Title: The Capabilities of AdminP
1The Capabilities of AdminP
Carilyn E. Daniel KMAS Consulting
- Todays event will run one-hour long. Here are
the expected times for each segment of the
Webcast -
- 1200 05 Moderator introduces the speaker
and discusses the details of the Webcast. - 1205- 25 Speaker delivers a PowerPoint
presentation on the Webcast topic. -
- 1225- 35 Moderator and speaker engage in a
brief QA on the topic. - 1235- 100 The speaker responds to questions
submitted by the audience. - You can submit questions to the speaker at any
time during the event. Just click on the Ask a
Question button in the lower left corner of your
3What We'll Cover ...
- AdminP Requests for Multiple Domains
- Reasons To Implement
- Understanding How AdminP Works
- AdminP Requests Requiring Approval
- Tips, Tricks Troubleshooting
4AdminP Requests for Multiple Domains
5AdminP Requests for Multiple Domains
- If you administer multiple domains, there are a
subset of AdminP requests that can be made
cross-domain - These requests are
- Create Replica
- Delete Server or Person
- Rename Person or Server from flat to hierarchical
6Cross Domain Inbound/Outbound AdminP Requests
- Documents required for cross-domain processing of
administrative requests - Cross-certificate documents for domains
- Connection document
- One or more cross-domain Configuration documents
- The "Cross-Domain Delivery Failures" view
contains any requests that could not be sent to
the receiving domain - Should be checked on a regular basis
Best Practice
7Reasons to Implement
8Reasons to Implement
- Automates routine administrative tasks
- Updating names in Reader and Author fields
- Recertifying IDs
- Renaming people and upgrading servers to
hierarchical - Deleting references to a person, server, or group
- Enabling and using password checking
- Adding and deleting resources for scheduling
- Moving and creating replicas of databases
- Creating mail file during setup
9Understanding How AdminP Works
10How the Administration Process Works
- Scheduling and processing requests
- Each request in the Administration Requests
database contains a scheduling attribute - Controls when the request is processed
- AdminP checks the scheduling attribute to see if
it is time to process the request
Building Block
11How the Administration Process Works Scheduling
The AdminP process checks ...
At one minute intervals
Admin4.nsf based on the "Interval" field in the
Server document
Admin4.nsf based on the "Execute once a day
requests at" field in the Server document
Admin4.nsf based on the "Start executing on" and
"Start executing at" fields
Set execution schedule
Admin4.nsf for "Delete unlinked mail file"
requests on a set execution schedule
12How the Administration Process Works Scheduling
Attributes (cont.)
- The Interval setting
- Default is every 60 minutes if there is no value
in this field and the notes.ini does not contain
an AdminP Interval setting - Daily requests update Person documents
- Will execute at 1200 AM if there is no value in
this field and the notes.ini does not contain a
parameter, AdminPModifyPersonDocumentsAt
13How the Administration Process Works Scheduling
Attributes (cont.)
- Delayed requests are requests to update Author
and Reader fields - The "Start executing on" field defaults to Sunday
- Multiple days can be checked
- The "Start executing at" field defaults to 1200
14How the Administration Process Works Scheduling
Attributes (cont.)
- Set execution schedule
- The "Interval between purging mail file and
deleting when using object store" field default
is 14 days
15How the Administration Process Works The Process
- AdminP checks to see if it is running on the
Administration server for the Domino directory - If running on the Administration server AdminP
looks for requests - Processed only by the Administration server
- Requests affecting the Domino Directory
- That must be signed by the Administration server
- That every server in the domain will process
- Where the current server is the target server
Decision Point
16How the Administration Process Works The Process
- AdminP checks... (cont.)
- If running on a server other than the
Administration server, AdminP looks for requests - That are processed by every server in the domain
- Where the current server is the target server
Decision Point
17How the Administration Process Works The Process
- AdminP looks for requests that are
- Unprocessed
- Previously processed and the Administrator has
requested that the request be processed again - Based on the Administrator selecting "Perform
Request Again" in the AdminP Requests database
18How the Administration Process Works The Process
- Once a request has been processed, AdminP either
- Generates a response document
- Stores the Notes ID -- internal table
- Based on the "Store AdminP Process log entries
when status of no change is recorded" field in
the Server document -- reduces size of Admin4.nsf - Only applies to requests that did not require any
work by AdminP
19 AdminP Requests Requiring Approval
20AdminP Requests Requiring Approval
- Moving and delegating mail files
- Moving a replica to a new server
- Deleting a resource from the Domino Directory
- Deleting a person
- Deleting private design elements
21Moving and Delegating Mail Files
- Automated steps to move a user's mail from one
server to another - The Administration Process (AdminP) creates
separate request for each of the steps and
reports on their successful completion - An Administrator must approve the "Approve file
deletion" request - This triggers a "Request File Deletion" request
to delete the mail file that AdminP will then
carry out
22Moving and Delegating Mail Files (cont.)
- Not all of these steps are applicable to browser
clients!!! - Browser clients will not have location documents
to modify -- AdminP can't complete the process
23Moving and Delegating Mail Files (cont.)
- Note There is an alternative to deleting the
mail files yourself - You can download the LotusScript agent, "Create
Push Change Request" from the Iris Sandbox on
24Moving a Replica to a New Server
- An Administrator must approve the "Approve
Deletion of Moved Replica" request to complete
the process - Check the server log to verify that all database
changes have been replicated from the old
database before approving!
Don't Forget
25Deleting a Resource from the Domino Directory
- This action is triggered from the Resource
Reservations database - You must be in the Create Resource role of the
ACL for the Resource Reservations database to
carry this out! - An Administrator must approve the "Resource
Heads Up!
26Deleting a Person
- An administrator must approve the deletion of the
mail file for the person - Approve the "Approve file deletion" request
27Deleting Private Design Elements
- When deleting a user, if also deleting Reader and
Author fields in databases, all databases are
checked for private design elements - If private design elements are found, an AdminP
request to "Approve deletion of private design
elements" is created and must be approved by an
Don't Forget
28 Tips, Tricks Troubleshooting
29Updating Names in Reader and Author fields
- To keep the size of the Administration Requests
database to a minimum, schedule delayed requests
more frequently or extend the number of days
unmodified documents can remain in the Admin4.nsf
30Updating Names in Reader and Author fields (cont.)
- Note After the Administration Process updates
Reader and Author fields in a database, Domino
always marks the documents that contain these
fields as unread, regardless of whether a
particular person has read them or not.
Heads Up!
31Recommendations for Recertifying ID's
- Make recertifying IDs easy -- Be proactive
- Recertify without involvement of the ID owner
- Recertify groups of IDs due to expire at the same
time -- this way people don't have to remember to
notify you when their IDs are about to expire
32Recommendations for Recertifying ID's (cont.)
- Note Remember, replicating alone will not
activate this process, therefore accepting these
changes with backup ids can save time and prevent
administrative headaches
33AdminP and Server Information
- AdminP stores the server's DNS host name in the
"Fully qualified Internet host name" field on the
Basics tab in the Server document - Not populated in R4 unless an SMTP MTA is defined
- The R5 router uses this for the "helo" part of
the RFC822 conversation and as an alias for the
local host
34Troubleshooting -- Too Many Documents
- Problem
- The Administration Requests database holds
unnecessary documents, even when the status of
log entries has not changed - Solution
- Change the "Store AdminP Process log entries" to
35Questions? Submit your questions now by
clicking on the Ask A Question button in the
bottom left corner of your presentation screen.
36Thank You
- Thank you for participating in a
SearchDomino.com live webcast. - If you have any additional questions or comments
for todays speaker, you can send them to her via
editor_at_searchdomino.com. - For more information on upcoming SearchDomino.com
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