Title: Your Title Goes Here
1Teaching Learning Science with Technology (EDPB
507 Fall 2009)
Sampling Ways to Integrate Computer Technology
into Science Instruction
2The Plan An Introduction to Incorporating
Technology into Teaching Science
- Benefits challenges of using technology
- Considerations for resource selection
- Online activities exploring some online
resources - Websearching
- Online games
- WebQuests
- Other Useful Resources
3Why Use Technology inYour Science Instruction?
- Engaging-students like technology
- Keeps current with up-to-date info
- Develops skills required for graduation
- Offers unique activities/resources
- Opportunities to connect to others
- Access to experts (sometimes direct)
4Technology as Instructional Tool
- From Julias Soap Box
- Everything you have students do should be
purposeful. Technology is an instructional tool
pick it to do a particular jobdont throw it in
as an extraneous add-on or gimmick. - You wouldnt use a drill to hammer a nailuse
technology to do a job for which it is suited. - To pick the best tool consider the user the use
5The Big Picture Good Instructional Practice
67 Principles of Good Education (Chickering
Gamson, 1987 adapted)
- Good practice in education
- encourages contact between students, families
teachers - develops reciprocity cooperation among students
- encourages active learning
- gives prompt feedback
- emphasizes time on task
- communicates high expectations
- respects diverse talents ways of learning.
- See Appendix A for more detail on applications of
7Considerations for Resource Selection
- User Who is using the technology?
- Teacher/Learner needs can differ
- Identify who is the target audience for the
technologymust consider skill/reading levels - Use Why is the person using it?
- Be sure to identify your objective/need BEFORE
selecting technology resource - Eg. For teacher productivity (Job Aids)
- Lesson plans
- Tools
- Resources
- Eg. For learning a particular outcome
- Game for identifying body organs might help a
student meet a identify organs in the human body
8Challenges Facilitators of Working with
- Some challengeswhat do you think?
- Equipment availabilitywhere, when
- Student access outside of school
- Ensure equipment availability sometime during
school day whether in class, lunch, etc. - Software cost, availability installations,
reviews, pilots, implementations - Sufficient Pro-D teacher practice time
- Privacy of student/personal data
- Shallow research1st 10 Goggle hits
9Challenges Facilitators of Working with
- Some facilitatorswhat do you think?
- Many students want to use technology
- Good content available
- Access to experts
- Flexibility of material presentation/assessment
- Data used can be most current science
- Keeps teachers/students/homes in closer contact
- Helps with collaboration among studentsand
teachers re. Pro-D
11Activity 1 Searching for Stuff
- The Big Hitter of Search Engines
GOOGLEwww.google.ca - Search options
- Web-pages/sites
- Images
- Groups-searches  Google interest group postings
(also allows you to start a group) - News-top news stories
- Maps
- Scholar-searches articles
- For those wanting a little extra A Guide to All
Things Google http//www.googleguide.com/
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
Julia Hengstler Faculty of
Education Vancouver Island
12Googling for A Purpose
- In this activity youll take a look at what
Google can provide on a topic using each of the
major search options. Pick a topicYOUR OWN TOPIC
global warming, Pluto, butterflieskeeping the
search strictly on the simple topic. - Go to www.google.ca
- Search using 2 of search option types below and
follow at least 1 link in each option. (You can
use the list along the top of the Google baror
the drop-down list alongside the top). - Search Options
- Record at least 2 specific locations overall that
might be useful to you. (This means 2 selections
from the total collection that looked promising
to you.)
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
13Narrowing Your Search
- In this activity youll narrow your search a bit.
- Stay on www.google.ca. (You can use the list
along the top of the baror the drop-down list
alongside the top) - In the search field add one of the following to
your topic word (or phrase)-children ,
elementary, middle school, child, kid,
kids or student. - Search 2 of the 6 options (Web, Images, Videos,
Maps, News, Groups, Scholaror add another if
youd like) as before following 1 link for each
option - Again, record at least 2 locations from the
overall options that might be of interest to you.
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
14Activity 2 Art Spleens Adventure
- Plug in Your Headphones
- Go to http//www.scienceworld.ca/flash_games/bodyw
orks/art_spleen.html play Science Worlds Art
Spleens Most Excellent Adventure (Takes 2
clicks on start to actually start). - You should hear some sounds. If not, check
Start?Settings?Control Panel?Sounds Audio
Devices?check the Volume - Your task From video clips, determine what part
of the body youre in. Hows your score?
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
15Activity 3 WebQuests
- What is a webquest?
- An inquiry-based online learning activity
- Options for using
- Use someone elses
- Create your own
- Have students create as assignment
- Can last 1 class or over several
- When provided (rather than created by students)
- Activities are sequenced defined
- Resources prelocated provided
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
16Parts of a WebQuest
- 6 Main Components of a Web Quest
- Introduction
- Task
- Process
- Resources
- Evaluation
- Conclusion
- Read more about them here http//www.thirteen.org
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
17Looking at WebQuests
- Using the links below, take a look at one
webquest that might interest you. - Tech Trekers
- http//www.techtrekers.com/webquests/Science
- VIU/MalaspinaEd StudentWebQuests Activities
(Scroll for Science ones) - http//web.viu.ca/webquests3/2001/edte611.htm
- http//web.viu.ca/webquests3/edte611-2.htm
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
18Activity 4 Finding Useful Resources
Following a Few Links
- Look at the following slides where lists of
resources are provided. - Follow at least 2 resource links from the slides.
In point form, comment on with whom, how, when
and where you might use these resources. Identify
challenges you might face when using the
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
19Finding Lesson Plan Sources
- Hot Chalks listing by grade level
- http//www.lessonplanspage.com/Science.htm
- Educators Reference Desk Science Lesson Plans
(Ask ERIC) - http//www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/lessons.cgi//Science
- Discovery School Science Lesson Plan links
- http//school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/?
campaignLP - You specify the subject and gradethen search
- Thirteen Ed Online Webquest Planning
- Key Principles
- http//www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/web
quests/implementation.html - Planning worksheet
- http//www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/web
quests/implement_sub1.html - Elementary Level Science Powerpoints for
Teachers http//www.graves.k12.ky.us/powerpoints/
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
20Other Useful Sites
Kidsites.com Science links http//www.kidsites.co
m/sites-edu/science.htm ZOOM (PBS childrens
show) Science Activities (many for offline
work) http//pbskids.org/zoom/activities/sci/ Kath
y Schrocks Site of the Week Teacher Tips-a
weekly email with useful internet sites (cross
curricula)you subscribe to it http//reg.cheetahm
ail.com/regp?aid88808939n700 Forces of
NatureNational Geographics Site for Tornadoes,
Volcanoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakesselect the
icon along the top bareach has a build your
own link http//www.nationalgeographic.com/force
sofnature/interactive/index.html?sectionv Cool
Science for Curious Kids (Howard Hughes Medical
Institute) http//www.hhmi.org/coolscience/ Sid
the Science Kid (PBS show site) SuperFabLab
Parent/Teacher Site http//www.pbs.org/parents/s
id Check out Activities for Lab ideas
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
21More Interesting Sites
NASA Kids General http//www.nasa.gov/audience/fo
rkids/home/index.htmlNASA Kids Jet Propulsion
Lab (Saturn Mission) http//saturn.jpl.nasa.gov
/ Canada Wide Virtual Science Fair
http//www.virtualsciencefair.com/ Creating
Online Projects (Virtual Science Fair Dos
Donts) http//odec.ca/CreatingProjects/dodont.h
tm National Geographic Kids Fun Science
Activities http//kids.nationalgeographic.com/A
ctivities/FunScience Exploratorium-Museum of
Science, Art Human Perception
http//www.exploratorium.edu/ Tools for
Teaching http//www.exploratorium.edu/educate/ind
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
22Tools Strategy Sites
Cue Card-a free software you download to design
multimedia flash cardsuseful for students (free
software) http//www.wadeb.com/cuecard/ Puzzle
Maker (Discovery School) http//puzzlemaker.discov
eryeducation.com/ Utah Education Networka couple
of useful toolsa rubric generator, Utah Test
Item Poolyou have to sign-up for the sitebut
its free! http//my.uen.org/c/portal/layout?p_l_i
dPUB.1001.1 Standards Toolbox (US companyhave
uploaded BC Standards) http//www.standardstoolbox
.com/index.php?schoolidgeneral Lesson Planner
6 or 8 (free 6 or 8 block lesson
planner) http//www.markives.net/ Engradeonline
gradebook, calendar, attendance, comments
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?
23Appendix A
- Technological Examples of Chickering Gamsons
(1987) Seven Principles of Good Education
241 Technology to Encourage Contact
- Discussion Boards for activity/assignment
- Moodle, EdModo (no student email accounts
required), Google Apps, Catalyst - IM-ing
- MSN Messenger, Moodle, Google Chat
- Texting
- Cell phones, Blackberries, iPhones
- Web conferencing
- MSN Messenger, Eyeball Chat, Google
- Skype, MSN Messenger
- Emailstudents home, professional development
- Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail
- Online calendarsmeetings, assignments, etc.
- Google Calendar , engrade, Moodle
- Online office hours
- MSN Messenger, live chat applications, SecondLife
- e-assignment submissions
- Email, Moodle, SecondLife
- Embedded feedback
- Review or editor functions in MS Office or
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
25 2 Technology to Develop Student Reciprocity
- Creating learning teams
- Moodle, Catalyst, Google Apps, Second Life,
wikis, blogs - Group projects assignments open or closed
groups - Moodle, Catalyst, Google Apps (Talk, Calendar,
Notebook,Docs), file sharing (Pando), wikis,
blogs - Breaking large groups into small groups or online
discussions - Moodle, Catalyst, discussion boards, Google Apps
- Writing Review /Workshops
- Peer review
- Instructor review
- Google Notebook, Docs, Discussion boards, Moodle,
Catalyst, MSN Messenger, live chat applications,
- Organized or informal discussions
- Email, Moodle, Catalyst, SecondLife, wikis, blogs
- Embedded peer feedback in documents
- Review or editor functions in MS Office or
Adobe, Google Docs - Creating Websites/pages
- Google sites, Blogger, Facebook, Catalyst,
- Instant messaging
- MSN Messenger, Moodle, Google Chat
- Texting
- Cell phones, Blackberries, iPhones
- Web conferencing
- MSN Messenger, Eyeball Chat, Google
- Skype, MSN Messenger
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
26 3 Technology to Encourage Active Learning
- Supplementary textbook materials
- Websites, dvds, cds, etc. accompanying texts
- Access to case studies
- Review or editor functions in MS Office or
Adobe - Simulations
- Games
- Blogging
- Blogger, Moodle
- Online assessment w/immediate feedback
- MSN Messenger, Eyeball Chat, Google
- Interactive lectures/discussion
- Clickers, polling software, Elluminate, texting,
- Creating real artefacts for others use
access electronically - Tools vary re. mediasites, docs, videos
- Authentic tasks tied to real needs/issues
- Leveraging assignments from other
courses/classes/community needs - Availability of supplementary materials in
variety of styles - Podcasts, v-casts, simulations, etc.
- Student identified artefacts for class use
- Virtual sessions
- with the field or leading researchers where not
able to physically attend/meet - Extended research
- shared with instructor/class
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
274 Technology to Give Prompt Feedback
- Email w/ensured turn-around time
- Embedded feedback
- E-submissions through LMS
- Notifications as soon as submitted
- Moodle, Catalyst, Blackboard, etc.
- Automatic feedback
- Auto-marked materialscan be blended with
commentary - Moodle, Blackboard, HotPotatoes
- Creating FAQs
- Random question generation (math)
- Randomized items
- LMSeg. Moodle
- Hints, prompts feedback
- LMSeg. Moodle
- Polling/Surveys
- Moodle, Elluminate, Catalyst, Clickers,
Cellphones - Posting rubrics
- Moodle, Catalyst
- Databases of questions
- Moodle, Catalyst
- Pre/Post Assessments
- Online exam review keys
- ePortfolios
- Blogger, Moodle, Catalyst
- Online gradebooks
- Engrade, HotChalk, Catalyst
- Interactive lectures/discussion
- Clickers, polling software, Elluminate, texting,
SMS, Catalyst
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
285 Technology to Emphasize Time on Task
- E-submission cuts down on lates
- Posting all assignmentsavailable for work as
possible - Internet access to virtual drives
- Online Library resources
- Databases--journals
- Word processing Spreadsheets
- Hyper links Favourites/bookmarks
- Import/export IE FirefoxSafari?
- Moodle, Blackboard, HotPotatoes
- Social bookmarking
- Del.icio.us, Furl, Simpy, Citeulike, Ma.gnolia,
Connotea - Online office hours
- Online discussions
- Electronic textsnever lost if online
- e-supplements for texts
- BC Science
- Posting class notes for review before/outside
classfocuses class time - Online collaborative notebooks
- MS OneNote, Google Notebook
- Online courses, classes, sessions cuts down on
commute - LMSs, Elluminate,
- Online calendars/shared calendars
- Moodle, Google
- Post supplementary material for learning
styles/intelligences - Usage statistics/reports
- LMSs like Moodlewhere, when, how long
- Familiarization with IT support
- IT helpdesk, online materials, communities
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
296 Technology to Communicate High Expectations
- Course previews
- One - from outgoing students re.
course/teacher shared with incoming students - Work product examples of previous students
- Spelling out research resource expectations
- Expect more than just Google search hits
- Use quality of course site/materials to set bar
- Use equipment/infrastructure to set bar
- Provision of syllabus with expectations for
participation, attendance (F2F online),
etiquette, etc.
- Explaining assessment standards online
- Posting all rubrics online
- Provide work product exemplars for each level
- Posting all assignments timelines online
- Group/individual learning contracts online
- Work shared/published online
- Online availability of course materials/resources?
high accountability (cant forget it _at_ home) - Orientations for online courses
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
307 Technology to Respect Diverse Talents Ways
of Learning
- Choice of activitieslectures, simulations,
games, research, creating resources,
podcastsgroup, individual - Choice of ways to present learningpapers,
websites, blogs, wikis, podcasts, digital images,
videos - Incorporation of student discovered resources
- Non-punitive attendance policy when most/all
materials onlinesame performance expectations - Flexible pacing
- Variety in communicationphone, email, VOIP,
video conferencing - Multimedia expectations in presentations
(including teaching) assignments - Incorporation of adaptive technology for all
- Eg. Kurzweil, Boardmaker, Clicker
- Incorporation of diverse viewpointsculture,
gender, age
Adapted from the work of the TLT Group
31Feedback Form
- Used to modify future sessions so they are more
effective for future students - Complete paper form from instructor.
32Thanks for Your Attention Participation
Should you have any comments, questions, sites of
interest, or if youd like some support on
integrating technology into your instructional
practices, please contact your Educational
Technologist, Julia Hengstler Office
356-223 Hours Mon 830-230 Wed/Thurs
830-230 753-3245 ext. 2630 Julia.Hengstler_at_viu.c
How can researchers best combine quantitative and
qualitative methodologies?