Title: Advanced Programming for 3D Applications CE00383-3
1Advanced Programming for 3DApplicationsCE00383-3
Motion Capture Lecture 9
Bob Hobbs Staffordshire university
2Definition of Motion Capture
- Motion capture is the recording of
- human body movement (or other
- movement) for immediate or delayed
- analysis and playback. MoCap
- Late 1970s Rebecca Allen created the first
primitive form of motion capture. Rotoscoping - 1980-1983- Tom Calvert invented Geniometers
- 1982-1983- Ginsberg Maxwell invented
Graphical Marionette - 1988- deGraf/Wahrman invented Mike the Talking
4- 1988- Pacific Data Images invented Waldo C.
Graphic - 1989- Kleiser- Walczak invented Dozo
- 1991- Videosystem invented Mat the Ghost
- 1992- SimGraphics invented Mario
- 1992- Brad deGraph invented Alive
- 1993- Acclaim invented two character animation
motion capture
- Entertainment
- Medicine
- Arts / Education
- Science / Engineering
6Entertainment Live Action Films
- Computer generated characters in live action
films (e.g. Battle Droids and many others in Star
Wars Prequels, Gullum in The Lord of the Rings,
King Kong in King Kong)
7Entertainment 3D computer animations
- Characters in computer animated files (e.g. Polar
Express, Monster House)
8Entertainment Video Games
- Video games by Electronic Arts, Gremlin, id,
RARE, Square, Konami, Namco, and others, (e.g.
Enemy Territory)
- Medicine (e.g., gait analysis, rehabilitation)
- Sports medicine (e.g. injury prevention,
performance analyses, performance enhancement)
Gait Analysis Service
10Arts / Education
- Dance and theatrical performances
- Archiving (e.g., Marcel Marceau)
11Science / Engineering
- Computer Science (e.g., human motion database,
recognitions) - Engineering (e.g., Biped robot developments)
- Ergonomic product design
- Military (e.g., field exercises, virtual
instructors, and role-playing games)
12Types of mocap equipment
- Magnetic systems
- Mechanical systems
- Optical systems
13Magnetic systems
- Utilize sensors placed on the body to measure the
magnetic field generated by a transmitter source.
14Magnetic systems
- Advantages
- Require no special lighting condition.
- Sensors are never occluded.
- Disadvantages
- Require a metal-fee environment.
- Electro-magnetic interference
15Mechanical systems
- Exoskeleton with angle sensors.
16Mechanical systems
- Advantages
- Measure joint angles (no marker ID problems).
- Sensors are never occluded.
- Disadvantages
- Breakable!
- Configuration of sensors is fixed.
- Constrains on joints.
17Optical systems
- The cameras are equipped with infrared LED's and
filters. (Filters enhance the contrast of the
image.) - The cameras see reflector markers.
18Optical systems
- Advantages
- Higher sampling rate.
- Larger capture space.
- Disadvantages
- Markers are sometimes occluded -gt marker ID
problems. - Provide only positional data -gt joint angles need
to be computed.
19Typical Mocap system
- Vicon optical system - Best system in Academia!
- 8 high-speed MX 13 (up to 1000 fps) and 8
high-resolution MX 40 (4 million pixels) cameras. - Capture up to 5 performers at once.
20Mocap animation
- Motion capture animation is different from
keyframe animation in terms of how motion is
created. - Same principles apply to mocap animation
keyframe animation! - A combination of motion capture animation and
keyframe animation is often used.
21Keyframe animation
- A keyframe is a drawing of a key moment in an
animated sequence, where the motion is at its
extreme. - Inbetweens fill the gaps between keyframes.
- Every motion is created by animators.
22Advantages of mocap animation
- Faster to create (only if an established
production pipeline exists.) - Secondary motions and all the subtle motions are
captured -gt more realism. - Physical interactions between performers and
props can be captured.
23Disadvantages of mocap animation
- Cost.
- Manipulating mocap data is often difficult -gt
Re-capturing or key framing a shot with bad data
is often easier. - Mapping mocap data of a performer to a character
with a different proportion often causes problems.
24Process of MoCap
- Data needs to be manipulated
- Transform data into file format
- Build specific models
- Attaching the mesh
25movement flowchart for games
- Planning and Directing Motion Capture For
GamesBy Melianthe Kines Gamasutra January 19,
2000URL http//www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/34
26processing passive markers
- each camera records capture session
- extraction markers need to be identified in the
image - determines 2d position
- problem occlusion, marker is not seen
- use more cameras
- markers need to be labeled
- which marker is which?
- problem crossover, markers exchange labels
- may require user intervention
- compute 3d position if a marker is seen by at
least 2 cameras then its position in 3d space
can be determined
27Direct Linear Transformation
28Distortion Effects
The DLT model of Abdel-Aziz/Karara only accounts
for errors in perpendicularity between axes
- Achieves accuracy of 12000
Other types of distortion
2916 parameter DLT
- Equations representing non-linear distortions
- L12-L14 represent symmetrical lens distortion
- L15 16 represent asymmetrical/ de-centering
30The Problem
- The original DLT method contained 11 unknowns
2 scaling factors
3 rotation angles
- Only 10 are actually independent
- d and the 2 scaling factors are mutually
dependent variables
31Modified Direct Linear Transformation
- The Non-Linear constraint is added to the system
to ensure orthogonality
- To solve
- Compute the 11 parameters normally
- Use the value of one parameter to remove it from
the equation and estimate the 10 independent
parameters - Solve for the value of the removed parameter
using the values of the 10 independent parameters
32Non-Linear MDLT
- Adds correction for lens distortion to the MDLT
33retargeting the character
- the character is controlled by skeleton
- to control the skeleton, need to specify joint
rotations - muscles?
- capture motion on performer
- positions of markers are recorded
- retarget motion on a virtual character
- motion is usually applied to a skeleton
- a skeleton is hierarchical
- linked joints
- need rotation data!
- need to convert positions to rotations
35performer? actor ? character
- the actor is used to convert marker positions to
rotational data - markers are handles on the actor
- actor should have similar proportions as the
performer - joint rotations of the actor are applied to the
character - there are still issues with proportions
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vfrNpkIH8_vo
Alias Motionbuilder actor and markers
36retargeting problems
37retargeting problems
38Production pipeline overview
- Calibrate the system.
- Fit a generic skeleton to the subjects
proportion (subject calibration). - Capture shots reconstruct 3D trajectories using
the calibrated subject. - Link the subject specific skeleton to a CG
characters skeleton and edit motion (in
MotionBuilder). - Add skin to the CG character, edit motion, and
render (in Maya).http//atec.utdallas.edu/midori
392D Image 2D Camera Data
3D Markers Positions
System Calibration and Capturing and Processing
Circle fitting
Positional Data
Subject Calibration
Actor Setup
VST (subject template)
- Capture Range of Motion (ROM)
- Reconstruct trajectories of ROM
- Label markers
- Place markers on Actor ( intermediate skeleton )
Calibrated Subject
Character Setup
The processes that you go through for each
Mocap Pipeline Flow Chart
- Correlate
- Actor
- (C3D, HIK)
- Character
- (FBX)
- Edit motion
- Bake motion data to the skeleton
Markers Set
Character Setup
- Create a skeleton
- Bind skin to the skeleton
- Rig the character
Skeleton Only
The processes that you repeat for each shot
- Marge the rigged character (MB) and the skeleton
with motion data (FBX) - Edit motion (IK/FK blend, Trax)
- Render
Skeleton with motion data ( joint rotation
angles )
Maya Scene File
- Sturman, David. A Brief History of Motion
Capture for Computer Character Animation. 13
March 1999. MEDIALAB. 25 Nov. 2005.
raph/animation/character_animation - When Motion Capture Beats Keyframing. Sept.
1997. Game Developer. http//www.gdmag.com - http//www.kwon3d.com/theory/dlt/dlt.html
- http//www.kwon3d.com/theory/dlt/mdlt.html
- http//express.howstuffworks.com/gollum3.htm
41Related Work
- Motion capture search
- Arikan and Forsyth 2002 Kovar et al. 2002 Lee
et al. 2002 Li et al. 2002 Metoyer 2002 - Physics and motion capture
- Rose et al. 1996
- Popovic and Witkin 1999 Pollard 1999 Pollard
and Behmaram-Mosavat 2000 - Shapiro et al. 2003
- Physically based reactions
- Oshita and Makinouchi 2001 Zordan and Hodgins
2002 - Komura et al. 2004 Mandel 2004
- Industry Software
- Natural Motions Endorphin