Title: Molecular Biology
1Molecular Biology
- Part III
- Regulation of Gene Expression
- Operons
2Mueller-Hill, B. 1996. The lac Operon
3Mueller-Hill, B. 1996. The lac Operon
4Transcriptional Regulation
- Main mechanism is to control access by RNA
polymerase to the structural genes - Other mechanisms may be added
5General Rules for Gene Regulation (1)
- Synthesis (of gene product) occurs only when
needed - 2. Catabolic (breakdown) systems are inducible by
their substrates - Anabolic (synthetic) systems are repressible by
their end products
6General Rules for Gene Regulation (2)
- 3. Most systems have more than 1 regulatory
mechanism - 4. If there is more than one catabolic pathway,
the cell will use the pathway that produces ATP
at the greatest rate
7General Rules for Gene Regulation (3)
- 5. Proteins bring information to the genes about
the status of cellular metabolism and conditions
outside the cell
8(No Transcript)
9Positive Regulation No synthesis unless turned
ON Negative Regulation Constituitive synthesis
unless turned OFF
10 BUT There can be more than one control
point, and a gene can be BOTH and
regulated! If so, the gene is ON when the
regulator is bound and the regulator is not
bound. sic!
11INDUCIBLE turned ON by the presence of
substrate REPRESSIBLE turned OFF by the
presence of (end) product
12The Central Dogma Legos
- http//gadgets.boingboing.net/2009/03/02/video-usi
13the lac operon Jacob Monod
- catabolic
- negatively controlled
- expression is inhibited by a regulatory protein
(lac repressor) - inducible
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17Mapping the lac operon
- Operon mapping
- mapped by interrupted mating
18Mapping the lac operon
- constituitive synthesis
- occurs unless repressor is bound to operator
19Mapping the lac operon
- cis/trans test
- cis dominance means the gene is dominant only
when cis, i.e. located on the same piece of DNA - i.e. does not operate via a diffusible
intermediate - e.g. operator vs. repressor
- O- dominant only when cis
- i dominant cis or trans
20Mapping the lac operon
- Partial Diploids
- constructed with plasmids (naturally occurring,
naturally transmitted) - allow testing of interactions among regulatory
elements, e.g. cis/trans test