Title: Changing Management Policies for new Technologies
1Changing Management Policies for new Technologies
- Chisinau, October 2004
3Goals of this Session
- Understand how we relate to change
- Provide a framework for Managing Change
- Leave here with more questions than answers
4We are not the only people to have thought about
- God grant me the serenity to accept the things I
cannot change, - The courage to change the things I can,
- And the wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
5We are not the only people to have thought about
- Change is as inexorable as time, yet nothing
meets with more resistance. Benjamin Disraeli
6We are not the only people to have thought about
- If you don't like something, change it. If you
can't change it, change your attitude. Don't
complain. Maya Angelou
7We are not the only people to have thought about
- We cannot change anything until we accept it.
- Condemnation does not liberate, it
oppresses. C. G. Jung
8We are not the only people to have thought about
- Change is the law of life, and those who look
only to the past or the present are certain to
miss the future. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
- Do you detect a theme here?
10Some basics
- Change is not only inevitable, it is constant
- It is only our perception of the Rate of Change
that seems to speed up or slow down - We cannot manage change, we can only manage our
response to change - We alone control our response to change
11The Environment
- For humans, change is contextual
- What is our context as Network Managers in
Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Geo-Political
- Socio-Political
- Economic
- Technological
12The Environment
- Geo-Political
- Recent change in political organization
- Breakup of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia
- Reorientation of the Eastern European Socialist
states towards the West - Now part of the EU
- Communications and transport infrastructure
largely follows post-war lines of communication - Change is already well underway with the
reorientation towards the EU
13The Environment
- Socio-Political
- The Compass no longer points to Moscow
- Self Determination is the new keyword
- Regional is replacing National in our
14The Environment
- Economic
- We are increasingly unable to remain financially
isolated and independent - The West seems to own the IP core and the East
seems to own the edge. - The new economy is capital intensive and
reduces operational costs - Reduction is the services economy
- What is the cost/price of foreign Capital?
15The Environment
- Technological
- Entry level requires installing the State of the
Art - Go slow and catch up is not feasible
- But, if your plan is only to follow, you can
never catch-up - Some alternatives to Cisco, et. al.
- Linux based routers, etc.
- But, this approach typically tries to replicate
the commercial technology, not extend it
16The Environment
- Technological
- Microsoft owns the desktop applications and is
trying to own the network - Standards level the playing field
- But, for hardware, this favors countries with
high-tech/low-cost manufacturing infrastructure - Anarchy is also alive and well
- P2P Technology
- Gaming
- VoIP (Skype)
17The Human Element
- As leaders, we tend to want stability in the
system - Few leaders in the dominate system start
revolutions - But, history is not made by quiet people
- We have an investment in keeping things the same
- But, the world, and the very nature of the
universe conspires against us - How do we embrace change without sacrificing our
18Finding Direction
- Look at the way your system is organized
- Is the focus on the management
- For your success?
19Finding Direction
- Look at the way your system is organized
- Or, is the focus on the customer
- For their success?
Users Customers
Customer Service Sales
Sales Service Management
Sales Director
Sales Director
20Finding Direction
- May I suggest
- If you allow your users/customers needs to define
your direction and goals - You will have aligned your organization to
change, - rather than being oriented to oppose it
- Provide your people
- The freedom to manage on their own
- And the freedom to fail
- Which gives them the freedom to learn
21Frameworks for Dealing with Change
- Separate yourself from the change
- Intellectual and emotional distance
- Fear drives poor decisions
- Build a framework for analyzing the change
- For example
- Name this change
- What is different about this
- How will this impact the users
- What are the benefits
- Etc.
- Describe, the change in detail
- What is the same
- How will it impact you and your staff
- What are the negatives
22Frameworks (Continued)
- Or maybe try writing down the purpose for this
change - To
- What is the task, the actual change that is
taking place - In a way that
- What are the objective benefits of this change
- So that
- How will this help your users and customers to be
more successful in their jobs
23Frameworks (Continued)
- For example
- To
- Provide full-time Internet connectivity and VoIP
software and for each student living in campus
24Frameworks (Continued)
- For example
- In a way that
- The costs of maintaining a campus phone system
will be reduced - Phone usage costs will be cut sharply
- More students will be able to have phone services
in their room
25Frameworks (Continued)
- For example
- So that
- Students will be able to contact friends, family
and school staff more easily from the comfort of
their rooms - Students will save money over the use of
pay-phones and mobile phones - Improved communications will help students better
interact with peers and faculty to improve
26Frameworks (Continued)
- Then
- Clearly define the following
- What is the exact order of events that you will
need to follow to implement this change? - What tools and services will you need?
- What capital equipment will you need?
- What skills will your staff need?
- What are the potential dangers in this plan?
- What can go wrong?
27Value the Things That Get In Your Way
- Respect your enemy
- Understand and find the value in things that
prevent you from doing what you want to do - Slow is good
- Patience pays off
- Learn to live with frustration
- You will get better results
28Value the Things That Get In Your Way
- Why is there never enough time to do it right
- But, always enough time to do it again?
- Work done right, stays done
- Work done wrong fades quickly
29Make change part of your routine
- Take time each day to learn or do something new
- Do not let yourself get too comfortable
- Keep up with the changes in our industry
- Magazines
- Conferences
- Journals
- Web sites
- Etc.
30Alter Your Staffing Resource Model
- Traditional staffing was to enable immediate
response to any request - In other words, failure proof
- Too expensive!
- People are not kept busy all the time
- Shift to a Just in time model
- Do more with less
- Increased morale from increased responsibility
- Reduces risks of failure
31What if you are the object of change?
- How do you deal with cuts, downsizing, etc.
- Objectively look at the benefits to your
customers - See this through their eyes
- Will this benefit them?
- Recognize the inevitable
- It is often better to be the first to go than the
last - Be the master of your own destiny
- If the change is for the general good accept it
- Fight for transition benefits instead of fighting
the change - Have faith in your own abilities
32Final Word
- Do not believe everything you think!