Title: Global Island Developed by Danish NGOs
1Global IslandDeveloped by Danish NGOs
- A real game
- taking place in five virtual countries Games
about democracy and dilemmas
2Global IslandGames about democracy and dilemmas
3Global IslandGames about democracy and dilemmas
- The previous games have focused on global issues
as - Terrorism
- Environment
- The charter of children's rights
- Aid to developing countries
- Oil and tourism
- .
- Age group 14 18
- The games runs for two weeks
4Global IslandGames about democracy and dilemmas
- Objectives
- Raise awareness on global issues
- Focus on the process of democratization
- Enhance ability to read and write English
5Welcome to Global Island
6Local Parliament
7Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
8Global Parliament
Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
9Global Parliament
Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
10(No Transcript)
11Global Parliament
Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
12(No Transcript)
13Some elements in the game (and in the newspaper
Teachers guide
Popular article Pro
Popular article Contra
Strategies for good solutions
Background article Pro
Background article Contra
The students own background
14Global Parliament
Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
15Dilemma Oil or tourism
First speech Tourism first!!! Oil. Second
speech We need some money
16(No Transcript)
Global Parliament
Local Parliament
Nominate a local government
18- On the basis of all the speeches produced in the
local parliament the local government has to
produce - two proposals
- Mostly you will see
- One proposal which is pro
- One proposal which is contra
- The members of the local government have to
- give their votes to one of the two
proposals. - The winning proposal is forwarded to the
global government for further action.
19You cant vote for your own proposal!!
20Next dilemmas
- Child labour
- Childrens rights
- Illegal use of resources (Timber etc.)
- War
- Sexuality
- Rainforest and aborigines
- Refugees
For further information uland_at_ms.dk
22Join one of Global Island's 5 countries and meet
young people from all over the world.
See you at http//globalisland.nu
Next September?!
Further information uland_at_ms.dk