Title: Excellent teaching and learning students background and study behaviour
1Excellent teaching and learning students
background and study behaviour
- Teacher Training
- course 27.10.09
- Lone Krogh
2Group diskussions
- Which are (in our opinion) the most important
competences (learning ourtcome) students have to
achieve during university studies
(professionally, technically, generally and
personally)? - Please, write statements on flipover paper
3What do we have to learn students?
- The kind of learning we are interested in is
learning which implies that the learners develop
capabilities for seeing or experiencing
situations or phenomena in certain
ways..Students must be prepared for the
unknown variation among situations in the future
through experiencing variation in their
education, which will enable them to discern
critical aspects of novel situations (Bowden og
Marton, 1998, s. 24).
4Aims/Objectives (ref. Bologna declaration)
- Employability 2) Mobility 3) Lifelong Leaning,
devided into - Intellectual competencies, (analysis and abstract
thinking, knowledge searching attitude,
communicative skills and the ability to structure
personal learning. (Competencies not attached to
individual subjects or programmes)). - Professional competencies, (special competencies
within a specific subject, knowledge of limited
subject, inter-disciplinary competencies, -
competencies related to individual subjects or
programmes). - Practical competencies, (practical skills,
professional ethics and responsibility. These
competencies are explicitly focused on managing
operational functions). - (Bologna Expert Monitoring group, 2003)
5A new Qualification framework
- The new QF is being implemented in Danish
accreditation legislation - Goals are here defined as the learning outcome,
which you may expect new candidates to have
6Learning outcome
- Learning outcome is statements of what a
learner is expected to know, understand and/or
able to do at the end of a period of learning
(Bologna Conference in Edinburgh 1-2 July, 2004) -
- Learning outcome statements are typically
characterized by use of active verbs, which
express knowledge, understanding, application,
analyses, synthesis and evaluation
7The learning outcome in the new QF has to be
divided into 3 overall categories
- Key words
- Knowledge Knowledge, understanding and
reflection - Skills Different type of skills related to
workplace occupation, evaluation of
theoretical and practical problems and
decision, Communication of subject relevant
problems and solutions - Competences Action, collaboration,
responsibility, learning - Still within the framework Employability 2)
Mobility 3) Lifelong Leaning,
8A qualification framework
- Is a systematic description of qualification
levels and types within a given education system,
mainly based on a description of learning
outcomes. It increases the transparency and
comparability of qualifications and may thereby - facilitate credit transfer and mobility on a
national and international scale - facilitate recognition of foreign qualifications
- make the degree structures more transparent
- improve the basis for educational planning and
evaluation. - Information about the hew Qualification
framework can be found here http//www.udiverden.
9Taxonomy (Bloom, 1956/Anderson Krathwohl, 2000)
10SOLO-taxonomy (Strucured Observed Learning
Outcome) (Biggs, 2003)
- Deep
- Learning
- Surface
- learning
Extended abstract
Apply, transfer, relate, question and go beyond
existing principles, reflect scientifically,
theorise, gene- ralise, set up hypothesis,
critizise known theory a.s.o.
Analysing, integration of data. Understanding
how to apply the concept to a familiar data set
or to a problem
Disorganized collection of items (shopping-list),
Simple naming, identifying, rote-learning,
referring, summarizing a.s.o.
Prestrucural Misses points
11Dimensions of students learning/competence
- Level of knowledge and abilities
- (Bloom or SOLO)
- Learning goals (examples)
- When the course/seminar/project a.s.o. is ended
it is expected that the student - is acquanted with//has knowledge about and
masters .,can - understand, explain and make use of basic
methods and results. - identify and precisely understand.
- argue deeply
- analyse and evaluate
- demonstrate the ability to use
- Formulate..
- Carry out
- A.s.o.
Learning goals/Com-petence goals
Insp. Rump, 2007
12Group discussion
- Try to characterize your students what do you
know about them, how is their study behaviour? - Please, write statements on Flipover paper
14Who are the students?
- Studens have very diverse background and
motivations - Very much motivated (20 )
- Moderate motivated (30-40)
- The minimalists (40-50)
- Challenges Among the minimalists we find an
unknown group of late bloomers -
- (Lauvås, 2004)
15Different learning strategies
- Deep approach to learning
- Focus on understanding
- Demonstration of the relationship between
connections and the whole - Connections beyond the immediate subject area
- Generalisation and transfer of the principles
from the specific to the abstract - (Biggs, 2007)
- Surface approach to learning
- Focus on demands
- Try to remember
- Acquiring pieces of unconnected information
- No organization no overall sense
- Simple and obvious connections
- The significance of connections is not
demonstrated (a number of connections) - The significance of the relationship between
connections is not demonstrated
- Is academically committed, bright, interested in
her studies and wants to do well - Has clear academic career plans
- What she learns is important to her. (She goes
about learing in a more traditional academic way) - Comes to the lectures with sound, relevant
background knovledge and possible some questions,
she wants answered or it may not be the answer
she is looking for, and she speculates, wondering
why it isnt -
- Students like Susan virtually teach themselves,
with little help from teachers
- Is at university in order to obtain a
qualification for a decent job - He is not studying in the area of his first
choice - He is less committed than Susan
- He comes to the lecure with few questions
- He wants to put in just sufficient effort to pass
- Robert hears the lecturer saying the same words
as Susan, but he does not se a keystone, - just
another brick to be recorded in his lecture notes - He belives that if he can record enough of these
bricks, and remember them on cue, he will keep
out of trouble on examn. - We are told that there ar many Roberts!
- Study oriented
- Strategic
- Goal-oriented (the most necessary things)
- Focussed on exams
- Strategic-minimalistic
- (Pettersen, 2005)
- YouTube video A vision for students today a
short video summarizing some of the most
important characteristics of students today - how
they learn, what they need to learn, their goals,
hopes, dreams, what their lives will be like,
a.s.o. - Michael Wesch is Professor of Cultural
Anthropology at Kansas State University, among
other things head of the project Digital
Ethnography with intensionsto exploring and
extending the possibilities of digital
ethnography.See some of the groups YouTube
videos for instance. Web 2.0 The Machine is
Us/ing Us, der
20How can we plan and conduct excellent and
effective teaching? possibilites and challenges
21Group discussion
- Now please, suggest some examples on/or
principles for excellent and relevant teaching
and lesson plans, which take into consideration
and meet some of the formal demands for
students learning outcome within different areas
and at the same time meet students diversity.
what do you have to consider in the planning and
which would be the best methods and enviroments
to support students in their learning processes? - Please, write suggestions on the flipover-paper
22Some kind of evidence for good teaching and
learning enviroments
- Well defined and clear structure for teaching
- Enough time for learning
- Learning supported working climate
- Clearness and transparency in terms of content
- Meaningful communication
- Variety of teaching methods
- Individuality (students individual learning
needs) - Intelligent training
- Transparency in expectations to the students
- Stimulating learning environments
- (Meyer, 2005 p. 17 f)
23Excellent teaching from the teachers and
students point of view . The teacher. (Ramsden,
1996 p. 86-87)
- The teacher
- Has a desire to share his/her love of the subject
with the students, - Has abilities to make the material being taught
stimulating and interesting, - Has facilities for engaging with students at
their level of understanding, - Has a capacity to explain absolutely clear what
has to be understood, at what level, and why, - Shows concern and respect for students,
- Feels committed to encourage student
independence, - Has abilities to improvise and adapt to new
demands, - Uses teaching methods and academic tasks that
require students to learn thoughtfully,
responsibly and cooperatively, - Uses valid assessment methods,
- Focuses on key concepts, and students
misunderstandings of them, rather than on
covering the ground, - Give the highest-quality feedback on students
work, - Has a desire to learn from students and other
sources about the effects on teaching and how it
can be improved.
24Study programmes are to develop study-activities
which support the students in their learning
processes towards the objectives and goals for
the sudies
- A good teaching system alligns teaching
methods and assessment to the learning activities
stated in the objectives, so that all aspects of
this system act in accord to support appropriate
learning - Biggs, 2007
25The didactics Constrsuctive alignment (inspired
by Biggs 2003)
Students background and diversity Motivation Expe
Study- and learning activities Problem-oriented
project-work in groups (or individually) Problem-s
olving Courses etc. Students freedom of choices
students perception of knowledge and skills
Learning outcome Higher order skills and
knowledge (analytical, methodological,
transferable skills, and inter-disciplinarity
Study context Regulations Required
competencies Students freedom of choice Study
enviroments Exam regulations
26Stratetic Johnny
27Research-based teaching?
- Ideal
- You work together with the students and discuss
the basis of the subjects not just educational
books and theories - Basic activities, related to the subject and its
methods are being practicised not only
mentioned - Students are invited to participate in the
community of professional researchers and
teachers - Students are being guided in working and writing
academically - Students are involved in authentic research
projects - The professional academic community (the
university) is in contact with academic
practioners outside the university - The teachers are researchers
- (T. K. Jensen, 2006)
28Læringens 3 dimensioner
Brainwork Knowledge, understanding Skills,
Motive power
Feelings/emotions/ motivation
Inter- action
Collaboration with other students, teachers
and surroundings
29 The theory and practice of teaching and
learning Didaktik - A frame for analysing,
planning and teaching Alignment
National and International Politics
(Bologna) Stakeholder inerests Economy Law Organiz
ation Traditions Values a.s.o.
Aalborg PBL model
Research based teaching
Subjects/ disciplines
Knowledge Skills Competences
30Evaluation/assessment - 3 integrated functions
- The summative function assessment of students
learning outcome - The formative function feedback to students
about their strengths and weaknesses (feedback) - Students evaluation of teaching and the
educational system. Goal to improve practice
(also formative) -
- NB Summative evaluation must have formative
31Evaluation/assessment of students have a much
greater influence on how and what students learn
than any other single factor
- 3 critical points
- The validity of exams are generally low (it often
does not measure learning outcome such as
understanding and relevant competence
development) - Tests and exams have very strong controling
effect on study activities (not in a way that the
students learn leading subject related concepts,
principles a.s.o but rather learn to solve
predictable assignments) - Exams often keep students in a passive role
- Ref. Lauvås and Jakobsen, 2002) and (Sadler,
2005), - (Boud,1988), (Gibbs,1999), (Cowan, 2003).
32- If we want to encourage them (the students) to
take a deep rather than a surface approach to the
development of ..skills, we need to design
practical assignments intelligently. We need to
think not just about the assessment criteria but
also about weighting, timing, agency and fitness
for purpose, with imaginative consideration of
methods and approaches that can challenge
students, be inclusive and suit the topic,
context, cohort and level (Boud in Pickford and
Brown, 2006)
33Some advices for assessment in higher education
- Link assessment to learning (alignment)
- Never assess without giving comments to students
about how they might improve - Learn from your students mistakes. Use assessment
to discover their misunderstandings, then modify
teaching to address them - Deploy a variety of assessment methods
- Try to get students participating in the
assessment process, through - a. Discussions of appropiate methods and how the
methods relate to the (course) goals - b. Joint staff-student design of assessment
questions and negotiation of criteria for success
and failure - c. Self- and peer assessment activities
- d. Offering students responsible choices among
different methods - Focus on validiy (what you are measuring
important?) and then reliability (is your test
consistent?) - Do everything in your power to lessen the anxiety
raised by assessments - (Ramsden, 1996, s.
34- Formative evaluation of teaching is a tool for
the teacher to be wiser about the teaching and
then afterwards improving it - But
- never ask the students directly if they are
satisfied with the teaching without asking them
about their own work-rate?
35People learn
- 10 of what they read
- 20 of what they hear
- 30 of what they see
- 50 of what they see and hear
- 70 of what they talk over with others
- 80 of what they use and do in real life
- 95 of what they teach someone else
- William Glasser, quoted by Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Department, Guide 1988.
36Different teaching and learning situations