287azi231i University
ltbrgtSamy Bengio, IDIAP ltbrgtTolga Cilogu, Middl
e-East Technical University ltbrgtJohn Goldsmith,
University of Chicago ltbrgtKadri Hacioglu, Color
ado University ltbrgtChun Yu Kit, City University
of Hong Kong ltbrgtDietrich Klakow, Saarland Univ
ersity ltbrgtJan Nouza,Technical University of Li
berec ltbrgtErkki Oja, Helsinki University of Tech
nology ltbrgtRichard Wicentowski, Swarthmore Colle
ge ltbrgtMurat Saraclar, Bo287azi231i Univer
sity lt/blockquotegtlt/pgt lth2gtReferenceslt/h2gt ltblo
ckquotegt Mathias Creutz and Krista Lagus (2005).
ltbgtUnsupervised Morpheme Segmentation and
Morphology Induction from Text Corpora Using Mor
fessor 1.0.lt/bgt Publications in Computer and
Information Science, Report A81, Helsinki
University of Technology, March. ltbrgtlta href"
f"gtnbspArticle (PDF)nbsplt/agt
ltpgt Teemu Hirsimaumlki, Mathias Creutz, Vesa
Siivola, Mikko Kurimo, Janne Pylkkoumlnen, and
Sami Virpioja (2005). ltbgtUnlimited vocabulary
speech recognition with morph language models
applied to Finnish.lt/bgt Preprint accepted for pu
blication in lta href"http//www.elsevier.com/wps/
ndescription"gtComputer Speech and Languagelt/agt.
ltbrgtlta href"hirsimaki05csl.pdf"gtnbspArticle
(PDF)nbsplt/agt lt/blockquotegt lt!-- ltpgt The Chal
lenge Poster PDF, textlt/pgt --gt
ltpgtltsmallgtlta href"index.html"gtHOMElt/agt lta
href"rules.shtml"gtRULESlt/agt lta href"schedule.s
html"gtSCHEDULElt/agt lta href"datasets.shtml"gtDATA
SETSlt/agt lta href"evaluation.shtml"gtEVALUATIONlt/
agt lta href"workshop.shtml"gtWORKSHOPlt/agt lta hr
ef"results.shtml"gtRESULTSlt/agt lta href"faq.shtm
l"gtFAQlt/agt lta href"contact.shtml"gtCONTACTlt/agtlt/
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aintenance"gt ltpgtPage maintained by (none),
last updated (none)lt/pgt lt/divgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt