- Source Data Producers Meeting
- 2006
- Date 18 May 2006 (Thursday)
- Place Pediatric Institute, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- Time 8.30 1.00 pm
- Background
- Launching
- Objectives
- Organization and Structure
- SDPs
- Progress
- Was established in 2003 to continuously and
systematically collect data on all aspects of
mental health relevant to its management,
prevention and control in Malaysia. - Was officially launched on 9 July 2005 by
Minister of Health at Legend Hotel
4Objectives of NMHR
5Objectives of NMHR
6The Launching Photo Gallery
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19- More photos of the launching, log on to our
website - www.nmhr.gov.my
20Organization of NMHR
- The registry will be sponsored by the Ministry of
Health and supported by several of its
organizations - Mental Health Services,
- Public Health Department
- Medical Development Division
22Responsibilities of Sponsors
- Ensure effective, efficient and responsive
operation of NMHR - Provide leadership and direction for the registry
- Establish an Advisory Committee
- Provide financial, human and information
resources required for the registry
23Advisory Committee
- An Advisory Committee for Mental Health Registry
shall be established by sponsors to oversee the
operations of the registry. Interested parties
including source data producers, MHRU and target
groups or users are represented on this
24Mental Health Registry Unit (MHRU)
- The collection, and analysis of data, and
feedback of information are performed in a single
centre referred to as MHRU. This is a
sophisticated unit staffed by epidemiologist,
statistician, information technology personnel
and other supporting staff.
25 26Roles of MHRU
- Coordinating Centre
- Management office
- Maintain a register database
- Publish an annual registry report
- Support registry activities
27Work process at MHRU
- Main Operation in Data Collection
- Received data from all participating centres
- Data entry
- Data query
- Data analysis, data cleaning, data verification
- Reporting
28Users or Target groups
- These are the individuals or institutions to whom
the regular registry reports are addressed. They
are public health practitioner, health care
provider, health service planner and decision
maker, researcher and sometimes include the press
and public. It is their needs for information to
assist in planning and implementing disease
control and prevention activity that justify the
investment in registry.
29Source Data Producers (SDP)
- These are the individuals or institutions who
collect the required data. It is the most costly
and difficult element of the system. It has to be
systematic and uniform, and producers of source
data need to be trained and motivated to ensure
high data quality.
30Roles of SDP
- Doctor in charge Her/his duties are to
- Give a briefing to new doctors and paramedical
staff about the National Mental Health Registry
as stated in the manual. - Ensure and monitor that the data collection
process follow the methodology as stated in
instruction manual. - Emphasize to doctors about the nature of carbon
on the Schizophrenia Forms. - Ensure the eligibility of writing.
- Ensure the accuracy and reliability of data
31Roles of SDP
- Site coordinator (paramedics) whose duties are
- Request Schizophrenia Notification Forms from
Registry Manager of MHRU - Ensure that forms are adequate for continuous
data collection (at least 50 set in stock) - Check the data are complete before sending to
Mental Health Registry Unit - Send the complete forms to Mental Health Registry
Unit monthly - Keep the copy of the forms in the file that has
been provided. - Complete the queries of missing compulsory data
- Maintain a good line of communication with MHRU
32Roles of SDP
- Ensure Data quality
- Quality control measures must be in place in all
the processes both at the source data provider
and registry coordinating office.
Data collected must be accurate, reliability and
33Roles of SDP
- Missing Compulsory Data (queries)
- Missing compulsory data must be completed by the
SDPs in order to reduce missing data during the
analysis and reporting.
- Number of SDPs by year
- Number of SDPs by institution
- Number of SDPS by state
- Data submission from all SDPs
35Number of SDPs by year
36Number of SDP by Institutions
37Number of SDP by state
38Notification submission by year
39Notification and Outcome submission by centre
40Report on Data Submission
41Problems in Data Submission
- Data is not submitted timely
- Missing compulsory data
- Query not replied
- No submission at all
- No communication between coordinators and
Registry Manager - Changes of coordinators
42Problems in Data Submission
- How to overcome the problem???
43Problems in Data Collection by SDPs
- Let us know what are the problems at your place
- How to overcome the problem???
44Questionnaire Result
45Questionnaire Result
46Questionnaire Result
47Questionnaire Result
48Questionnaire Result
49Questionnaire Result - Cadangan
- 2 SC untuk setiap SDP dan beri sijil penghargaan
kpd semua SC - CRF yang tidak berkarbon dan libatkan semua staff
seperti MO paramedik lain - kes dari kecemasan mesti dimaklumkan segera
kepada SC - libat ramai staff dan maklum kepada semua pihak
- mesti kerja berpasukan di pusat masing-masing
- mesti maklum kepada semua staff berkenaan NMHR
- Sediakan Manual Instruction yang lebih jelas
50Questionnaire Result - Cadangan
- mesyuarat perlu diadakan 6 bulan sekali
- mesyuarat yang berterusan mesti diadakan
- NMHR mesti maklum kepada pegawai (Doktor) untuk
mudahkan kerja - notified new diagnosis sahaja
- register semua kes baru walaupun data year
sebelum 2004 - sediakan contoh CRF yang telah diisi untuk
rujukan - sediakan guideline untuk MO yang mengisi borang
- taklimat kepada pakar yang melawat
51NMHR Progress
- Publication
- Till date, NMHR has published
- Jan May 2003 Preliminary report
- 2003 - 2004 Schizophrenia Annual report
- Expansion of NMHR
- Suicide Registry
- Depressive Disorder and Deliberate Self Harm
Registry - Substance Dependence Registry
52Suggestion to improve NMHR
- We welcome any suggestion from SDPs on how we can
improve the quality of data collection and on any
relevant issue.
53Contact NMHR
- Any question pertaining to NMHR, kindly contact
this number - 03-2615 5790
- 03-2615 5791
- nmhr_at_nmhr.gov.my
54Contact NMHR
- Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Hospital Kuala Lumpur
- 50586 Kuala Lumpur
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