Title: Usage and usability considerations for SIRLAN solution success
1Usage and usability considerationsfor SIRLAN
solution success
2Objectives and MethodResults - residential
service usersResults - contractorsConclusion
3- Objectives concerning residential users
- Identify key factors in residential gateway
context - Identify main user activities
- Generic activities for all services
- Particular activity groups and interaction styles
- Provide recommendations for
- User acceptance
- UI design
4- Objectives concerning contractors
- Meaning of use
- Evaluate if the concept makes sense for
contractors - Anticipate potential acceptance
- Identify main issues to address in order to make
the concept accepted
5- Objectives concerning contractors
- Analysis of practices
- Analyse contractor practices when installing and
configuring a home automation system - Anticipate activity evolutions
- Provide acceptance, design and HMI
6- Users
- Selection of representative subjects
- 18 residential service users
- 13 contractors (meaning of use diagnostic)
- 16 contractors (practices analysis)
7- Method for residential users
- Exploratory study
Simulated environment
Hypotheses elaboration (services, activities,
interactions) Scenarios Mock-ups Questionnaires
Observation of scenario execution Interviews
8- Method for contractors
- Meaning of use study (CAUTIC Method)
- Structured interviews around the presentation of
the concept/product to be evaluated - Evaluation based on predefined criteria
- User profiles
9- Method for contractors
- Analysis of practices
- Semi structured interviews
- Observations of scenario based execution of
10Objectives and MethodResults - residential
service usersResults - contractorsConclusion
11- Familial use of services
- Several individual profiles
- Identification for service access
- Individual VS familial subscription
- Payment methods
12- User identification
- Method adapted to the need
- Users require minimum of effort
- Variety of user preferences
13- Subscription to services
- Help users to find and select services
- Factors influencing subscription
- Information about the service
- Certification of service providers
- Price and parameters influencing the price
- Subscription terms
- Subscription feedback
14- Service payment
- Payment method adapted to context and user
- ex. classical methods for high amount
- ex. direct debit for monthly use
- ex. virtual account or smart card for family use
- part of the user profile
- Users do not want their card number being sent
through network (even secured)
15- Main user concerns (1)
- Security
- Personal data (network, server, service
providers) - Transactions
- Home gateway access from the outside
- Confidentiality and preservation of private life
- Big brother feeling
- Data used as marketing means (consumer profiles)
16- Main user concerns (2)
- Quality of service
- Reliability and integrity of providers and
operators - Efficiency
- Control
- Parameters definition
- Service execution and life cycle
- Private environment
17- Interaction with services (1)
- Environment challenges
- User mobility
- Non traditional physical positions
- Multi-tasking activities
- Remote interaction from outside
- User attitude different in house environment
18- Interaction with services (2)
- Diversity in services and user activities
- Direct and postponed control
- Programming
- Information and data exchange (user-service)
- Communication (user-user)
- Transactions
19- Interaction with services (3)
- Interaction styles and devices
- User, context and task
- Existing technologies and products
- Project constraints (price, technical challenge,
20- Interaction with services (4)
- Separate UI for each service
- Clear and simple service access
- Need for combining some functions
- Lack of consistency
21Objectives and MethodsResults - residential
service usersResults - contractorsConclusion
22- Meaning of use study (CAUTIC Method)
- 15 criteria evaluating if the user can
- assimilate the new technique to its technical
expertise - integrate the innovation in its current practices
- appropriate the innovation to his private and
professional identity - adapt the innovation to his environment
23- Gateway installation and assistance service
concepts - General results
- Concepts difficult to understand
- Confusion between different levels
24- Gateway installation and assistance service
concepts - Difficulties
- Global system view
- WAN (security and reliability)
- Step by step assistance for installation (big
brother feeling), especially for LAN part - Confidential aspect of private life for users
25- Gateway installation and assistance service
concepts - Interests
- In the form of training for the first
installations - Hot line service during installation
- For WAN part only
- In the future
- A way to distinguish from competitors
- Quality certification
26- Analysis of contractor practices
- Different contractor profiles
- Domestic electrician
- Domoticist (Home Building automation
specialist) - Product specialist (alarm, window blinds, etc.)
27- Analysis of contractor practices
Small Systems
Advanced Systems
Remote services
Computer using
Interface (screen buttons)
Global system
Domestic Electrician
Product Specialist
? depends on speciality
28- Analysis of contractor practices
- Some common concerns
- Opinion about the residential user
- Expectation toward manufacturers
29- Analysis of contractor practices
- Installation activities
- Physical part (wiring, connecting, etc.)
- Configuration
30- Design considerations for configuration
- Language is an important issue
- Configuration activity similar to software coding
- Not an intuitive task
- Need for a global view of the configuration
- Need for tools to support the process
- Different styles and approach
- Selection of meaningful information
31Objectives and MethodResults - residential
service usersResults - contractorsConclusion
32- Address user/contractor concerns
- Ethic rules for service providers
- Quality certification
- User in control
- Security feeling
- Support user/contractor activities
- Speak the user language
33- User interfaces challenges
- Simplicity
- Adaptability and flexibility
- Consistency