Title: Marco Raffel Key Account Manager Healthcare IGEL Technology GmbH
1De UZI pas en de mobiele zorgReferentieverhalen
van Server Based Computing in de gezondheidszorg
- Marco RaffelKey Account Manager Healthcare IGEL
Technology GmbH
- The company - IGEL Technology
- Solutions by IGEL for the Healthcare market
- IGEL Remote Management Suite
- References / Customers
3The company
- IGEL Technology GmbH,
- Bremen (Germany)
- Management and financial services
- Sales, key account and marketing
- Administration and logistics
- Warehouse
- Support, services and training center
- IGEL Technology Ltd
- Reading (UK)
- Sales, marketing
- Project management
- Support and services
- Training center
- IGEL Technology GmbH,
- Augsburg (Germany)
- Software development
- Customization
- Product development
- Project management
- Training center
- IGEL Technology Inc.,
- Fort Lauderdale (Florida, U.S.A.)
- Sales, marketing
- Project management
- Support and services
- Training center
- US specific software development
- Administration and logistics
- Customization
provider and manufacturer of Thin Client
technologies worldwide - Positioning
- - Ranks 3rd in the Europe, among the most
successful Thin Client manufactures
(according to IDC) - - Ranks 1st in Germany (according to IDC)
- - Ranks 3rd Worldwide (according to IDC)
5(No Transcript)
6Roaming Doctor
Roaming Doctor support via IGEL Smartcard
solution / Session Roaming
Sessions on Smart Card can be configured to
automatically start at Smart Card Login When the
Smart Card is plugged off, all Sessions are
terminated and Thin Client is locked again
- High flexible
- Not bounded to one fixed place
- Secure
7Security/ Smartcard/ Authentification/ Roaming
Citrix / Gemalto/ IGEL Hot Desktop
Solution Password Manager integrated as standard
in XP Embedded AET Smartcard/ Token Solution
Integration in Linux Firmware out of the box
Support of the Dutch UZI Pas via integrated
Omnikey Smartcard Reader.
9- IGEL Clients are typical used in Hospitals and
Health Insurance Companies - Thin Clients are primary positioned in
Administration workplaces - IGEL Technology provides special solutions when
requested by the customer - This market has a special need for administration
of clients because of many outposts
10Digital Dictation
With IGEL Clever Clients it is possible to
practice digital dictation
11- MPG certified terminal
- Especial robust
- Waterproof
- Dust proof
- Chemical-resitant
- Very hygienic
In collaboration with
12IGEL Pro Scribe
The Mobile Ward Around Solution
- Key Features
- Constructed as a medical device
- Show patient x-ray photography
- Hospital looking
- Approved in several hospitals in Netherlands and
13Product overview
Thin Client Series
Elegance Series
ProScribe Series
PanaVeo Series
Migration Tools
14IGEL Remote Management Suite
15References Healthcare Netherlands
16Customers Healthcare
17Technology Partners Memberships
18Convince yourself
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