Title: High Stakes Communication: Interviewing for a Job
1High Stakes CommunicationInterviewing for a Job
2Successful Interviewees
- Analyze situation audience
- Organize knowledge and experience
- Convey confidence
- Handle questions
- Reduce anxiety
www.city.pittsburgh.pa.us/ ed/jobs.html
3Analyze Situation and Audience
4Analyze Interview Situation
- Where?
- When?
- How many interviews?
- With whom?
- Other expectations?
- Give job talk
- Take tests
5Research the Employer
- Mission
- Organizational structure and culture
- Clients, dept. faculty, students
- Products, research foci, services
- Size and location
- Financial standing
6Sources of Information
- Career services
- Web sites
- Advisors, peers, employees
- Annual report
- Promotional materials
- Periodicals
7Organize Knowledge and Experience
8Know Yourself
- List adjectives that describe yourself
- Create table of job satisfaction factors
- Rank personal values
- Analyze past work experiences
- Assess strengths weaknesses
- List life career goals
- Stay aware of current events
- http//www.resumetapebook.com/i/tn_interview_jpeg.
9Know Your Work Experience
- Assemble and review job portfolio
- Review notes on employer
- Match your qualifications to their needs
- Formulate questions to ask
10Get Organized!
- Greeting
- Small talk
- Confident, Can-Do stmt
- Strategy
- Deliver topic sentences
- Provide concrete examples
- Organize for conciseness
- Adapt to audience
- Closing (memorize)
- Summarize qualifications
- Reinforce interest in position
11Apply New Knowledge
- Respond to the interview prompts on the next 4
12 Tell me a little bit about yourself.
13What are your most significant accomplishments?
14What are your strengths and weaknesses?
15Describe your research.
16Convey Confidence
- Posture
- Gestures
- Eye contact
- Voice quality
- Dress
17Handle Questions
- Do
- Paraphrase/clarify
- Engage and elaborate
- Monitor body language
- Dont
- Exaggerate qualifications
- Give yes/no responses
- Criticize previous employer
18Reduce Anxiety
- Physical signs
- Sweat
- Hands shake
- Voice cracks
- Psychological signs
- Blank out
- Babble
19Success without Stress
www.owlnet.rice.edu/cainproj/ news/october99/octo
20Negative Talk Positive Talk
- --- Im freaking out! Im going to blow this.
- Im prepared. This could lead to a great
opportunity. - --- He/she thinks Im an idiot.
- The interviewer is on my side. He/she needs
me to fill important role in org.
21Success without Stress
www.owlnet.rice.edu/cainproj/ news/october99/octo
22Breathing Exercise
- Relax shoulders, neck, and jaw
- Place fingertips on diaphragm
- Inhale slowly and silently count to 5
- Hold 3 seconds
- Exhale while counting to 5
- Repeat sequence for 5 minutes
23Success without Stress
- Eliminate negativity
- Breathe
- Eat
- Sleep
- Avoid caffeine
www.owlnet.rice.edu/cainproj/ news/october99/octo
- Practice answering questions out loud
- Mock interview w/ different people
- Get videotaped
- Keep a journal about interview experiences to aid
future preparation