Title: ITK Lecture 8 Neighborhoods
1ITK Lecture 8 - Neighborhoods
Damion Shelton
- Methods in Image Analysis
- CMU Robotics Institute 16-725
- U. Pitt Bioengineering 2630
- Spring Term, 2004
2Goals for today
- Understand what a neighborhood is and and the
different ways of accessing pixels using one - Use neighborhoods to implement a
convolution/correlation filter
3What is a neighborhood?
- You may already be familiar with the concept of
pixels having neighbors - Standard terminology in 2D image processing will
refer to the 4 neighborhood (N,E,S,W) and the 8
neighborhood (4 neighborhood NE, SE, SW, NW)
4Neighborhoods in ITK
- ITK carries this concept a bit further
- A neighborhood can be any collection of pixels
that have a fixed relationship to the center
based on offsets in data space
5Neighborhoods in ITK, cont.
- In general, the neighborhood is not completely
arbitrary - Neighborhoods are rectangular, defined by a
radius in N-dimensions - ShapedNeighborhoods are arbitrary, defined by a
list of offsets from the center - The first form is most useful for mathematical
morphology kinds of operations, convolution, etc.
6Neighborhood iterators
- The cool useful thing about neighborhoods is
that they can be used with neighborhood iterators
to allow efficient access to pixels around a
target pixel in an image
7Neighborhood iterators
- Remember that I said access via pixel indices was
slow? - Get current index ind
- Upper left pixel index uleft ind - (1,1)
- Get pixel at index uleft
- Neighborhood iterators solve this problem by
doing pointer arithmetic based on offsets
8Neighborhood layout
- Neighborhoods have one primary parameter, their
radius in N-dimensions - The side length along a particular dimension i is
2radiusi 1 - Note that the side length is always odd because
the center pixel always exists
9A 2x1 neighborhood in 2D
- Neighborhoods have another parameter called
stride which is the spacing (in data space) along
a particular axis between adjacent pixels in the
neighborhood - In the previous numbering scheme, stride in Y is
amount then index value changes when you move in
Y - In our example, Stridex 1, Stridey 5
11Neighborhood pixel access
- The numbering on the previous page is important!
Its how you access that particular pixel when
using a neighborhood iterator - This will be clarified in a few slides...
12NeighborhoodIterator access
- Neighborhood iterators are created using
- The radius of the neighborhood
- The image that will be traversed
- The region of the image to be traversed
- There syntax largely follows that of other
iterators (, IsAtEnd(), etc.)
13Neighborhood pixel access, cont.
Lets say theres some region of an image that
has the following pixel values
14Pixel access, cont.
- Now assume that we place the neighborhood
iterator over this region and start accessing
pixels - What happens?
15Pixel access, cont.
myNeigh.GetPixel(7) returns 0.7 so does
16Pixel access, cont.
- Next, lets get the length of the iterator and
the stride length - Size() returns the pixels in the neighborhood
- unsigned int c iterator. Size () / 2
- GetStride returns the stride of dimension N
- unsigned int s iterator. GetStride (1)
17Pixel access, cont.
myNeigh.GetPixel(c) returns 0.7 myNeigh.GetPixel(c
-1) returns 1.1
18Pixel access, cont.
myNeigh.GetPixel(c-s) returns 1.8 myNeigh.GetPixel
(c-s-1) returns 1.3
19The method
- In ImageRegionIterators, the method moves the
focus of the iterator on a per pixel basis - In NeighborhoodIterators, the method moves the
center pixel of the neighborhood and therefore
implicitly shifts the entire neighborhood
20Does this sound familiar?
- If I say
- I have a region of interest defined by a certain
radius around a center pixel - The ROI is symmetric
- I move it around an image
- What does this sound like?
21Convolution (ahem, correlation)!
- To do convolution we need 3 things
- A kernel
- A way to access a region of an image the same
size as the kernel - A way to compute the inner product between the
kernel and the image region
22Item 1 - The kernel
- A NeighborhoodOperator is a set of pixel values
that can be applied to a Neighborhood to perform
a user-defined operation (i.e. convolution
kernel, morphological structuring element) - NeighborhoodOperator is derived from Neighborhood
23Item 2 - Image access method
- We already showed that this is possible using the
neighborhood iterator - Just be careful setting it up so that its the
same size as your kernel
24Item 3 - Inner product method
- The NeighborhoodInnerProduct computes the inner
product between two neighborhoods - Since NeighborhoodOperator is derived from
Neighborhood, we can compute the IP of the kernel
and the image region
25Good to go?
- Create an interesting operator to form a kernel
- Move a neighborhood through an image
- Compute the IP of the operator and the
neighborhood at each pixel in the image - Voila - convolution in N-dimensions
26Inner product example
- itkNeighborhoodInnerProductltImageTypegt IP
itkDerivativeOperatorltImageTypegt operator - operator-gtSetOrder(1)
- operator-gtSetDirection(0)
- operator-gtCreateDirectional()
- itkNeighborhoodIteratorltImageTypegt
iterator(operator-gtGetRadius(), myImage,
27Inner product example, cont.
- iterator.SetToBegin()
- while ( ! iterator. IsAtEnd () )
- stdcout ltlt "Derivative at index " ltlt
iterator.GetIndex () ltlt is ltlt - IP(iterator, operator) ltlt stdendl
- iterator
28This suggests a filter...
- NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter wraps this
procedure into a filter that operates on an input
image - So, if the main challenge is coming up with an
interesting neighborhood operator, ITK can do the
29Your arch-nemesis... image boundaries
- One obvious problem with inner product techniques
is what to do when you reach the edge of your
image - Is the operation undefined?
- Does the image wrap?
- Should we assume the rest of the world is
empty/full/something else?
- Subclasses of itkImageBoundaryCondition can be
used to tell neighborhood iterators what to do if
part of the neighborhood is not in the image
- The rest of the world is filled with some
constant value of your choice - The default is 0
- Be careful with the value you choose - you can
(for example) detect edges that arent really
- The image wraps, so that if I exceed the length
of a particular axis, I wrap back to 0 and start
over again - If you enjoy headaches, imagine this in 3D
- This isnt a bad idea, but most medical images
are not actually periodic
- I am not familiar with how this functions
- The documentation states that its useful for
solving certain classes of differential equations - A quick look online suggests a thermodynamic
34Using boundary conditions
- With NeighborhoodOperatorImageFilter, you can
call OverrideBoundaryCondition
- This is the iterator thats being used internally
by the previous filter you can specify its
boundary behavior using OverrideBoundaryCondition
too - In general, I would suggest using the smart
version - bounds checking is good!
36An aside numeric traits
- This has nothing to do with Neighborhoods but is
relevant to the assignment 2 - Question given some arbitrary pixel type, what
do we know about it from a numerics perspective?
- NumericTraits is class thats specialized to
provide information about pixel types - Examples include
- min and max values
- IsPositive(), IsNegative()
- Definitions of Zero and One
38Using traits
- Whats the maximum value that can be represented
by an unsigned char? - itkNumericTraitsltunsigned chargtmax()
- Look at vnl_numeric_limits for more data that can
be provided
39Next assignment - due 2/12/04
- Design a filter that inverts a grayscale image
- By inverts I mean that dark values (low) become
light values (high) and vice versa - This filter should work on a variety of data
types, by taking into account the numeric traits
of the input and output types
40Assignment, cont.
- Im pretty sure theres not an existing
implementation of this filter - If there it, its not okay to use it
- Its perfectly fine (and encouraged) to use the
filter mentioned in the filter lecture as a
template and rename things - You should replace the myITKgui filter with your
inversion filter