Title: Licensed Distributor Reports
1New Reporting Requirements T.C.A. 67-4-2604
- Licensed Distributor Reports Wholesaler to
Wholesaler Reports
2Who is Required to Report?
- Tennessee Code Annotated section 67-4-2604
requires each licensed agent to submit these
reports by the 15th day of every month. - The following persons may be granted a license
under the licensure provisions of Tenn. Code Ann.
67-4-1015(c)(1) manufacturing distributors
tobacco manufacturer warehouses wholesale
dealers and jobbers and tobacco distributors.
3When are you Required to Report and What are the
Penalties for False Reporting?
- Must be submitted no later than the fifteenth
(15th) calendar day of each month. - If a licensed agent is found to have knowingly
filed a false report, the commissioner is
authorized to revoke or suspend the license of
such licensed agent. Civil penalties may also be
imposed - These reports are filed under penalty of perjury.
4Licensed Distributor ReportsWhat has Changed?
- Biggest change is that licensed agents are now
required to report ALL Brand Families (not just
NPM Brand Families) to which they either - AFFIX THE TAX STAMP
- - OR -
roll-your-own, this would be paying the Other
Tobacco Product Tax due).
5Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Reporting Period
- Month If you stamped the product or paid tax on
it in June, then you should write June in the
blank beside Month. - Year If you stamped the product or paid tax on
it in 2009, then you should write 2009 in the
blank beside Year. - Reporting will most often be for the previous
month and year, due by the 15th the following
6Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- Tobacco Wholesale Account Number This number
should begin with 8600. This is not your excise
tax account number or stamp account number. - Business Name The name of your business as
submitted on your tobacco licensing application. - Address Business Address.
- City, State, Zip Same as abovethe address of
your business. - Email address This should be filled out for a
company officer who can answer questions on the
forms and the information contained on them.
7Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
HOW DO I KNOW WHICH ONE(S) TO CHECK? - If you have previously filed a report, made a
mistake on such report which needs to be
corrected, and are filing an amended report
check the box titled AMENDED REPORT. - There are additional requirements for filing an
amended report which will be covered in a later
slide. These requirements can be found on the
Instructions page.
8Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- Packaging Box Packaging is now only required
to be submitted ANNUALLY, BY AUGUST 30TH OF EACH
YEAR. If you check this box, you are certifying
that the packaging has not changed since the last
LDR submission. This box should be checked only
if you ARE NOT submitting packaging. - If packaging has changed, DO NOT check this box,
but rather, include the new packaging samples
with your report.
9Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- There are three additional boxes on the
right-hand side of this form. If you are not
reporting any quantities/numbers on your Licensed
Distributor Report, you must check one of the
following boxes - No TN Sales Activity
- Big Cigars Only
- All products pre-stamped or tobacco product tax
pre-paid during this reporting period (No TN
stamps were affixed during this reporting period).
10Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- No TN Sales Activity
- This means you had no Tennessee sales activity in
the previous monthwhether stamped or
unstampedor TN tax paid. - If you affixed any Tennessee tax stamps to packs
of cigarettes, bidis, or little cigars or paid
the Tennessee tax on any roll-your-own tobacco,
11Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- Big Cigars Only
- Only check this box if the only tobacco product
you paid tax on in Tennessee during the prior
month was big cigars.
12Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
- All Products Pre-Stamped or Tobacco Product
Tax Pre-Paid this Reporting Period. - Check this box only if your company DID NOT AFFIX
13Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
Properly (continued)
DISTRIBUTOR, ALSO ATTACH W2W FORM TO THIS REPORT. - New Requirement - Check this box if you sold any
tobacco products to another licensed agent,
whether you stamped that product or not and fill
out the W2W form. Instructions for filling out
that form will be covered later.
14Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Report
Product You Affixed a Tax Stamp To or Otherwise
Paid the Tax Due (RYO)
- Column 1 List the Number of cigarettes, bidis
(also referred to as beedies) or little
cigarsor ounces of RYOproducts that you either
affixed a tax stamp to or otherwise paid the tax
due. - This number should be in individual increments
for cigarettes, bidis and little cigars. For
example, if you tax stamped one carton worth of
X brand cigarettes during the prior month, you
would need to report 200 in this column as the
number of cigarettes stamped.
15Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Report
Product You Affixed a Tax Stamp To or Otherwise
Paid the Tax Due (RYO)
- Column 1 continued
- If you are reporting RYO, you must report this
amount in ounces. - For example, if you paid the other tobacco
product tax on 3-8 ounce bags of RYO, then you
would need to report the number 24.0 ounces in
column one.
16Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Column 2 Brand Family
- This is the brand family name of the cigarettes,
little cigars, bidis, or RYO, on which you paid
tax during the prior month. - For example if you paid tax on one pack of
Marlboro Lights, two packs of Marlboro Reds, and
one pack of Marlboro Ultra Lights during the
prior month, you would need to list Marlboro in
the brand family identification column and report
the appropriate amount (in this case, 80
17Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Column 3 Manufacturer Name and Address
- This should be the name and address of the
company that actually manufactured the
cigarettes, bidis, little cigars or RYO, not the
name of the importer of such cigarettes, bidis or
RYO in the case of imported tobacco products, nor
the name of the wholesaler that sold you the
cigarettes, bidis, little cigars or RYO.
18Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Column 4 Type of Product
- Please list the following for type of product
- If cigarettes, list C or spell out cigarettes.
- If little cigars, list LC or spell out little
cigars. - If roll-your-own, list RC or spell out
roll-your-own. - If bidis or beedies, list B or spell out bidis
(or beedies).
19Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Column 5 Name and address of the entity from
whom each brand family was purchased - This should be the name and address of either
another licensed agent (wholesaler) or the
manufacturer or importer of the brand family from
which you purchased the cigarettes, RYO, bidis,
or little cigars.
20Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Column 6 Name and address of first importer
(for foreign manufactured brand families only) - This should be the name and address of the
importer, not the manufacturer. This company
will be located in the United States and have a
physical U.S. address.
21Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Penalty of Perjury Provision Asks you to read
and states that the report only contains
cigarettes (bidis also qualify here as
cigarettes) or little cigars on which you have
placed a tax stamp, or RYO on which you have paid
the tax due. You are required to initial this
box and then sign the form directly below it. - Clearly print the name of the company officer who
signed this provision and then his/her title
below that. - Date the report the date you actually sign it,
and provide a working phone number and fax number.
22Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- If you are submitting more than one page of
tobacco products on this form, please fill out
the page number blanks in the lower right hand
corners. - Example You are submitting a total of four
pages. The first page would be numbered Page 1
of 4, second page numbered Page 2 of 4, etc. - Additional pages must also be completely filled
out (account number, name, month, year, signature
and date in addition to the quantity being
reported). Submit as many pages as necessary to
report all product on which the tax was paid in
the prior month.
23Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Please note the address
- to which these reports must be sent
- Tennessee Department of Revenue, Andrew Jackson
Building, P.O. Box 190590, Nashville, TN 37219. - DO NOT ATTACH THIS REPORT TO YOUR TOB 552 FORMS
THEY ARE SENT TO DIFFERENT ADDRESSES. - If you sold any tobacco products to another
licensed agent during the prior month be sure
to include the W2W form as well.
24Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill Out
- Things to Know and Remember
- No processing of incomplete or illegible forms.
- Fill out the current form!
- Signature must be in BLUE permanent ink.
- Always date form after you sign it.
- Entries must be in permanent ink or typewritten.
No pencil entries allowed. - Retain a copy for your files!
- If this is an amended reportsee the next slide!
25Amended Licensed Distributor ReportsHow to Fill
Out Properly
- Fill out the form as discussed aboveand
- Attach all documentation to support the new
numbers being submitted. - This includes invoices of all sales activity and
a detailed explanation as to why the report needs
to be amended.
26 Wholesaler to Wholesaler Reporting Form (W2W
- Who Must Fill This Report Out? Any licensed
agent that sold any tobacco products to another
licensed agent (and you checked this box on the
LDR form), whether stamped or unstamped! Do not
fill this form out if you did not have any such
sales in the prior month. - When Must This Be Submitted? At the same time as
the Licensed Distributor Report no later than
the 15th day of each calendar month following the
month in which sales took place.
27W2W FormHow to Fill out Properly (continued)
- Reporting Period As with the LDR, this line
should be filled in with the month and year in
which the sales activity occurred. Submit this
form when you submit your LDRs. - If you sold the product to another licensed agent
in June, then you should write June in the
blank beside month. - Year If sold the product to another licensed
agent in 2009, then you should write 2009 in
the blank beside year.
28W2W FormHow to Fill out Properly (continued)
- Business Name. The name of your business as
submitted on your tobacco licensing application. - Address Business Address.
- City, State, Zip Same as abovethe address of
your business. - Tobacco Wholesale Account Number This number
should begin with 8600. Again, this is not your
excise tax account number or your stamp account
29W2W FormHow to Fill Out Properly (continued)
- Name and title of person authorizing the report.
This should be the name of a company officer. - Email address This should be filled out for a
company officer who can answer questions
pertaining to the forms and the information
contained on them. - A working phone number and fax number should be
included here for the business.
30W2W FormHow to Fill Out Properly (continued)
- Column One The date of shipment, or the date
the product was sold/transferred to another
licensed agent or distributor, should be recorded
here. - Column Two Using initials, indicate how the
product was shipped, whether by distributors
truck (DT), common carrier (CC), parcel post
(PP), or customer truck (CT).
31W2W FormHow to Fill Out Properly (continued)
- Column 3 Record the invoice number evidencing
the sale/transfer of this product. There should
be one for every sale. - Column 4 Enter the brand families
sold/transferred. Fill out a separate line for
each brand family. - Column 5 List what type of product was
sold/transferredcigarettes (C), little cigars
(LC), bidis (or beedies) (B), or roll-your own
tobacco (RYO).
32W2W FormHow to Fill Out Properly (continued)
- Column 6 Indicate whether the product was
sold/transferred stamped (S) or unstamped (U)
with respect to each brand family. - Column 7 Provide the complete name and address
of the company to whom the cigarettes were sold. - Column 8 Enter the number of sticks (or ounces
if RYO) of product sold/transferred.
33W2W FormHow to Fill Out Properly (continued)
- If using more than one page, number accordingly
in the lower-right hand corner of the form. - Penalty of perjury line must be initialed,
signature line filled in by a company
representative, and form correctly dated, all in
blue permanent ink. - Note the address to which the form must be sent
Tennessee Department of Revenue, Andrew Jackson
Building, P.O. Box 190590, Nashville, TN 37219.
34Questions or Concerns?
- If you have any questions when filling out these
new forms, please do not hesitate to contact our
office at the number listed below - Rosanna Rostad, Paralegal, (615) 253-5832.