Title: Mining for gold
1Mining for gold
- John Stuppy, M.B.A., Ph.D.
CoSN February 27, 2002
JJSTUPPY_at_aol.com 410-935-0936
2Achieving the gold!
THE EDGE Best tools resources all data
analyzed to determine what works, when for whom.
U.S. Investment In Olympians Is Paying Off, The
Washington Post, 2/24/02, Page A1
3Achieving the gold!
ACCOUNTABILITY Dont we want as much for our
4Sylvan Data Pipeline
- Find out what works
- Improve programs
- Increase gains
Student Demographics
5The data shows
Children with bigger feet spell better.
Children with bigger feet spell better. (If you
didnt attend the session but want to know why
this is so, contact me at JJSTUPPY_at_AOL.COM)
6School Data Mining
7National Agenda
- Annual assessments against standards
- Progress reports
- To parents by school/by group report card
- Effective programs
- Professional development
- Scientific, research-based and effective practice
- Safer schools
- Adequate yearly progress for Title I schools
- Rewards for closing the achievement gap
- Consequences for failure
8School Data Pipeline
Student Demographics
9Research informs practice.
10Practice informs research!
Experience is the worst teacher it gives the
test before presenting the lesson.
11Documented, validated replicable practice
informs research!
Experience is the worst teacher it gives the
test before presenting the lesson.
12Student learning?
- What
- impacts it?
- can you change?
- factors impact it the most?
- data do you have to manage it?
- Can you
- modify behavior for more accountability?
13Instruction programs materials?
- What
- programs do we have?
- are they designed do they do?
- How well do they work?
- Do they work for all students?
- What is the cost per student?
- What tradeoff between effectiveness cost?
- What skills are needed to use them?
- Do our teachers have these skills?
14Teacher retention needs?
- What are my future staffing needs?
- Do we have enough teachers?
- Cost of
- hiring a new teacher?
- turnover?
- What factors
- influence turnover?
- carry the most weight?
- can we control?
- What should we spend?
15Professional development?
- Who is meeting certification requirements?
- Are you
- in compliance with tracking certification laws?
- maximizing state funding?
- Can teachers easily find enroll in PD courses?
- What staff development courses work?
- How do you know?
- For information on an ASP solution that tracks
professional development, certification, etc.,
contact - Andy Byer, Trivision Technologies (818)775-0104
16Data can help you
- Manage change
- Understand what works best
- Support policy practice decisions
- But use it wisely be careful!
17What do you need?
- Data-Driven Decision Support Infrastructure
- Establish info systems that add value!
- Link data from all relevant sources
- Assessment, student/school, instruction, prof.
dev. - Classroom, school, district, state, nation
- Analyze data
- Enhance with observation good sense
- Manage resources
- Make things better!
- Data-Driven Decision Support Infrastructure
- Answer questions using up-to-date info
- Find solutions from complex systems
- Identify specific process improvements
- Verify changes produce desired result
- Manage scarce resources