Title: NM Early Childhood Outcomes Measurement System
1NM Early Childhood Outcomes Measurement System
- Accountability for
- Child Progress in 619 Preschool Programs- OSEP
NMPED Special Education Bureau Special Education
Directors Academy September 7, 2006
2An Overview
Ida Tewa 619 Consultant PED
Special Education Bureau
3- OSEP under increasing pressure to produce ECO
data in 619 preschool programs. - States required to submit this data in Annual
Performance Report (APR) - 3 Selected Assessment Tools for standardized use
around NM. - Petitioning option for alternate tool to
PED-SEB/ECO Stakeholder Group - 2 Separate Reporting Dates
- 3Y December 2006
- 4Y March 2007
- Training and Support in planning stages.
4ECO Grant Support Agencies
- REC 4
- Managed the development of the data collection
webpage, - Introduced at 4-06 Tri-Annual
- Analysis of the data
- Developed and submitted a final report to PED
- REC 10
- Developed data reporting training information on
website via PowerPoint, written step-by-step
directions, FAQ link, and the distribution of
passwords to each of the 89 NM school districts.
5State Performance Plan (SPP)
- Indicator 7
- Percent of preschool children with IEPs who
demonstrate improved
6ECO Indicators
- Positive social-emotional skills (including
social relationships), - Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills
(including early language -communication early
literacy), - Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs.
7Outcome Indicator 1
- Positive Socio-Emotional Skills (including social
relationships) - Make and maintain positive relationships with
adults and peers in age-appropriate ways. - Behave in ways that adhere to social norms and
8Outcome Indicator 2
- Acquisition and Use of Knowledge and Skills
(including early language/communication and early
literacy) - Acquire developmentally appropriate skills
related to thinking, reasoning, remembering,
retrieving, and problem-solving as demonstrated
in everyday routines, activities, and in
pre-academic areas.
9Outcome Indicator 3
- Use of Appropriate Behaviors to Meet Their Needs
- Meets needs that are age and functionally
appropriate. - Needs include both physical (comfort, safety,
well-being) and psychological (mastery and
engaging with the environment).
103 Selected Assessment Tools
Standardized Use Throughout NM
- Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early
Development II 2004 - Creative Curriculum for Preschool (4th Ed.)
- Work Sampling System
11What If Your District Does Not Use or Have One Of
The 3 Tools?
2 Options
- Petition the SEB/ECO Stakeholder Part B Group for
use of an alternative tool. - Justification
- Must be reliable, valid, criterion referenced,
and norm referenced. - Contact Ida Tewa (SEB- Ph 827-1466) for
information regarding the purchase of your chosen
12Sophie Bertrand Preschool NetworkUNM Center
forDevelopment and Disability
Origins of ECO in NM
13A Little History
- In fall of 2005, the Early Childhood Outcomes
(ECO) Stakeholder Group was formed to develop an
outcomes measurement system for NM. - Part C and Part B Groups
- Based on ECO framework developed through
- The ECO Center
- The National Early Childhood Technical Assistance
Center (NECTAC)
14ECO Stakeholder GroupPart C and Part B
- District Administrators
- Teachers
- Parents
- RECs
- Part C (Early Intervention) Administrators
- EI Providers
- DOH-FIT Staff
- Regional Coordinators
15ECO Stakeholder Group cont
- Established Guiding Principals for NMs ECO
System - Made recommendations to PED
- Made recommendations to DOH-FIT
- Established Committees
165 Subcommittees
- Tools Methodology
- Data System Implementation
- Training
- Public Awareness
- Cultural and Linguistic Diversity
17Tools Methodology Committee
- Recommendations to PED-SEB
- Assessment Instruments
- Timelines
- Sources of Data
- Use of ECO Summary Form
- 7-point Scale
18Use of the ECO Summary Form
- Not an assessment
- Allows for the use of multiple sources of
information to determine progress from a more
holistic perspective (assessment, parent input,
observation, etc.). - Measures/generalizes progress across settings.
- Valuable information for EC Transition process.
19What Did We LearnFrom NMsBaseline Data
- Lisa Burciaga Segura- REC 4
20In March and April 2006,
- Each district was directed to report progress
made for all children receiving special education
services within 3Y 4Y Programs - by April 30, 2006!
214 Possible Responses
- Maintenance (same as baseline)
- Made Progress (above baseline)
- Did Not Make Progress (below baseline)
- N/A (Reported skills as age level when entering
222005-2006ECO Project Results
23Research PopulationN4639
Return Rate 89
NEREC (REC4), May 2006 ECO Outcomes Report
24Research Population3Y 1934 4Y 2188
NEREC (REC4), May 2006 ECO Outcomes Report
253Y 4Y Outcomes, 2005-2006
NEREC (REC4), May 2006 ECO Outcomes Report
26Most Commonly ReportedAssessment Instruments
27Based on 05-06 Results
- We believe that NM has the capacity to collect
valid data that can be imbedded into effective
planning instruction. - We also understand that TA and Support will be
28For 06-07 School Year
- Part C Programs (Infant/Toddler) conducting pilot
of 7-point reporting system (ECO Summary Form) at
3 sites. - Laguna
- Carlsbad
- New Vistas- Las Vegas/Santa Fe
- Districts will again report data via webpage at
29For 06-07 School Year cont
- Technical Assistance Throughout NM
- Trainings will be offered at central locations
and individual districts, if necessary. - Web-based/Distance Ed. regional trainings
throughout NM - Minimum of 32 remote sites at present!
- Can be recorded via digital server and DVD
- Disseminate informational document to districts
indicating training dates, locations,
registration information, etc. via website,
emails, memos, etc. as dates, times, and
locations become scheduled. - ECO Pamphlet for Families (FIT)
- Possible disseminate at EC transition IEPs
30Change in Response Choices
- Did not improve functioning.
- Improve functioning, but not sufficient to move
nearer to functioning comparable to same-aged
peers. - Improved functioning to a level nearer to
same-age peers, but did not reach it. - Improved functioning to reach a level comparable
to same-aged peers. - Maintain functioning at a level comparable to
same-aged peers.
31When Reporting Your3Y/4Y Data
- Go to rec4.com
- Click on Early Childhood Outcomes link.
- Click ECO Data Collection Site
32(No Transcript)
33Reporting Timeframes
- December 2006
- 3-Year-Olds only
3Y Kids who are 3 by the last day of school.
These definitions account for children who are 2
upon entry and children who are 5 at exit
- March 2007
- 4-Year-Olds only
W H Y ?
4Y Kids who are 4 by the last day of school.
34Success of the Program
OSEP needs Entry/Exit data. ?Entrance into 3Y/4Y
program ?Exit from 3Y/4Yprogram
?Still Pre and Post-Assess both 3Ys and 4Ys each
year. ? Enter/Report each group only once per
LEA needs Pre/Post Data ? Beginning of School
year ? End of School year (Spring)
Success of Individual Students
354 Focused Training Areas
- Use of Assessment Tools
- Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early
Development II - Creative Curriculum for Preschool
- Work Sampling
- Petitioning Option
Standardized Use Throughout NM
364 Main Training Areas cont
- Use of ECO Summary Form
- 7-Point Scale
Standardized Use Throughout NM
374 Main Training Areas cont
- Data Reporting Process
- Data Collection Webpage
- www.rec4.com- (ECO link)
- Instructions, Links to forms, FAQs, etc. on
Standardized Use Throughout NM
38(No Transcript)
394 Main Training Areas cont
- Applications to Instruction
- Support and training with districts on
translating data into effective instructional
planning and practice.
40ECO Resources
- NMPED- Special Education Homepage
- www.ped.state.nm.us/seo
- Preschool Network
- http//cdd.unm.edu/ecspd/psn
- Early Childhood Outcomes Center
- www.fpg.unc.edueco
- National Early Childhood Technical Assistance
Center (NECTAC) - www.nectac.org
- Northeast Regional Education Cooperative (REC 4)
- www.rec4.com
- Southwest Regional Education Cooperative (REC 10)
- www.swrecnm.org
41ECO Contacts
- Ida Tewa- PED
- Special Education Bureau
- (505) 827-1466
- IdaM.Tewa_at_state.nm.us
- Sophie Bertrand-Preschool Network
- Center for Development and Disability
- (505) 272-1506
- sbertrand_at_salud.unm.edu.
- Glenn Damian- REC 4
- Lisa B. Segura- REC 4
- (505) 426-2085/454-1472
- gdamian_at_nmhu.edu
- lisabsegura_at_hotmail.com
- Cathe North- REC 10
- (505) 894-7589
- Cell (505) 740-1597
- cnorth_at_swrecnm.org