Title: Advancing Renewables in the Midwest
1Advancing Renewables in the Midwest
- A.L. Goldberg
- Energy and Waste Management Bureau
- Iowa Department of Natural Resources
- March 28, 2007
2Presentation Summary
- State Energy Office Programs
- Area DNR Renewable Energy Projects
- Community-Based Anaerobic Digestion
- GIS AD Asset Mapping Tool Demonstration
3DNR State Energy Office
- U.S. DOE designated energy office for Iowa
- Non-regulatory
- Support EE/RE implementation in public facilities
- Provide EE/RE outreach and education to Iowa
Communities - IEO Mission Statement
- The mission of the Iowa Energy Office is to
increase the use of energy efficiency and
renewable energy technologies while ensuring the
reliability of the states power.
4Iowa Energy Bank
- Energy management program for school districts,
local governments, hospitals, non-profit
organizations, and private colleges -
- Uses state resources and private sector money to
help facilities achieve energy and money savings - MOA to join the program
- Technical Engineering Analysis (TEA)
- Six-month interest free loan for TEA
- Savings generated repay the loan
- State of Iowa Facilities Improvement Corporation
- Finance energy management improvements in state
agency facilities - Reduce state spending by making state government
- more energy efficient
- Save state dollars once the cost of implementing
the improvements has been recouped through energy
cost savings
6Iowa Clean Cities Coalition
- Expand infrastructure for alternative fuels and
vehicles - Develop and implement idle reduction and fuel
economy strategies in the state - Reduce our consumption of petroleum and improve
air quality in the state - Encourage public-private partnerships
Blues for Greens Alternative Transportation
Festival April 21, 2007 Des Moines Waterworks Park
7New Bohemia Solar Project
- Collaboration between I-RENEW, Alliant Energy,
the City of Cedar Rapids, the Thorland Co., and
DNR funded by US DOE - 7,200 watts of solar-generated electricity for
Alliant Energys Second Nature customers - Kouba Building, Cedar Rapids New Bohemia
Brownfields Redevelopment neighborhood - www.iowadnr.com/energy/news/files/bohemiafact.pdf
8EE Fort Dodge Home
- Collaboration between Iowa Central Community
College carpentry program, RDG Planning and
Design, and the DNR funded by 100,000 US DOE
Rebuild America Program grant - 1,780 square feet total production cost
180,000 - Uses 60 64 percent less energy than a similar
home - Energy efficient envelope, ground source heat
pump, high efficiency windows, daylighting,
Energy Star appliances, on-demand water heater,
and landscaping that minimize watering needs
- Grinnell Area Petroleum Reduction Initiative
- Reduce community dependence on petroleum by
increasing the use and procurement of
bio-products - Collaboration between Imagine Grinnell and Iowa
DNR Energy funded by U.S. DOE
10Farm Bill 9006 Assistance
- DNR Energy is part of USDAs Section 9006 RE/EE
grant assistance team - Provide letters of support to all Iowa applicants
and grant writing assistance - Iowa received 51 of the 375 grants awarded this
year, second highest in the nation - Iowa received 8 of 12 combination grant /
guaranteed loan awards - Amana Farms was awarded a 500,000 grant and a
1,068,500 guaranteed loan for their digester
11Waste Streams to Commodities
- Economic development opportunity to
- Process manure and other organic
- waste streams to
- Produce biogas and associated
- value-added products from a
- community-based anaerobic digester
12AD Community Outreach
- Since June 2005, DNR has worked with 16 Iowa
communities to investigate AD opportunities
13Community Digester Basics
- Anaerobic digestion is the bacterial
decomposition of organic matter that occurs in
the absence of oxygen
14Why Large-Scale, Co-Digestion AD?
- Co-digestion of multiple, organic
- feedstock for better gas production
- Large-scale 300 1,000 tons
- feedstock/day
- Produces large volumes of renewable
- energy, making that energy more marketable
- Relieves smaller livestock producers from
digester operation and management - Provides rural economic development and
investment opportunities
15Iowa Methane Potential
Iowa Potential 677,000 MWh/yr could power
63,469 average American homes, offsetting
47,390,000/yr in retail electricity (_at_ 0.07/kWh)
16GIS AD Asset Mapping Tool
17Iowa Opportunities
18Woodbury County Example
19Sioux City / Woodbury County
20Project Design Models
- Farm scale large dairies 750
- Community-based, with centralized
- organics collection
- Food and Energy Enterprise Zones
- possibly where the greatest
- opportunities lie
- Integration with community
- wastewater treatment facilities
- Industrial park model, where industries
- with problematic waste streams build
- and use a digester collectively
21Economic Benefits
- Community economic development businesses,
- jobs, local tax receipts, green energy
investment opportunities - Renewable energy biogas and/or electricity
thermal - Minimized wastewater treatment costs and tipping
fees - High value crop nutrients measurable, more
environmentally benign - Solids separation soil amendments and/or
- livestock bedding
- Carbon credits, tradable on the Chicago Climate
22Environmental Benefits
- Reduces odors by 90 percent
- or more
- Reduces GHG damage to
- the atmosphere CO2 X 21 CH4
- Reduces nitrate pollution to water
- from faster nutrient uptake
- Renewable fuel that reduces fossil fuel use and
emissions associated with their use - Source Danish Agricultural Advisory Service,
Crop Production (15-year study)
23Societal Benefits
- Addresses quality-of-life issues
- Promotes positive environmental
- stewardship
- Improves communitys perception of industry
- Makes livestock, food, and energy production
sustainable in the community
24DNR Assistance to Communities
- Organize core working group
- Develop and present community meetings
- Assemble and participate in advisory committees
- Identify project funding sources and incentives
- Identify technology providers
- Enlist contractor to complete financial and
technical feasibility study - Provide guidance for project permitting
25For more information, contactA.L.
Goldberg(515) 281-8912Allan.Goldberg_at_dnr.state.i
a.us Jim Bodensteiner(515) 281-8416Jim.Bodenst
einer_at_dnr.state.ia.usVisit our Web site