Title: SEBASS Airborne Platforms
1SEBASS Airborne Platforms
Twin Otter
SHARP Photo Not Available
- SEBASS developed as IRD SHARP
- 3.0 µm - 13.6 µm spectral coverage 3.0 - 13.6
µm spectral coverage - 2,000 - 12,500 ft altitude 20,000 - 65,000 ft
altitude - 2 - 12.5 ft GSD (1 mrad IFOV) 2 - 6.5 ft GSD
(100 µrad IFOV) - Direct downlooking Down and oblique views
- Pushbroom nadir scan Backscanned whiskbroom
- NESR 0.4 - 0.7 µflicks NESR 0.1 - 1
µflicks - (depends on aircraft speed) (depends on
mirror scan rates)
- Capabilities
- MWIR/LWIR Hyperspectral Imager
- Airborne day/night capability
- Gas identification
- Solid material identification
- Precision thermometry T 0.01C
- Extrapolated to space system design
- Utilization
- Surveillance / Remote Sensing
- Gas effluent detection
- Geological / mineral mapping
- Battlespace characterization
3SEBASS Systems
AHI Twin Otter - Low Altitude
Analysis Center
Ground Based Mobile
- High fidelity measurement instrument
- Calibrated, low noise, well characterized
- Addresses signature phenomenology
- Background false alarm statistics
- Atmospheric path effects (mean and variance)
- Broad in situ signature database development
- Sensor and algorithm performance limits
Spatially Enhanced Broadband Array Spectrograph
System (SEBASS) High Altitude Research Project
- Supports many operational scenarios
5A SEBASS Literature Reference
Hackwell, J. A., Warren, D. W., Bongiovi, R. P.,
Hansel, S. J., Hayhurst, T. L., Mabry, D. J.,
Sivjee, M. G., and Skinner, J. W. (1996).
LWIR/MWIR Imaging Hyperspectral Sensor for
Airborne and Ground-Based Remote Sensing. Imaging
Spectrometry II, Proceedings of the International
Soc. for Optical Eng., Vol. 2819102-107.