Title: Teaching Introduction to Public Policy
1Teaching Introduction toPublic Policy Research
- Rick Mayes, Assistant Professor
- Department of Political Science
2Background Objectives
- Public Policy 101 Incentives structure modern
life as we know it. - e.g., IRS and tax audits, HOV lanes and toll
roads, Deans List and - academic probation, parenting, teaching,
dating, sales, Amway, etc. - Incentives come in 3 basic flavors or varieties
(e.g., smoking) - (a.) moral U.S. govt asserts that terrorists
raise money from black-market sales of cigarettes - (b.) social banning of cigarettes in restaurants
and bars - (c.) economic 3-per-pack sin tax ( but not
in Virginia obviously)
3Moral/Social Incentives and Modern Life
- The Chicago Police Department in conjunction
with the Mayor's office have now made
prostitution solicitors' information available
online. By using this website, you will be able
to view public records on individuals who have
been arrested for soliciting prostitutes or other
related arrests. The following individuals were
arrested and charged for either patronizing or
soliciting for prostitution. It is not a
comprehensive list of all individuals arrested by
the Chicago Police Department for patronizing or
soliciting for prostitution. The names,
identities and citations appear here as they were
provided to police officers in the field at the
time of arrests.
2005/10/01 720 ILCS 5.0/11-15-A-1
CHICAGO 1102 N CICERO AVE 2005/10/02 720 ILCS
2500 S CALIFORNIA BLVD 2005/09/06 720 ILCS
720 ILCS 5.0/11-15-A-1
4Economic Incentives and Modern Life
- - Australian prison ships in the early 1900s
- - April 15, 1987 and the disappearance of
- of 7 million American children
- - frequent flyer miles (loyalty programs)
5Incentives Driving Medicares Pay for
- Institute of Medicine reports
- - To Err is Human (1999)
- - Crossing the Quality Chasm (2001)
- (2) John Wennberg Small-Area Large-Variation
studies - - tonsillectomy rates (1977)
- - cesarean section rates (1996)
- - variation in Medicare spending/per
beneficiary -
6(No Transcript)
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8Number of Acute Care Hospital Beds/per 1,000
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
9Number of Hospital Discharges for all Medical
Conditions (DRGs)
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
10Average number of physician visits per patient
during last six months of life who received most
of their care in one of 77 best US hospitals
Source John Wennberg (2005)
11Incentives Driving Medicares Pay for
- Researchers and Insurers Conclusions
- (1.) Physician practice styles vary considerably,
especially regarding - diagnoses for which treatment decisions are
not driven by consensus - on appropriate care and it is not possible to
obtain evidence-based - guidelines from reading journals or consulting
textbooks. - e.g., back surgery rates (the /per 1,000
Medicare beneficiaries) - - 7/per 1,000 in Naples, FL
- - 2/per 1,000 in Hanover, NH
- - 4.5/per 1,000 national average
- (2.) In medicine, supply generally creates its
own demand
12Rates of Surgery for Back Pain/per 1,000 Medicare
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
13Rates of four orthopedic procedures among
Medicare enrollees in 306 Hospital Referral
Regions (2000-01)
Source John Wennberg (2005)
14Association between cardiologists and visits per
person to cardiologists among Medicare enrollees
(1996) 306 HRRs
Source John Wennberg (2005)
15The Association between Hospital Beds and
Hospitalization for Hip Fracture and Congestive
Heart Failure
Source Dartmouth Atlas of Virginia
16Interview w/Tom Scully, former CMS Administrator
- Mayes Others Ive interviewed have said that
hospitals will cry, cry, cry about their
finances and level of Medicare reimbursement,
but that sometimes you have take it with a grain
of salt. - Scully Oh, theyre doing great! Ill tell you,
go find me a hospital that hasnt built a giant
new bed-tower in the last few years. Theyve
actually slowed down, because the government has
phased out Medicare capital (reimbursement) We
used to pay for capital in Medicare it was a DRG
add-on for capital expenditures. Well, if youre
getting 40 percent of your revenues from Medicare
and you want to build a new building and Medicare
will pay for 40 percent of it, right? Then why
not? - So what you were getting all through the 1980s
was a massive building spree up into the
early 1990s and even through the 90s, because it
was a 10-year phase out of the DRG add-on for
capital. If you wanted to build a new hospital
wing in 1990even if you didnt have any patients
for itif you budgeted 100 million, Medicare
would write you a check for 40 million! So what
do you get? You got a hell of a lot of big new
hospital wings, need them or not. This is one of
the reasons weve had such massive over-capacity
- Youd have to be an idiot not to put up a new
building every couple of years, because Medicare
paid for such a big part of it. That is slowing
down now and youre starting to see the demand
catch up on capacity in a lot of markets. - Roemers Law A hospital bed built is a
hospital bed filled. (behavior is unconscious)
17Association between of hospital beds per 1,000
residents (1996) and discharges per 1,000
(1995-96) among Medicare enrollees in 306 HRRs
Source John Wennberg (2005)
18(No Transcript)
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20- relationship between
- Abortion Crime
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26Early Legalizers New YorkCalifornia
Washington Alaska Hawaii
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28- relationship between
- Psychostimulant Use
- and
- Educational, Socioeconomic, Demographic and
- Health System Characteristics
29Background Significance
- So what? What is the significance of ADHD and
psychostimulants? - ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral
disorder in children, making up more than 50 of
all child psychiatric diagnoses - 75-85 of children diagnosed with ADHD are
prescribed psychostimulant drugs (e.g.,
Ritalin, Adderall, Dexedrine, Concerta) - the U.S. population consumes 90 of the worlds
production of psychostimulants - school-age children in the U.S. consume 4 times
more psychiatric medication than children in the
rest of the world combined
30Background Significance
- So what? What is the significance of ADHD and
psychostimulants? contd . . . - an estimated 3-5 of school-age children have the
disorder (NIH Consensus Statement, 1998) other
estimates 4-12 (Vanderbilt, MUSC) - (1.5-to-6 million kids, 1-to-3 students in
every classroom in the U.S.) - ADHD prevalence estimates from actual community
studies range from as low as 1.7 (Calif. Bay
Area) to as high as 20 (military bases near
Virginia Beach) - rates of psychostimulant use vary as much as
3-fold between states and 10-fold within them
(Rappley et al., 1995 Wennberg Wennberg, 2000
Zito et al., 1997) - At the peak age for psychostimulant use, 11,
almost 1 in every 10 boys in the U.S. uses these
drugs (Cox et al., Journal of Pediatrics,
February 2003). - big approximately 1.2 billion spent in 2001
on ADHD related drugs - (new potential growth markets pre-schoolers
and adults)
31Diagnostic and Prescribing Trends
- 400-500 increase in ADHD diagnoses since 1991
- 1991 800,000 to 950,000 children diagnosed with
ADHD - 2001 4 to 4.25 million children diagnosed with
ADHD - 800-900 increase in psychostimulant use since
1991 - 1991 2 million psychostimulant prescriptions
- 2001 21 million psychostimulant prescriptions
32Diagnostic and Prescribing Trends American
33Mayes, Bokhari, Scheffler (2005) Conditional
Probability of a Child Being Diagnosed with ADHD
34Primary Research Question
- What explains the enormous variation
- in psychostimulant consumption across the U.S.?
35Methylphenidate and Amphetamine Distribution,
2000 (DEA data)(average 4,150 grams/100,000
0 to 1,600 Low
1,600 to 3,150 Below Average (25.5)
3,150 to 5,150 Average (43.5)
5,150 to 6,750 Above Average (19.6)
6,750 to 8,350 High
8,350 to 11,000 Extremely High (1.8)
36Characteristics of Counties with High and Low Use
of Psychostimulants, DEA ARCOS data (2000)
difference in means significant at the .10 level,
at the .05 level, at the .01 level
37Characteristics of Counties with High and Low Use
of Psychostimulants, DEA ARCOS data (2000)
difference in means significant at the .10 level,
at the .05 level, at the .01 level
38Selected Regression Coefficients for Market
Model indicates that the coefficient is
significant at the 10 level, at the 5 level,
at the 1 level
39Selected Regression Coefficients for Market
Model indicates that the coefficient is
significant at the 10 level, at the 5 level,
at the 1 level