Title: Healthcare Workforce ARRA and Healthcare Reform
1Healthcare Workforce ARRA and Healthcare Reform
- Kristin Juliar, Director
- Montana ORH/AHEC
- NOSORH Webinar, July 7, 2009
2ARRA Issues (Some we know, some we dont know)
- Community Health Centers
- Expansions, equipment, construction projects
- HIT acquisition
- Primary Healthcare Workforce
- 500 million to foster a skilled workforce and
boost capacity to deliver services - Expanded slots in NHSC
- 200 million through Title VII and VIII training
program grants - Funds to increase health professions literacy
with HIT
3Other ARRA Provisions of Rural Interest
- Comparative Effectiveness Research
- Support research efforts and demonstration
projects - Prevention and Wellness Fund
- Details to be specified for prevention and
wellness , including clinical and community based
prevention and wellness efforts - HIT
- Adoption of HIT through reimbursements to
providers - Development of HIE
- HIT workforce development
- HIT instruction incorporated into health
professions training - Tele-health
- Broadband Technology Opportunities Program for
distance learning, telemedicine and broadband - Indian Health Service HIT activities
4Healthcare Reform Senate Finance (What may be)
- Reforming the Healthcare Delivery system
- Strengthening primary care and chronic care
management - Refocus payments towards quality
- Promoting collaboration and accountability
- Comparative effectiveness
- Healthcare workforce focus on primary care,
strengthening GME, increasing diversity, faculty,
support for Title VII and Title VIII, pipeline
5Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP)
Committee (What may be)
- Training in Family Medicine, General Internal
Medicine, General Pediatrics and PA - Through several provisions, expand the
availability of primary care training, including
community based programs, faculty, expansion of
PA program, new competencies such as medical home - Expand training for direct care workers
- Training in general, pediatric and public health
6AHEC Changes
- Simplifies language describing programs
- Expands on-going funding of long term centers to
250,000 year and envisions a national network of
centers - Innovative opportunities may be funded for
curriculum development related to primary care,
CBPR, and to address identified workforce needs - 10 of medical studies in rural/underserved
- 10 of nursing students in rural/underserved
- Restructures match to allow half of match to be
7Other Provisions
- Continuing Education grants to eligible
entities -
- Geriatric Education Geriatric Education Centers
- Improving Geriatric Training for Physicians,
Dentists and Behavioral/Mental Health
Professionals, other incentives for geriatric
careers - Special Oral Health Needs Education Centers
primarily related to DD and geriatric
8Health Workforce Information and Analysis
- National Center for Health Workforce Analysis
- State and Regional Centers for Health Workforce
Analysis - Research
- Technical assistance
- Eligibility a state, a state workforce
commission, a public health health professions
school, an academic health center, or an
appropriate public or private nonprofit or
partnership of above (comments changing this
language have been submitted to focus on a
collaborative model) - Includes grants for longitudinal tracking systems
of funded health professionals/students, NHSC and
other measurements. - Grants would be about 75,000 per center it
appears (4.5 million total for all components)
- National Health Service Corps expanded funding
- Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
- Ready Reserve Corps
- Youth Public Health Program
- Public Health Workforce Development Grants for
state and local programs, including scholarships,
retention program, loan repayment program - Nursing Workforce Development Continuation and
expansion of programs for nursing education
retention, diversity, curriculum, student loans,
nursing faculty loans - Nurse managed health clinics providing primary
care and wellness services -
- Mental and Behavioral Health
- Education and training, loan repayments,
scholarships, focus on youth, research grants,
community based programs of excellence grants
10Primary Care Extension Program
- Primary Care Extension Program establishes a
program similar to the current Extension Service.
To provide support and assistance to primary
care providers to education providers about
preventive medicine, health promotion, chronic
disease management, MH, evidence based practice
and incorporate them into their practice and
improve community health by using Health
Extension Agents. - Primary Care Extension Program establishes a
program similar to the current Extension Service.
To provide support and assistance to primary
care providers to education providers about
preventive medicine, health promotion, chronic
disease management, MH, evidence based practice
and incorporate them into their practice and
improve community health by using Health
Extension Agents.
11Primary Care Extension Centers
- Competitive grants to states to establish hubs
that consist of the state health department,
Medicare program, health professions schools that
train primary care, hospital associations,
societies, PCAs consumer groups - Required to submit a plan to coordinate with QIOs
and AHECs if they arent part of the Hub - Contracts with a county or local entity to serve
as the Health Extension Agency - Duties Assist with implementing medical homes,
training and deployment of community care teams
TA, training and organizational support for
community care teams, support primary care
learning communities - Competitive grants to states to establish hubs
that consist of the state health department,
Medicare program, health professions schools that
train primary care, hospital associations,
societies, PCAs consumer groups - Required to submit a plan to coordinate with QIOs
and AHECs if they arent part of the Hub - Contracts with a county or local entity to serve
as the Health Extension Agency - Duties Assist with implementing medical homes,
training and deployment of community care teams
TA, training and organizational support for
community care teams, support primary care
learning communities -
12Dental, CHW
- Dental Care Facilities in HPSAs - grants for
capital expenditures - Alternative Dental Healthcare Providers
Demonstration Project - Community Health Workers
- Grants to promote positive health behaviors and
outcomes using CHWs, providing training and
support - Collaborate with academic institutions
13GME (Residency)
- In House A redistribution of unused graduate
medical education (GME) training slots, the
preservation and redistribution of
Medicare-funded GME training slots when teaching
hospitals close, and the elimination of
regulatory barriers to placing residents in
non-hospital settings for portions of their
training - Senate Finance supporting GME expansion and
redistribution to support primary care expansion
- In February, Congress passed the ARRA, which set
aside 500 million to strengthen the nation's
health care workforce. The ARRA gave 300 million
of the 500 million to the National Health
Services Corps, or NHSC, and 200 million to
programs authorized by Titles VII and VIII of the
Public Health Service Act. These sections of the
Act include primary care medicine and dentistry
programs, public health and preventive medicine
programs, and scholarship and loan repayment
programs. The AARA also gave the Health
Resources and Services Administration, or HRSA,
discretion regarding how to allocate the 200
million. According to Marcia Brand, Ph.D., deputy
administrator for HRSA, the agency has decided to
set aside about a quarter of that money for
programs aimed at training primary care
physicians under Title VII.
"For those of you who have been following this
200 million and trying to figure out where it is
going to go, it has been kind of interesting
because there were several different iterations
of ARRA dollars for health professions education
in earlier versions of the proposed legislation,"
said Brand.