Title: Bulletin Board
1Bulletin Board
A major use of the Bulletin Board is
communication with everyone in the class.
This space is where questions or comments that
would be asked in a traditional face-to-face
class should be asked.
Be certain to think about the question being
asked. If it is a question that is personal that
the rest of the class does not need to hear, send
the instructor an e-mail.
2Bulletin Board
The Bulletin Board is your chance to help your
classmates. If a question is posted that you feel
able to answer, feel free to post a reply.
All questions will be responded to by the
instructor, however sometimes classmates are
online at the same time and are able to provide a
quicker response.
Sometimes students are able to explain their
process in working out a problem in a way that a
classmate understands easier than the
instructors explanation. As long as the process
is correct, the instructor will support the
classmates response.
3Bulletin Board
When you log into WebCT, if there is a thumb tack
under the course title, then there are new
bulletin board postings since your last log in.
Click on the thumb tack to be taken directly to
the bulletin board to see the new postings.
Some of the postings will be by the instructor.
These need to be read when you log in as they may
relate to test information or calendar changes.
Do not skip reading classmate postings as they
may ask questions similar to yours, allowing you
to have an answer without asking the question.
4Bulletin Board
When you enter the Bulletin Board area, you will
notice there are different topic areas. These are
provided for organizational purposes.
The first area is titled Announcements.
This area will be used to post important
information from the instructor. This area should
be checked upon each log in to the course.
Subject headings will be used to define the
purpose of the announcement so you can refer back
to it later, if necessary.
5Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Main.
This is the default area used by the Bulletin
Board. If you do not compose your message in a
particular area, WebCT will place the post in
this area.
Posts made in the Main area, may be moved by the
instructor into the appropriate topic area in
order for the post to benefit all students.
If you cannot locate your post, simply look under
the area that most pertains to your question as
it may have been moved there.
6Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Notes.
This is the area that deals specifically with the
lecture notes (similar to these notes, but as
regards the sections from the textbook). I
created these notes to be helpful to you, the
student. Use this area to provide feedback or ask
questions directly related to the lecture notes
for this course.
This section is only about the notes, not
textbook questions. If you have suggestions or
need clarification of the notes, post it here.
Make certain to use the subject heading to refer
to the unit and section.
7Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Seeking help.
This is the area where you place the questions
that you would raise your hand to ask in class
about the content area.
The question should have the section or page and
problem number from the book in the Subject line.
Be as specific as possible as to what you need
help with. Do you need to know how to start the
problem, or is there a point you reach and then
do not know where to go from there? The more
information, the better the help will be that you
8Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Introductions.
This are will be used for the Practice for the
Bulletin Board. You will need to introduce
yourself to your classmates.
Not being in a traditional classroom, it is
harder to feel comfortable with your classmates.
After the initial introductions, use this area to
communicate with each other much as you would
socialize with each other before or after class.
This area can have conversations completely
unrelated to math, allowing you to get to know
each other.
9Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Having problems
Taking an online course presents the opportunity
for problems completely unrelated to the course
content. When you hit a technology glitch, this
is where you post the question or problem.
The technology should not hinder your success in
this course, so use this area to become
comfortable with your knowledge of the technology
we are using in this course. If you have trouble
opening something or seeing something, post it
10Bulletin Board
The next area is titled Chats.
Chat sessions are not pre-determined as everyone
has their own schedule. Use this area to set up a
mutually convenient time with the instructor in
order to go over a section or concept.
After chat sessions, the instructor will post a
transcript of the session for students to review.
Chat sessions may be scheduled one-on-one with
the instructor, or a group of students may
request a chat.