Title: The Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Interventions TACSEI
1The Technical Assistance Center on Social
Emotional Interventions (TACSEI) The Center on
Social and Emotional Foundations for Early
Learning (CSEFEL)
- Resources for Promoting Social Emotional
Competence in Young Children and Addressing
Challenging Behavior - Barbara J. Smith, Ph.D.
- University of Colorado Denver
- OSEP Leadership Conference
- August, 2009
2Challenging Behavior It begins early...
3- Children who are identified as hard to manage at
ages 3 and 4 have a high probability (5050) of
continuing to have difficulties into adolescence
(Campbell Ewing, 1990 Campbell, 1997 Egeland
et al., 1990).
4- The correlation between preschool-age aggression
and aggression at age 10 is higher than that for
IQ. (Kazdin, 1995)
5- Early appearing aggressive behaviors are the best
predictor of juvenile gang membership - and violence.
- (Reid, 1993)
6- When aggressive and antisocial behavior has
persisted to age 9, further intervention has a
poor chance of success. - (Dodge, 1993)
7- Young Children with Challenging Behavior
- Are rejected by peers
- Receive less positive feedback
- Do worse in school
- Are less likely to be successful in
8- Preschool children are three times more likely to
be expelled than children in grades K-12 - (Gilliam, 2005)
9- Faculty in higher education early childhood
programs report that their graduates are least
likely to be prepared to work with children with
persistently challenging behavior - (Hemmeter, Santos, Ostrosky, 2004)
10- Of the young children who need mental health
services, it has been estimated that fewer than
10 receive services for these difficulties. - (Kataoka, Zhang, Wells, 2002)
11- There are evidence-based practices that are
effective in changing this developmental
trajectorythe problem is not what to do, but
rests in ensuring access to intervention and
support (Kazdin Whitley, 2006)
12Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional
Intervention (TACSEI)
13TACSEI Mission
- Funded by the US Dept of Ed, Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP) - To identify, disseminate and promote the
implementation of evidence-based practices in
order to improve the social, emotional, and
behavioral functioning of young children with or
at risk for delays or disabilities.
14TACSEI Management Team
- Lise Fox,
- University of South Florida
- Glen Dunlap,
- University of South Florida
- Barbara J. Smith,
- University of Colorado- Denver
- Phil Strain,
- University of Colorado-Denver
15TACSEI Center Faculty
Roxane Kaufmann Georgetown University Mary
Louise Hemmeter Vanderbilt University Jill
Giacomini University of Colorado Denver
- Judith Carta
- University of Kansas
- Diane Powell
- University of South Florida
- Karen Blase
- National Implementation
- Research Network
16TACSEI Focus
- Unified message
- Collaboration
- Models of effective practice
- Support states
17Part C and 619 Child Outcomes
- Percent of children who demonstrate improved
- Positive social emotional skills (including
positive social relationships) - Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills
(including early language/ communication and
early literacy) - Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs
18An Evidence Based FrameworkThe Pyramid Approach
19Pyramid Model
Tertiary Intervention
Secondary Prevention
Universal Promotion
20Nurturing and Responsive Relationships
- Foundation of the pyramid
- Essential to healthy social development
- Includes relationships with children, families
and team members
21High Quality Environments
- Inclusive early care and education environments
- Supportive home environments
22Supportive Home Environments
- Supporting families and other caregivers to
promote development within natural routines and
community settings - Providing families and other caregivers with
information, support, and new skills
23Targeted Social Emotional Supports
- Explicit instruction and support
- Self-regulation, expressing and understanding
emotions, developing social relationships
24Individualized Intensive Interventions
- Family-centered, comprehensive interventions
- Assessment-based
- Skill-building
25Effective Workforce
- Training and technical assistance
- Coaching of teachers
- Ongoing professional development
- Fidelity of implementation
26The Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT)
- The TPOT was developed to measure the extent to
which Teaching Pyramid practices are being
implemented in a classroom - Provides information that can be used to
- Describe quality of implementation of TPOT
practices - Compare implementation within and across
teachers/classrooms - Identify needs of teachers for training and
27 Evidence-Based Resources
- Implementation and evaluation of the use of the
Pyramid Model with children with or at risk for
delays or disabilities - Synthesis of evidence-based literature into
usable products - Implementation and sustainability guidance
- Web based consultant bank
- Intensive TA to 2 states/yr
28Web-based Technical Assistance
- Resources
- Communities of Practice
- Interactive opportunities
- State Technical Assistance pages
29Consultant Bank
- Bank of consultants organized by expertise
- Web-based process of matching request to
consultant - Accountability procedures
30 Primary Partners
31Contact TACSEI
Mailing Address University of South Florida
Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health
Institute Department of Child Family
Studies 13301 N. Bruce. B. Downs Blvd,
MHC2-1134 Tampa, FL 33612-3807 Phone (813)
32The Center on Social and Emotional Foundations
for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
- www.vanderbilt.edu/csefel
- National Center focused on promoting the social
emotional development and school readiness of
young children birth to age 5. . - Jointly funded by the Office of Head Start and
the Child Care Bureau, under the auspices of the
Administration on Children, Youth and Families at
the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Analyze and synthesize the research on the
social - emotional development of low-income children
and - translate the findings into materials that are
practical - and accessible.
- Engage in intensive T/TA to selected states,
territories - and/or tribal partners to foster professional
development - that sustains the use of effective practices
at the local - level.
- Disseminate evidence-based practices and
materials via - an interactive website.
35Pyramid Model
Tertiary Intervention
Secondary Prevention
Universal Promotion
36Primary Partners
- National Network thru Primary Partner
Associations - NAEYC
Jan. 25, 2007
37Training and Teaching Materials
- Research Syntheses
- What Works Briefs
- What Works Briefs Training Kits
- Training Modules (birth 2) (2-5)
- Decision-making Guidelines
- Tools for Families
- Videos
- Book Nooks
38Preschool Training Materials
- Module 1 Promoting Childrens Success Building
Relationship and Creating Supportive Environment - Module 2 Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
- Module 3a/b Individualized Intensive
Intervention - Module 4 - Leadership Strategies
39Training Modules
- Suggested Agenda
- List of Materials Needed, including Video Clips
- Trainer Scripts
- Trainer PowerPoint Slides
- Participant Handouts
40Infant Toddler Training Modules
- Same conceptual framework Pyramid
- Similar format
- Presenter scripts
- PowerPoint slides
- Handouts
- Videoclips
- Many activities, reflections,
- inventories/self assessments
- for learning and planning
41State Partnership Model
- Convene an interagency, collaborative team to
develop policies, procedures and other mechanisms
to implement, evaluate and sustain the Pyramid
Model - Train trainers and coaches to build the capacity
of the workforce and support local implementation
of Model and practices with fidelity - Identify at least 3 local programs to serve as
demonstration sites to demonstrate the
effectiveness of the Pyramid Model and practices
and - Evaluate outcomes.
42Why is this our Model?
- Literature and experience indicates these
strategies are necessary for fidelity of
implementation of EBP and sustainability
43Insufficient Methods
- Implementation by laws/ compliance by itself does
not work - Implementation by following the money by itself
does not work - Implementation without changing supporting roles
and functions does not work -
- Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, Wallace, 2005
44Insufficient Methods
- Diffusion/dissemination of information by itself
does not lead to successful implementation -
- Training alone, no matter how well done, does not
lead to successful implementation - Fixsen, Naoom, Blase, Friedman, Wallace, 2005
45 Joyce and Showers, 2002
46Phases of State T/TA
- Phase I (Year 1) State Planning
- commit to engage with the Center in a
collaborative effort - identify a facilitator who will conduct meetings,
coordinate the work, and a training coordinator
(may be same person) - establish a collaborative /team for state
planning - have at least monthly team meetings
47Phase I, Cont.
- Team has in place after one year
- a goal/vision,
- a written action plan,
- strategies to implement and evaluate the plan
- the leadership and structure to support intensive
training and support for - Trainers, coaches, demonstration sites
- At end of first year have in place
- progress monitoring and evaluation plan
- sustainability plan (resources, staffing, etc)
- mentoring plan (other states)
48- Phase 2 (Year two/three) Sustainability
- engage in quarterly individualized checkup to
monitor sustainability of the PD system and
problem solve - Implement, sustain and evaluate all components
planning team meetings, action plans, policies,
agreements, resources, etc. training and
coaching, demonstration sites, outcomes -
- participate in distance TA involving all
partnership states in the following
sustainability initiatives
49Evaluation/Data Collection
- Systems planning
- Team meeting evaluations
- Action Plans objectives met, policies,
procedures, resources allocated, etc. - Survey of team members
- Training and coaching implementation
- Quarterly training cadre report (optional)
- Coaching log
- Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool (TPOT) Infant
TPITOS - Program and child outcomes
- Demographics
- Behavior Incidents (optional)
- Social Skills Improvement System (SSIS) or
- Ages and Stages Questionnaire Social-Emotional
50Lessons Learned So Far
- Programs and families like the Pyramid Model and
practices - Programs and coaches can implement the model and
practices to fidelity - Programs report improved outcomes
- Our state partnership Model works!
51Lessons Learned So Far
- It takes time, time, time, time
- Time for training
- Time for providers to be coached to fidelity
- Time for coaches to coach to fidelity
- Time for helping families to implement the
practices to fidelity - Time for system/program planning
- Time for data collection and analysis
52Progress to Date
- Current Eight CSEFEL States CO, MD, IA, VT, NE,
TN, HI, NC - New CSEFEL States CA, MA, WI
- 2 TACSEI States will be selected
- Fall 09
53Progress to Date
- All 8 CSEFEL States
- Interagency State Teams to plan, implement, and
sustain the state-wide use of the Pyramid Model - Developed shared Vision
- Developed and implemented interagency action
plans - Held monthly meetings
- Developed evaluation, data systems
- Trained Pyramid Trainers (thousands of trainers)
- Selected and trained Coaches (over 100)
- Selected Demonstration sites (appx. 50)
54Progress to Date
- The earliest states have moved toward
- sustainability through policies, funding,
embedding the Pyramid work within on-going state
initiatives, establishing a home for the
sustained effort
55Ripple Effects
- Pyramid College courses created
- Pyramid content embedded in other college courses
- Agencies providing stipends to attend courses
- Program teams attending courses together
- Part C adopting the Pyramid Model for training
providers - Higher education faculty trained to deliver
Pyramid content to fidelity - Developing Pyramid trainer certification process
- Plans to require Pyramid training and/or course
work for child care administrators - Pyramid approach adopted as PBS for preschool
programs in PBS schools - MH consultants required to take Pyramid training
- Agencies jointly funding a Pyramid Model Center
- to sustain the effort across systems (Ed, MH,
CC, HS, etc.)
567th Annual National Training Institute on
Effective Practices
- Addressing Challenging Behavior-Supporting Young
Children's Social/Emotional Development - March 17-20, 2010 at theSheraton Sand Key Resort
in Clearwater Beach, Florida - www.addressingchallengingbehavior.org for
registration and information