Title: Ch19
1Chapter 19
2Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the work
Wout performed by these four heat engines.
1. Wb gt Wa gt Wc gt Wd 2. Wb gt Wa gt Wb gt Wc 3.
Wb gt Wa gt Wb Wc 4. Wd gt Wa Wb gt Wc 5. Wd
gt Wa gt Wb gt Wc
3Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the work
Wout performed by these four heat engines.
1. Wb gt Wa gt Wc gt Wd 2. Wb gt Wa gt Wb gt Wc 3.
Wb gt Wa gt Wb Wc 4. Wd gt Wa Wb gt Wc 5. Wd
gt Wa gt Wb gt Wc
4Its a really hot day and your air conditioner is
broken. Your roommate says, Lets open the
refrigerator door and cool this place off. Will
this work?
1. Yes. 2. It might, but it will depend on how
hot the room is. 3. No.
5Its a really hot day and your air conditioner is
broken. Your roommate says, Lets open the
refrigerator door and cool this place off. Will
this work?
1. Yes. 2. It might, but it will depend on how
hot the room is. 3. No.
6What is the thermal efficiency of this heat
1. 0.10 2. 0.25 3. 0.50 4. 4 5. Cant tell
without knowing QC.
7What is the thermal efficiency of this heat
1. 0.10 2. 0.25 3. 0.50 4. 4 5. Cant tell
without knowing QC.
8What, if anything, is wrong with this
1. It violates the first law of
thermodynamics. 2. It violates the second law of
thermodynamics. 3. It violates the third law of
thermodynamics. 4. Nothing is wrong.
9What, if anything, is wrong with this
1. It violates the first law of
thermodynamics. 2. It violates the second law of
thermodynamics. 3. It violates the third law of
thermodynamics. 4. Nothing is wrong.
10Could this heat engine be built?
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Its impossible to tell
without knowing what kind of cycle it uses.
11Could this heat engine be built?
1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Its impossible to tell
without knowing what kind of cycle it uses.
12Chapter 19 Reading Quiz
13What is the generic name for a cyclical device
that transforms heat energy into work.
1. Refrigerators 2. Thermal Motors 3. Heat
Engines 4. Carnot Cycles 5. Otto processors
14What is the generic name for a cyclical device
that transforms heat energy into work.
1. Refrigerators 2. Thermal Motors 3. Heat
Engines 4. Carnot Cycles 5. Otto processors
15The area enclosed within a pV curve is
1. the work done by the system during one
complete cycle. 2. the work done on the system
during one complete cycle. 3. the thermal energy
change of the system during one complete
cycle. 4. the heat transferred out of the system
during one complete cycle.
16The area enclosed within a pV curve is
1. the work done by the system during one
complete cycle. 2. the work done on the system
during one complete cycle. 3. the thermal energy
change of the system during one complete
cycle. 4. the heat transferred out of the system
during one complete cycle.
17The maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine
is determined by
1. its design. 2. the amount of heat that
flows. 3. the maximum and minimum pressure. 4.
the compression ratio. 5. the maximum and minimum
18The maximum possible efficiency of a heat engine
is determined by
1. its design. 2. the amount of heat that
flows. 3. the maximum and minimum pressure. 4.
the compression ratio. 5. the maximum and minimum
19The engine with the largest possible efficiency
uses a
1. Brayton cycle. 2. Joule cycle. 3. Carnot
cycle. 4. Otto cycle. 5. Diesel cycle.
20The engine with the largest possible efficiency
uses a
1. Brayton cycle. 2. Joule cycle. 3. Carnot
cycle. 4. Otto cycle. 5. Diesel cycle.