Title: Time to Change
1Time to Change
2BP Centralizing Translation Memory and
- In traditional translation processes, translation
memory and terminology might be fragmented
amongst many LSPs. - You centralize your translation repository and
have the ownership of your language assets - You deploy company data in a secured project
environment. - across Language Server provides relevant
translation memory and terminology with each
translation job to ALL LSPs. - Centralizing translation memory and terminology
- Increase consistency in translations
- Reduce costs
- Increase accuracy
- Be in control of your language assets
- Better financial management of your spend in
translations - Brand consistency throughout your company
products and services.
across encompasses the complete process, from
translation to project management, thereby
overcoming the limitations of conventional
systems., Michael Leifeld, Polysius AG
Corporate Translation Management
3across Systems
- across Systems GmbH (Karlsbad, Germany)
- across Systems Inc. (Glendale, California)
- The No. 1 independent technology for the
linguistic supply chain - Core product across Language Server
- Hundred of Servers installed
- Global Independent Partner Network
- LSPs / Technology Partners / System Integrators
- Training centers / Consultants
- 55 employees
"across provides us a quick view for overall
translation progress and let us to simplify the
entire workflow, implementing an easy and
efficient localization process." Sujeong Lee CEO,
4across Language Server
Terminology database repository (crossTerm)
Translation memory repository (crossTank)
- Secured access
- Check-in Native Document Formats
- Universal Translation Editor
- Project Management
- Translation Workflow Management
- Intelligent Task Assignment
- Deadline Monitoring
- Quality Control
- Real-time authoring assistance
- Open APIs
- Corporate Translation Terminology Management,
scalable for small and large organizations - Consistency between technical Authoring and
Translation efforts - Connectivity with other systems resources
Central Translation Repository
"Due to the high quality of the automatically
generated Word documents, our review workload has
dropped by more than 60", Christoph Lux, Navigon
5Working with across Language Server
- Working online
- LAN or Web clients
- terminal server capability
- VPN encryption included
- Working off-line
- Download of secured .cwu file
- Synchronization of updates
- In restrictive IT environments, manual task
transmission possible (crossWAN Classic) - Transmission of rights/profiles
- Data is removed after task has been completed.
- data transmission via VPN
6across workflow integration
Translation Management
GUI Customization
Translation Management
crossAPI SI
Process Integration
crossAPI IA
Savings Impact of CTM
Ms Word
Savings Impact of crossAuthor
Authoring Assistance
Translation Technology Support
7across customers
- A cost-effective workflow-based translation
platform for small, medium and large
organizations. - Scalable features and components
- Our across Language Server is a packaged solution
with short implementation cycles. - Our information, resources repository and
documentation center provide all latest
materials, news and updates about our software
technology. - A dedicated support and training team provides
customer-centric first and second level support
to basic and advanced users. - The software development strengths of across
Systems GmbH, a fast growing independent software
company are backed up by strong shareholders.
"Together with our service providers, we can now
make our translation processes much 'leaner' and
more cost-efficient.", Jerome Leicht, BBT
8across collaboration
- across Language Server allows participants in
various functions and locations to share
information in a structured, reproducible project
management environment. - Collaboration in across includes crossGrid
component for delegating translation projects to
Language Service Providers, translation content
and task sharing, intelligent workflow messaging
and calendar sharing.
Delegate Project
Deliver Project
"Being based in Japan as Language Service
Provider, across Language Server technology help
us deliver our software localization projects to
the central translation repository of our
European customer in a protected project
environment". - Tsuyoshi Kumazawa, President at
Human Sciences."
9across Content Connectors
Customer Connectors
- Our middleware components such as crossConnect
and crossAPI integration interfaces transfer data
between the across translation workflow engine
and the WCM/CMS/DMS content repository system
where authors, manage and publish source files. - As current across system integrators and partners
add more connectors, our current across Language
Server increases its scope, allowing
collaboration and workflow functions to move in
and out of the many environments that make up
global information systems.
crossConnect for Content Systems
crossAPI SI (System Integration)
crossAPI IA (interactive)
"For the software localization requirements of
our customer, we choose across Language Server
technology as it provided the right relay
translation features and workflows connecting all
our translators and proofreaders in a secured
project management environment" - Dorothee Orf,
General Manager, INTERTEXT Traducción y
Documentación Multilingüe SL
10Customers Connectors
- Nero AG (cConnect, API)
- Merck KgaA (cConnect, API)
- Multivac (cConnect)
- Wago (cConnect, API, Reddot)
- Harting Electric (cConnect)
- Moeller (cConnect)
- Insta (cConnect)
- Brose (API, cross2web, Contens)
- Schmitz-Werke (cConnect)
- Osram Semi-Conductors (cConnect)
- Navigon AG (cConnect)
- Hella (cConnect)
- ZF Friedrichshafen (cConnect, API, across2mail)
- PAW (cConnect)
- Berger Lahr (cConnect)
- Wipotec (cConnect)
- SIG (cConnect)
- Klingelnberg (cConnect)
- Krohne Messtechnik (cConnect)
- Polysius AG (cConnect, SAP)
- Siemens 2X (cConnect)
- Friedrich Lütze (cConenct)
- Kasto (cConnect)
- Jumo (cConnect)
- Samson AG (cConnect)
- Voith Turbo (cConnect)
Content Connectors
After a training period, our inhouse and
external language resources were hooked up to our
central translation repository - across Language
Server to deliver technical documentation and
software localization projects to our customers,
using an innovative translation project
management environment that goes beyond a
traditional TMS." - Christian Taube, Senior
Account Manager Matrix Communications AG.
- across Systems is an independent software
supplier of Globalization Translation
Management technology - across Systems differentiate from SDL
technologies in the translation workflow solution
and its integration capabilities. - across has a strong LSP partner network with a
high service quality and a cost-effective supply
chain for corporations. - across Systems has its independent status through
the guarantee of its partners.
Globalization solution for corporations with
content life-cycle integration capabilities and
a cost-effective supply chain.
Global Player, No competitive offer, high
language service costs, technology with
poor Integration capabilities
"Having experience with Northern/Southern
European and Scandinavian translation projects,
Jensen Localization has today a team of
translators providing a cost-effective supply
chain as much of the administrative burden and
project management workload has been reduced by
using across Language Server." - Allan Svendsen,
General Manager Jensen Localization.
12Technology efficiency
- For the Linguistic Supply Chain
- Usage of independent technology with own
Language services - Workflow integration (relay, update,
partitioning functions)
- For Customer
- Security, restricted access
- No dependencies on one supplier
- Standards Compliances Quality Control
- Issues with various language groups disappear
- Resource availability at all times, no
bottlenecks - Smooth communication with resources
13Situation Early 2007
- 4.7 M words summing up 26 language markets
- 61 external resources
- Inhouse production of Japanese, Portuguese
Brazilian and Hungarian - One administrator at customer site, high workload
- various software and marketing releases yearly
- One Language Service Provider with one account
manager supervising the localization
- Reduce high costs and dependencies on one
supplier - Control Quality and reduce issues with Asian
languages - Reduce admin and project management tasks at
customer site and delegate more to LSP Project
Managers. - Avoid bottlenecks at high peak volume periods
with resource availability - Provision of resources in distinct time zones
- Implement more efficient communication between PM
and Language Workers
15Solution Benefits
- New Supply Model
- 4.7 M words summing up 26 language markets
- 7 competitive suppliers, high quality,
competitive cost, each managing a language group - A total of 86 translation and localization
resources in a collaborative environment - Full utilization of across Language Server
Technology (server-to-server in a networked
environment crossGrid) - 1 Nero administrator overseeing project
deliverables addition staff members as a result
of cost savings - Various suppliers serve as backup supplier, low
risks at high peak periods.
16XML Chunk Reuse vs. Translate once use many times
17DITA The Next Generation of Structured Content
lt?xml version"1.0"?gt lt!DOCTYPE map PUBLIC
"-//OASIS//DTD DITA Map//EN" "map.dtd"gt lt!--
Created with XMetaL 4.6 (http//www.xmetal.com)
--gt ltmap title"Planning for DITA Success How
to Set Up the Right Team and the Right
Strategy"gt lttopicmetagtltauthorgtSteve Manning,
Su-Laine Yeo lt/authorgtlt/topicmetagt lttopicref
href"Introduction.xml" navtitle""gt lttopicref
href"The_Birth of DITA.xml" navtitle""/gt
lttopicref href" What Makes DITA Better.xml"
navtitle""/gt lt/topicrefgt lttopicref
href"Conclusion.xml" navtitle""/gtlt/mapgt
DITA For Hardware
DITA for E-Learning
DITA for Software
DITA Architecture Topics, Maps, Content Reuse,
XML Elements, attributes, entities, DTDs, schemas
- Standardizes technical documentation design and
processes - Especially appropriate for high tech
documentation - Framework for defining and extending information
types, vs. just elements - Topic Management vs Document Management
18Linking and Reuse of DITA
- Topic Orientation
- Topic a unit of information that is meaningful
when it stands alone - Maps
- Organize a set of topics, typically for different
19Translate and Reuse Translated Text
- By writing smaller chunks of content
- Less to translate in each file
- Translation Memory is more effective
- Translate faster and reuse often
- Flag Content for Translation
- Leverage Translation Memory and Terminology
- brand product consistency through deliverables
- reduce efforts between authoring and translation,
terms that should not be used or apply preferred
- Write XML Topic Chunk
- Reuse Topic
3.Translate Once 4.Reuse translation multiplies
20XML Benefits for Globalization
- XML uses unicode
- Avoid codepage or character representation issues
- XML is well structured
- Translation based on element tags and attributes
- XML separates formatting from information content
- Translators and translation tools deal only with
text, not layout - Publishing (DTP) can be completed automatically
- No costly formatting after translation
"As multimedia software developer, NERO exports
its products to 27 language markets. For the
translation and localization of our products we
use across Language Server technology to
collaborate with a worldwide supply chain of
Language Service Providers, each specialized in a
specific language region. After one year of work
in our new technology environment with across
Language Server and our cost-effective
supplychain, we have streamlined our translation
processes and as a result we have achieved 34
savings with respect to our previous traditional
localization model. We are very pleased with the
results and forsee further cost improvements with
the integration of our CMS solution and across
technology." - René Petri, Director Technical
Services at Nero AG.
21Document Formats
22Document Formats
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT and PPS files)
- FrameMaker MIF files (v7 8 support)
- Rich Text Format (RTF files)
- Text files (TXT files)
- Adobe InDesign (INX format)
- QuarkXPress (in the XTG format of CopyFlow)
- Resource Script (RC) files
- Executable files (EXE files)
- Windows Installer (MSI files)
- Configuration files (INI files)
- Dynamic Link Library (DLL files)
- OLE Control Extensions (OCX files)
- These formats are supported via crossTransform.
Further information on this topic is available
here. - These formats are supported via MS Word.
- For large Ms Word files gt crossGoodies gt
Convert2xml can only process Word 2003 documents
(Word ML) - crossTransform enables the support of various
formats via the automated use of plugins.
Conditional tagged Language
- You can setup the project languages in the system
- In addition to languages, sublanguages can also
be selected
25Customer cases
New catalogue system with Integrated Translation
Management System
- Situation
- Manufacturing of machines for film stretching
lines. - 600 Brückner plants operating worldwide
- Brückner Formtec GmbH specializes in film
extrusion equipment for producing both smoothed
film and flat film - High degree of documentation
- Export level of 90
- 10-years old catalogue application
- Increase use of Asian and Cyrillic characters
- Challenge
- Increased globalization with higher level of
multilingual customer requirements - Greater demands on the technical documentation
- Multilingual Catalogue Production
- Integration of SAP master data
- 15,000 units to be managed and translated for
each machine with 80 re-usable content - Two to three machine catalogues/ months
- Large XML projects
- Large volume of translation memory and
decentralized terminology databases
- Solution
- New cataloging software CATALOGcreator
- Integration of the existing customer software
environment with across interfaces - Terminology and translation processes managed by
across Language Server - One central repository, Efficient pre-translation
methods. - Brückner currently translates its documentation
into 28 different languages. - Catalogue data for project managers maintained
via central translation repository - Corporate trade language
- All company- and multilingual spare parts
product-specific terms that had previously been
stored in various specialized dictionaries were
collated in one integrated system - Accessible terminology by internal and external
language workers - The goal is today applying standardized
terminology throughout the corporation - Users
- Catalogue department
- Internal translators
- External translators and Language Service
This project has enabled us to solve problems
that did not previously have any priority, says
Karsten Natebus, project manager for cataloging
Systematic Terminology Management Operational
Reliability also a Matter of Documentation
- Situation
- Swiss Manufacturer of Compressors
- Operational reliability is a key criterion in the
chemical and petrochemical industries. - Terminology is the basis for easy to understand
operating and maintenance manuals. - Introduction of new CMS
- numerous technical product variants (e.g., gas
type, clutch type, valve type) - Uncontrolled terminology proliferation in Excel
files - Diverse output formats (PDF, paper, CD)
- Manuals of 400 pages and comprise more than 1000
information blocks. - Challenge
- Corporate terminology usage management and
maintenance of exhaustive technical corporate
terminology - Granulation of the product information results in
growing challenges in terms of consistency and
uniformity of the formulations.
- Solution
- Uniform corporate terminology comprises more than
3000 terms, which are managed in 6 languages
using crossTerm terminology system. - As crossTerm aggregates all entries associated
with the same term, - all suitable terms can be viewed at a glance, if
necessary in two or more languages. Optionally,
definitions, images, and additional information
as well as grammatical information and usage
instructions can be entered for each term. - Concordance search for context information,
terminology extraction, interfaces to standard
dictionaries. - next project phase provided for utilization of
the entire across functionality and optimization
of all translation processes - Users
- Documentation dept
- EN DE translations in-house
- European and Asian languages are handled by
external language service providers
After all, even high-quality, mandatory
terminology is of little use if not applied
consistently due to utilization barriers, says
Jürg Altwegg.
28Brose Automobile Parts GmbH Co KG Optimization
of processes via integration with backend systems
- Situation
- The globally successful automobile component
supplier Brose relies on CONTENS for the
management of its website - The Brose group has an extensive website at its
disposal which regularly requires translations. - Challenges
- Automate translation workflow with CONTENS
- Smooth coordination between editors and
translators - Connecting CONTENS to across Language Server
- Solution
- In order for CONTENS editors to be able to access
already existing translations, CONTENS developed
an interface for the seamless connection to
across. - Uniform operation via the user friendly interface
of CONTENS - Access to already translated content
- Direct access to ongoing translation tasks
- Translation suggestions taken from already
existing translations. - Observance of terminological and stylistic
consistency - Linkage of external translation agencies without
direct access to the CMS CONTENS - Tasks which have already been started can be
inspected, cancelled, and deleted
Making Consistent Use of Optimization
Potentials Corporate Translation Management
- Situation
- Krohne offers suitable technical solutions for
industrial measurement - Central Marketing team operating worldwide for
delivering the necessary product-related
information and marketing documents just in time
in 8 languages. - Challenges
- great demands on the technical documentation and
marketing material such as catalogues and
specification sheets and XML content, Office
documents and other formats - Product liability
- Time-to-market
- Growing business development in 10 product lines
- Higher workload, cost control
- High number of decentralized language service
providers - High number of terminology databases.
- Standardizing documents, datasheet, catalogues
and cost-optimization with consistent terminology - Redefining the translation process, change
management - The inability to access the translation memory
systems of the service providers was identified
as a central cost driver in this area
- Solution
- Across Language Server now provides a
future-proof infrastructure for effective
Corporate Translation Management, enabling
optimization potentials to be exploited in the
best way possible. - Krohne staff in Germany and at the subsidiaries
as well as all external language service
providers cooperate in a single system - Central translation memory is now part of the
companys intellectual property - Establishment and use of a uniform terminology
which allows for centralized maintenance - Uniform, system-based, and cost-optimized
translation processes within the scope of
Corporate Translation Management - Transparency and control of the translation costs
and workflows - Effective fulfillment of the growing quality and
quantity requirements with the existing team of
15 employees in Germany and 10 other countries in
the Central Marketing team. - Content translated in English, French, German,
Spanish, Italian, Danish, and Chinese. - Users
- Language Service Providers
- Central Marketing team
- Translation dept.
- Documentation dept.
Heinz-Joachim Unger, Editor in Chief at Krohne.
After its successful introduction in Germany -
the Netherlands, France, and England were
connected to the system first to be followed by
China, India, Brazil, and Russia.
World market leader in particle foam
machines System for Cost-Efficient Global
Corporate Communication in Action
- Goal
- Use the same terminology in all forms of
corporate communication, such as quotations,
product-related documents, and control texts, in
18 languages - Issue
- Lack of consistency in the terminology use of
many documents and the high expenses caused - Duplicated translations triggered by the various
departments on the one hand and by redundant
formulations on the other. - High administration and proofreading overhead.
- Non-transparent workflows
- Issues with deadlines
- Solution
- Consistent use of terms in all texts Prevention
of redundant work due to repeated translation of
identical terms and sentences. - Company-wide approach reduce the number of
technical terms by 40 . - Administration of internal translation resources
for all departments - Administration and monitoring of translation
tasks assigned to external translators - workload reduced by up to 20 on average
Lena Seifert and Ralf Bieger efficient
project control in the team
Integrated Translation Platform Accelerates
Placement of Products Abroad
- Situation
- NAVIGON AG, a pioneer in mobile navigation
technology - Manuals accompanying NAVIGON systems are
translated into 16 languages with a grow tendency - 15,000 lines per language and year
- PDF, WORD and CD format
- Challenges
- Documents are subject to special requirements
- Quick updates
- Short times to market
- OEM versions (license products under other brand
names) with specific terminology - growing stock of digitalized geographic data
- Increasing costs
- Great amount of reusable data between 40-90
- Traditional translation process is time consuming
- Software localization restrictions for terms and
issues with specific text fields
- Solution
- Achieved better control and higher transparency
of the translation tasks - Central administration and overview
- of all translation tasks with version control
- Terminology can be selected by version or OEM
license using crossTerm - Transparency of the translation workload incurred
- Efficient composition of manuals in Ms Word and
content separated from format - Integration of the 15 external translators in one
system - Users
- Documentation dept.
- External translators connected via crossWAN
- Download online translations tasks
- Process translations offline
- Pre-translation of text blocks
- Upload finished task to the across Language
Due to the high quality of the automatically
generated Word documents, our review workload has
dropped by more than 60, reports Lux
Efficient translation concept across replaces
previous tool at Polysius
- Situation
- Polysius AG, engineering company in the field of
equipment for the cement and minerals industry - Renewing of their translation memory system due
to limitations of conventional translation tools - companys global activities, emails, reports and
above all plant-related information such as
manuals, clerical, technical and legal texts are
translated into a current total of 10 languages. - approx. 150 translation jobs per month, i.e.
around 80, need to be translated into English
and Spanish - Translation jobs send by email
- 5 employees in Germany and one resource at each
subsidiary in Spain and France - Challenges
- Implement the concept of Corporate Translation
Management - Networking situation
- Matching with decentralised multilingual
- Solution
- system support of corporate standard terminology
- effective translation process management
- workflow management and project management
- system-supported connection to the
- translators working in the Madrid and
Aix-en-Provence branch offices as well as to
externally based service providers - improvement in the quality of the translations
based on a system supported translation memory
and a synchronized terminology system, - medium-term reduction in the cost of translation.
- Next plan connected to Ovidius TCToolbox CMS via
the crossAPI interface - Users
- documentation dept.
- translation dept.
We made a conscious decision to put our trust in
this new concept, said Michael Leifeld, head of
the documentation and translation department of
Polysius AG.
Corporate Translation Management Saves Time and
- Situation
- leading provider of ventilation and
air-conditioning technology - 100 products
- searching for a translation solution since 2001
- Ineffective translation processes, consuming
resources - Frequent errors in the source text
- On-going routine translation
- Technical documents (5 to 50 pages) such as data
sheets and product descriptions for output media
such as CD, PDF, and web content. - Engineering firms worldwide use these documents
for designing facilities with Schako products - These documents are translated to English,
Flemish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian,
Spanish, Czech, and Hungarian - Concordance and terminology lists used to be
maintained in Excel - Challenges
- The translation process and architecture were in
need of optimization - Overview of translation projects
- Solution
- since 2003, it has been able both to save time
and money and to restructure and simplify its
translation workflows - A database-supported, seamless translation system
that comprises - administration, translation memory, and
terminology system and enables translating on a
per-sentence basis. - Efficient workflow support.
- Implementation of the companys make-and-buy
strategy through easy connection of local and
international translators, regardless of whether
they are external service providers or employees. - Prevention of redundant translations, which make
up 10-30 depending on the product. - Easy transfer of the concordance lists that used
to be maintained in Excel. - Users
- Internal translators by subsidiary connected via
crossWAN - Language service providers
- Implementation
- The system implementation took place in small
steps. The employees of the Technical Office were
the first to be trained. Then the subsidiaries
and service providers were connected successively.
34Hosted across Language Server
35Hosted across language server
- Well known as ASP (Application Service Providing)
or SaaS (Software as a Service). - Means a Language Server - physically residing on
a system of our partner www.visionapp.com -
available via the Internet. - Look and feel as with a local system, but
technical without any own system administration
and commercial on a monthly base. - For test environments 30 days trial with 3
clients licenses for 100,- Euro. - For customers fee per user/month - for the
Language Server base package, at least 5 Clients,
including Update and Support. - Minimum terms 6 months, afterwards terminable at
a quarterly base.
- For Germany, Switzerland 39 countries
- With Leasing we deliver the software to our
customer as usual, but invoice our partner
www.siemens.de/leasing. - The customer pays a monthly fee to Siemens SFL.
38Features Improvements
391. CrossWeb benefits
- No need to have your own across installation
- You are almost free and can work practically from
everywhere in the world with across. A computer
with Browser and an Internet connection is
sufficient! - Besides you automatically always work with the
current across version updates and Patches are
void. - You work platform-independently with across - all
the same whether you have Windows, Mac OS or
Linux. - In the case of the translation with crossWeb you
access directly across the Language Server. You
are part of the across workflows and work
otherwise almost exactly the same, as you are
accustomed to by working in the usual crossDesk. - (The translation functionality of crossWeb does
not have yet the full function range of
crossDesk. An adjustment will however gradually
take place.)
401.2 crossWeb sample
- A translator can work on an assigned translation
task alternatively as used with crossDesk within
across or over the Internet with CrossWeb. A
separate assignment of tasks of translation for
crossWeb does not have to take place thus.
412.1 Integration of Langenscheidt dictionaries
NEW across Terminology Bundles Digital
dictionaries of the Langenscheidt publishers
- The Concept
- The across terminology system crossTerm is a
powerful tool for tasks such as the management of
corporate terminology. All parties involved,
including editors, correctors, and translators,
benefit from a centrally stored, uniform
vocabulary. - However, in addition to the internally managed
terminology system, the extensive vocabulary of
specialized dictionaries is also frequently made
use of. The Langenscheidt publishers are one of
the leading providers in this field. - across is the world's first technology provider
that is able to deliver an integrated solution in
which own customer entries and Langenscheidt
contents can be made available in a uniform
system. - Users benefit in various ways. As a central
platform for all language resources, the across
Language server consistently makes the entire
terminology database available to all users
involved. While editing, authors and translators
are shown all corresponding dictionary entries
directly in the editor and can easily adopt these
with a mouse click.
422.2 Integration of Langenscheidt dictionaries
NEW across Terminology Bundles Digital
dictionaries of the Langenscheidt publishers
- The Product
- Currently, the following specialized
Langenscheidt dictionaries are available for the
across Language Server and the across Personal
Edition - Technology and Applied Sciences, 500,000 terms
- Business, Commerce, and Finance, 136,000 terms
- Electrical Engineering and Electronics, 160,000
terms - Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 132,000 terms
- Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering,
140,000 terms - These dictionaries are available in the language
pairs degten and engtde for subsequent import in
existing across installations or for pre-filling
new across installations. - Access is possible for all specifically licensed
clients via an across Language Server. Enterprise
licenses are available on request. - When used with the across Personal Edition, the
own Langenscheidt contents are used during
standalone operation and the contents of the
accessed across Language Server are used during
remote client operation.
43Integration of Machine Translation
NEW across Bundle for Machine Translation
Strategic partnership with Language Weaver
- The Concept
- across comprises a translation memory (TM) that
stores translations from the past and makes them
available for reuse in new translations.
Identical recurring sentences are automatically
pre-translated, and similar sentences are
proposed to the translator for adoption and
post-processing. - In contrast, machine translation "learns" how to
translate from one language to another by
analyzing millions of translated documents.
Language Weaver, whose products boost the overall
productivity in collaboration with translators
and TMs, is one of the leading providers of
statistics-supported machine translation. - Accordingly, across has merged all three
approaches human translation, TM, and machine
translation in an integrated solution. If
machine translation is defined as an additional
workflow step, the procedure is as follows - Each text segment is first analyzed against the
across translation memory. - If no matching entries are found, a Language
Weaver machine translation will be inserted. - Subsequently, the remaining workflow steps are
processed, i.e. post-processing by a translator,
separate revision, and release.
44Integration of Machine Translation
NEW across Bundle for Machine Translation
Strategic partnership with Language Weaver
- The Product
- The quality of the machine translation greatly
depends on the content and volume of the
documents with which the system was "trained". - From within across Language Server, Language
Weaver machine translation can be used - as a customer-specific trained system for various
contents and language combinations, - as a standard system for contents from the
mechanical engineering/ automotive industries in
the language pairs German/English or
English/German. - The machine translation bundle of across
represents an inexpensive gateway to the
integrated use of automatic translation with
Language Weaver. It contains - the across Language Server,
- the Language Weaver system,
- the pre-filling of the defined standard system.
- The standard system can be customized by adding
further contents and/or language pairs.
45across Products Services
46Basic Product
48Further options
49Special Editions
51System Requirements
52System requirements v4.0
53Architecture crossAPI
CrossConnect vs. crossAPI SI In general,
crossConnect uses methods of crossAPI SI from the
licensing view, crossConnect is a subset of
crossAPI SI predefined and limited functionality
attractive price e.g. automatic check
in/checkout no advanced PM functionality Examples
Batch-like data exchange with CMS, PIM systems,
54crossConnect for content systems
- crossConnect applications use methods of crossAPI
SI - Applications of "crossConnect for content
systems" offer just basic functionality - e.g. automatic checkin/checkout
- no advanced PM functionality
- Examples
- batch-like data exchange with CMSs, PIM systems,
Content Connectors
55GDS docuglobe
56GDS docuglobe
57GDS docuglobe
Content Connectors
global document solutions www.docoglobe.de
Content Connectors
crossDot www.lisocon.de
59crossAPI SI (system integration)
- accessed via COM/DCOM or SOAP
- Server side API
- High-Level interface for management functions
- no fine-granular support of translation
functionality - Example
- integrating across with an enterprise intranet
Content Connectors
60DHW asim Context on Demand
Direct access for Context on Demand
Automated check-in and kick-off of translation
Rule-based export incl. project parameters
61DHW asim Context on Demand
Content Connectors
Context on Demand www.asim.de
62crossAPI IA (interactive)
- client-side access via COM interface
- direct and fast connection to crossTank and
crossTerm - no project management functionalities
64crossConnect for crossAuthor
65crossAuthor for MS Word
66crossAuthor for Adobe Framemaker
1. The author write the text in Framemaker and
gets authoring assistance from across translation
memory and terminology
2. The author gets alerted about preferred term
use or do not used terms
3. Re-used sentences are detected in crossTank
and can be inserted on the fly
Real-time authoring assitance
67crossAuthor for Adobe Indesign
1. The author write the text in Framemaker and
gets authoring assistance from across translation
memory and terminology
2. The author gets alerted about preferred term
use or do not used terms
3. Re-used sentences are detected in crossTank
and can be inserted on the fly
68crossAuthor for PTC Arbortext
- Find first concordance in translation memory and
terminology database - As you continue typing, it finds a better Match
in crossTank and crossTerm - As you are half way writing it hits better
results and returns perfect matching content from
the TM and terminology database of across.
69Financial Impact of Content Authoring Assistance
Without crossAuthor
With crossAuthor
translation costs per source word Æ 0,15
Translation into 20 languages
Back to Workflow integration
70Support and Training
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