Title: IDRC-CLACSO Biblioteca Virtual
1ICTs Fostering Competitiveness in the Knowledge
Ben Petrazzini, Director ICA
Private Sector Forum, 2-3 June 2006, Santo
Domingo, DR
2Background and Context
- 2001 - Summit of the Americas in Quebec
connectivity and the creation of ICA - 2005 - Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata
employment creation and strengthening democratic
governance - 2006 OAS General Assembly in Santo Domingo
Development, Good Governance and the Knowledge
3Where we stand? Whats next?
- The problem is not connectivity per se
- The problem is
- Connecting people
- Connecting ideas
- Connecting the Americas
- Time to move out of the ICT box, and reach the
majority - Time to mainstream ICTs
- Economy
- Health
- Education
- Governance
- Environment
- Etc, etc
4ICAs Vision of the KS in LAC
A society in which citizens are aware of the
potential of ICTs for development, and are
innovative adopters of ICTs as effective tools
used to achieve more equitable and sustainable
5The three pillars of the KS
- Job creation (e-Economy)
- Development (e-Enablers)
- Governance (e-Citizenship)
Connectivity cuts across all three and paves the
way to the KS
6Pillar 1
- ICTs in the informal economy
- Small Medium Size enterprises, e-commerce
and employment - Youth, digital and creative industries
- Intelectual property rights public goods
Objective Promote entrepreneurship and decent
employment (in particular among the youth)
through the adoption and effective use of ICTs.
Knowledge Economy Initiative
- Regional research on the KE
- Themes (a) Institutions, Innovations, and
Knowledge flows, (b) employment, (c) Trade and
new business opportunities, and (d) emerging
industries - Creative industries, ICTs in the informal
economy, telework, SMEs and ICTs
8Pillar 2
- Education and skills
- for the e-economy
- Education at the
- bottom of the pyramid
- Health for the poor
Objective Improving the provision and access to
education and health services through the
adoption and effective use of ICTs
Educational Portals Network
- Regional Network for the free exchange and
sharing of educational content - _at_Campus Mexico
- Refurbishing of used computers, north south
exchange and e-waste. - HEALTH Punto J, Palm pilots and WiFi in the
health sector
10Pillar 3
- Open gov transparencyand accountability
- Citizen participation and privacy
- e-Gov for all supplyand access
Objective strengthen democratic governance in
order to promote more equitable socioeconomic
conditions through the adoption and effective use
of ICTs
E-Government Leaders Network
- Lead e-gov initiative in LAC. Gathers some 60
e-gov leaders of 32 countries in the region.
Supports knowledge sharing, applications
exchange, training, research, exchange of
practitioners - E-gov for all cel gov and telecenters
- Citizen participation and transparency
12Key drivers towards the KS
13A multi-stakholder endevour
- Government
- Regulatory and legal framework and adequate
incentives - Private sector
- Low cost technologies and applications with a
long term view of benefits - Civil society organizations
- Agents of change
- International organizations
- Regionalization, scale up,
- transfer of knowledge,
- take risk on innovations
14Thank you
Conecting people
Conecting ideas
Conecting the Americas