Title: Publishing Web Magazines, e-Journals and WebZines: Publishers Requirements
1Publishing Web Magazines, e-Journals and
WebZinesPublishers Requirements
Pres 6
- Brian Kelly
- B.Kelly_at_ukoln.ac.uk
UKOLN is funded by Resource The Council for
Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint
Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the
Higher and Further Education Funding Councils, as
well as by project funding from the JISC and the
European Union. UKOLN also receives support
from the University of Bath where it is based.
2Session Aims
- In this session we will
- Discuss what publishers might expect from our Web
publication(s) - Highlight any issues which will need to be
resolved in order to satisfy these requirements - Look at some examples
- Complete exercise on Publisher Requirements
- What publisher requirements have you identified?
- What issues need to be addressed?
4Publisher Requirements
Ability to deploy new functionality
Support Users
Techniques to promote the publication
Support the user requirements which have been
Statistics on use of publication
Support Authors
Support the author requirements which have been
Technical Issues
Scalable architecture
Databases / CMS
Ensure the service works
Solutions matchstaff expertise
- Identifying Publisher Requirements
- Promoting the Publication
- Statistics
- Syndicating Content
- Maintaining Content
- Standards
- Architecture
- Applications
6Find Article From AltaVista
- Search engines can drive much traffic to a
Webzine, esp. if articles contain unusual names
(e.g. orgs such as CERN) - Be proactive in ensuring Webzines are indexed by
major search engine vendors - Ensure that Webzines are indexed in a timely
manner (just before new issue released) - Provide a search engine friendly site map (e.g.
issue or volume table of contents) containing
lists to all (all new) articles and submit it to
search engines
- Many tools are available for submitting Web sites
to search engines, including desktop applications
and Web services - NOTE
- Submit the URL of a page with links to all pages
(e.g. table of contents, site map, Whats New
page) - Beware of spam
8Has It Worked?
- After indexing
- Use (e.g.) AltaVista search facility to count
nos. of pages it has indexed - Use tools to check position for typical query
(e.g. Informant)
- Informant sends regular emails with info on
position of query in AltaVista - Why is my Webzine not in top 10 for query?
- Should I resubmit?
- Is the service incorrect?
- Should I use another service?
Testing We are thinking about creating
foo.ukoln.ac.uk and testing submission services -
results to be published in Cultivate Interactive
9Avoid Junk Being Indexed
- A search for your Webzine gives you
- The pre-release information, contained in the
editors personal home page - The pre-publication Web site
- To avoid this happening make use of a robots.txt
file and the Robot Exclusion Protocol (REP)
NOTE Think about this from the start Once a page
is indexed, its difficult to get it removed
User-agent Disallow /
You can also control robots by using the ltmeta
linkrobots contentnoindexgt tag in HTML
pages (e.g. dont index news pages)
Pre-release Web site
10Approaches to Statistics
- Cultivate Interactive uses 2 externally hosted
statistical services - Nedstats (stats for individual articles)
- SiteMeter (stats for entire Webzine)
- and analysis by WebTrends
- Externally-Hosted
- Minimal resource requirements
- Extra info (PC analysis)
- Email notification
- Loss of info
- Reuse may be difficult
See lthttp//www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue23/web-focus/gt
and lthttp//www.exploit-lib.org/issue7/statistics/
11Other Indicators
- Web stats are of uncertain quality due to effects
of caching, robots, single visitors, etc. - Other useful performance indicators
- Nos. of links to your online publication
- Proportion of publication which has been indexed
12News Feeds For Others To Use
- You can provide news feeds from your Webzine
- Additional dissemination
- Remote site drives traffic to you
- UKOLN has developed CGI and Javascript parsers
for RSS news feeds - CGI version works for any browser, but use
requires CGI privileges - JavaScript version requires JS-support, but can
be used by HTML author
13Auditing And Monitoring
- You can make use of Web-based services to audit
and monitor your electronic publication - Web Site Health Check
- Check HTML and CSS compliance, performance,
download times, etc using DrHTML, NetMechanic,
etc. - Accessibility
- Browser emulators and accessibility checkers such
as Bobby - Dissemination
- Check link popularity, pages indexed, etc using
LinkPopularity - Monitoring Server Availability
- Notification if server is unavailable, such as
See workshop materials at lthttp//www.ukoln.ac.uk/
14Article Maintenance
- Web sites deteriorate
- Information becomes out-of-date
- Hot news becomes stale news
- Links start to break
- Metadata changes (email and postal address of
author, etc.) - New formats are introduced (HTML -gt XHTML)
- New functionality is introduced (automated
translation) - What should be done if
- The links from an article become broken
- The authors email and postal address changes
- An article now contains incorrect information
- You wish to change the font used initially
- Should
- They be fixed
- They be left dont tamper with published
information, as this sets a dangerous precedent
15What Is The Article?
- A published article may be treated as an
aggregation of resource fragments - HTML / CSS stuff (DTD, ltHTMLgt elements, CSS
attributes, ) - Navigational fragments (header, footer, )
- Branding (name of publisher, funder, etc.)
- Core content (the bit which would be printed in a
conventional publication) - Additional end user functionality (translate this
article, find similar articles, annotate article,
) - Publisher / author functionality (validate this
16Permanent Record or Updated Resource?
- How do you regard an article published in a
Webzine - A fixed record which should not be changed
(unless, possibly, a formal update / reprint
process is gone through)? - A resource which can be updated according to
pragmatic criteria (e.g. fixing errors,
annotating when out-of-date, but not changing the
original meaning)?
17A Pragmatic Approach
- There is a need for a policy (and related
procedures). - This will reflect the role of the Webzine.
- How about
- The meaning of published information will not be
changed once an article has been published - References (hyperlinks) which become broken will
be annotated if they are fixed or removed.
Original link information will be available to
the reader. - The look-and-feel of the Webzine may be changed
retrospectively for published articles. If
feasible, it should be possible for a reader to
return to the original look-and-feel - Changes may be made to HTML, etc. elements.
- Changes made be made to the navigational and
functional fragments for an article
- The publisher should be interested in standards
- To maximise potential readership
- To provide long-term access to resources
- To avoid application / platform dependencies
- We use
- HTML (moving to XHTML, but issues over tools)
- CSS (but issues over browser support)
- Dublin Core metadata in HTML
- We are thinking about
- Transforming XHTML into WML using XSLT
- Providing DC metadata in RDF
- Using RSS for news feeds
- Other areas which inform our research activities
- Key feature use of neutral fragments which are
transformed, easily managed and reused
Title Author URL date
Render article
- Add new functionality
- Print all
- Translate
- See also
Header Footer Article body Translate See also
Render issue
- Manage functionality
- New translation
- Update Web stats
- Manage metadata
Createsite map
- Add new format, etc
- PDF, WAP, eBook, email, ...
- Full list of authors
- User-defined views
Various fragments are processed by server
scripts and can be managed
- What applications can be used to implement this
Cultivate Interactive
MS SiteServer Mainly used for indexing
function Also provides site management
tools Author upload facility is of interest HTML
Authoring Tools HotMetal / FrontPage / HTML Kit
(under review) Web Stats Nedstats / Sitemeter
(Web-based)Misc submission tools Software
Development (ASP Scripts) Visual Interdev Notepad
21Applications Licensed or Free?
- Background
- Limited budget available for Cultivate
Interactive - Limited resources for software development
(bought-in Postgraduate help) - Provided opportunity to evaluate / report on
potential for (free) Web-based services - ASPs
(Application Service Providers)
- Use of mainly free Web-based service
- Web statistics Submission to search engines
- Polling services Monitoring service
availability - See article at lthttp//www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue23/
web-focus/gt but note potential problems due to
decline in ad revenue
22Applications A CMS
- The model for Cultivate Interactive has worked
well - For a larger-scale project, a CMS (Content
Management System) may be needed - Manage access by multiple editors
- Manage access rights (design can change
appearance, editor can change content) - Manage workflow processes
- Manage application development
- Issues
- Open source (e.g. Zope) vs. Licensed
- Capital costs vs development costs
- Entry point (size of Webzine, budget, )
- Support
author ? editor ? pre-release site ? review ?
- Publisher should provide short memorable
identifiers - Its wise to avoid platform application
dependencies - Its also useful to use directories to group
issues and articles
Short, memorable, language format independent
Longer, format specific, scope for confusion
.htm or .html
Also application-specific, possible mirroring /
indexing problems
Very application specific, not indexable, caching
and mirroring problems But use of a database
helps with Web site maintenance NOTE database
generated resource can have static URL
24Mirroring / Preservation
- If your Webzine is popular you be be asked if it
can be mirrored (low bandwidth areas, Intranets,
..) - Also consider the long term preservation
- Issues
- Absolute vs relative URLs
- The root of your Web site and its structure
- Mirroring the content or the application
- Sucking the Webzine vs pushing (replicating) it
- Navigation on a mirrored site (where is home?)
- Mirroring exactly vs rewriting bits
- Own domain for apps (eg. wwwsearch.cultivate-int.o
If a site can be mirrored easily, its more
likely to be easily preserved or transferred to
other platforms. So even if mirroring doesnt
appear to be of interest, there may be other
- D-Lib is mirrored at UKOLN at lthttp//mirrored.uko
- Search and the results are not at mirror
- Long URL of UK mirror
26Developments With Identifiers
- Library professionals have an interest in
persistent addressing - URLs break when
- An organisation is renamed
- A Web site is reorganised
- Possible solutions include
- DOIs (but mirroring issues)
- OpenURLs (address mirroring and resolution)
See lthttp//www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URIgt for
background info