Corps Expectations for Constructing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Corps Expectations for Constructing


Corps Expectations for Constructing – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: larryj48


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Corps Expectations for Constructing

Corps Expectations for Constructing
  • Masters Level Tips for Success

MILCON Transformation
  • Timeliness
  • Drastic improvements needed
  • Cost
  • Customers want reductions based upon budgetary
    constraints (design to 70 PA)
  • Quality
  • Generally speaking, customers are pleased

Feedback to USACE
  • Corps wants input from members of the Architect /
    Engineer and Construction industry regarding best
    practices via
  • NSPE Professional Engineers in Construction (PEC)
    Community Website
  • Knowledge Forum for contract administration

  • Our metrics tend to focus on time / schedule
    which can be symptomatic of quality.
  • ASCE Manual 73 Quality in the Constructed
    Project defines quality as the fulfillment of
    project responsibilities stated by the designer,
    professional, and constructor.

Responsibilities / Requirements
  • Responsibilities are tasks expected to be
    performed as specified by contractual agreement.
  • Requirements are what a team member expects or
    needs to receive during and after participation
    in a project.

  • Quality hinges on the degree to which the
    requirements of project participants are met.
  • Focus on practices and procedures that encourage
    participants to express their requirements with

Contracting Strategy
  • Influences composition and organization of the
    construction team.
  • The responsibilities of the constructor and the
  • The participation of qualified personnel.
  • Procedures for enforcing contract terms and

Contracting Strategy
  • Best-Value Procurement
  • Evaluate proposals (other than cost)
  • Past performance
  • Key personnel
  • Contractors approach to managing quality /
    schedule / cost
  • Team Experience (Prime and Subcontractor)

Certification and Staffing
  • CQC personnel must be certified through a course
    titled Construction Quality Management for
  • Specification 01451 requires supplemental CQC
    personnel that must be directly employed by the
    prime contractor and have no other duties but
    quality control.

  • Specification Section 01312 requires the use of a
    Corps provided comprehensive construction
    management software for the expedient and
    effective management of quality on construction

  • Schedule is a readiness issue.
  • For reference on time means all work complies
    with the approved plans and specifications (no
    deficiencies) on the contract completion date.
  • BOD CCD No Deficiencies!

Why Improve?
  • If you cannot execute on schedule, execute

Goals (NTP to BOD)
  • 365 days for PA lt 5M
  • 540 days for PA between 5M and 20M
  • 730 days for PA gt 20M

Managing Schedules
  • ECB No 2002-32 Construction Contract Durations
    Schedule Slippage
  • Best value selection based upon experience,
    management and past performance (schedule).
  • Must evaluate the impact of changes on Critical
  • Prioritize and use contingencies to maintain
    original schedule (accelerate).

Step-by-step process for timely completion
utilizing proactive schedule management
Step 1
  • ACO Must assure necessary contract requirements
    are included in Enhanced Specification 01320
  • The Standard UFGS Guide Specification 01320A has
    been enhanced and is to be edited and submitted
    with each BCOE review on all projects requiring a
    NAS Schedule.
  • Purpose Provide Resident Engineers, PEs, QARs
    and Contract Administration Employees an enhanced
    guide specification to improve our performance in
    timely project turnover.

Step 2
  • Prime Contractor Must prepare a reasonable
    initial (baseline) schedule meeting 4-tests.
  • Logical Sequence of the Critical Path (NTP to
  • Utilize the Total Float Sort
  • Review the Critical Path Work Activities for
    logical sequence
  • Earning Curve (cash flow) Evaluation
  • Compare Scheduled Progress to Recommended
  • Manpower on the site related to of duration
  • Utilize NASA Projector
  • Compare rule-of-thumb to Schedule Workers per day
  • Milestone Complete as of of duration used

Total Float Sort
  • List of activities showing time available to the
    critical path or to the completion of the project.

Milestone Sort
  • Listing of project milestones that represent the
    end of a series of related activities or an
    accomplishment in the course of a project.

Earning Curve
NASA Earnings Projector
NASA Earnings Projector
Manpower Resource Plot
Milestone/Completion Duration
  • Structure Complete (36)
  • Roof Complete (44)
  • Building Dry-In (48)
  • Interior Walls (59)
  • Plumbing Complete (80)
  • HVAC Ductwork (89)
  • CQC Inspection of Entire Facility (93)
  • Prefinal Inspection (98)

Step 3
  • ACO must express serious and sincere interest and
    commitment at the preconstruction conference in
    the use of the NAS Schedule by the contractor for
    planning control of all of the work activities in
    the contract throughout the entire contract
  • The Contractors home office, subcontractors and
    field superintendent must also express their
    sincere interest and commitment to the meaningful
    preparation and use of the NAS Schedule through
    the entire contract at the preconstruction

Managing Schedules
  • Recommendations
  • Develop Challenging duration goals and post the
    dates !
  • Inspect what you Expect !
  • Demand complianceTrack it !

Step 4
  • The Contractor (Subcontractors) and the
    Government must perform a reasonable and
    meaningful monthly evaluation of the updated NAS
    Schedule to include review of the Contractors
    Narrative Report and plans for corrective actions
    if needed during the following month.
  • ACO must require and updated NAS Schedule
    evaluation meeting with the Contractor and
    Scheduler to evaluate progress on critical path
    milestones, trends, and actual start and finish
    dates to determine if contractor is following the
    NAS Schedule and that Schedule is still

Narrative Report
  • The contractor should provide a comprehensive and
    meaningful narrative report with the preliminary,
    initial NAS submittals and all monthly updates.
  • The narrative report should be reviewed by the
    government representative prior to scheduling the
    second monthly progress meeting with the
    contractor to perform a joint analysis and
    evaluation of the updated NAS schedule.

Narrative Includes
  • Abstract is / is not on schedule
  • Critical Path list events
  • Milestones that must complete this month
  • Discussion
  • Status information
  • Crew Size
  • Activities that need to be pushed
  • List of phases in operation in coming weeks

Sample Narrative
Milestone Report
  • The purpose of the schedule, updates, and
    analysis is to forecast probable effects on the
    completion date factoring in happenings that have
    occurred to date.
  • The theory is if we do not change our current
    work plan, this is what will probably occur.

Step 5
  • ACO Must require the Project Engineer and the
    Superintendent to jointly input (actual start and
    finish dates) data into the LS-AS / LF-AF NAS
    sort weekly during the weekly coordination
    meeting and to monitor the scheduled late start
    and late finish dates as compared to the actual
    start and finish dates observed during each month.

Late Start / Late Finish Sort
  • Created from the Monthly NAS Schedule Update.
  • Excellent Tool for continually monitoring monthly
  • A must for determining time impact resulting from
    contract changes.

Using the LS / LF Sort
  • Must use latest updated NAS (including all mods
    with time and weather mods).
  • LS Dates in chronological order from NTP to CCD.
  • Actual Start Finish Dates are indicated and
    compared to the scheduled LS / LF dates to note
    trends (falling behind).

Using the LS / LF Sort
  • PE Superintendent must note the float for each
    activity to identify the critical path.
  • PE Superintendent must agree on the actual
    start and finish dates. Dates must be entered in
    the sort.
  • PE Superintendent note (if activity is late)
    and take appropriate action.

Step 6
  • ACO Withhold 10 retainage on progress payments
    when the NAS schedule float sort indicates any
    negative float and continue until there is 0
    negative float.

Step 7
  • ACO must require the contractor to prepare a
    supplemental recovery schedule if the NAS
    Schedule Float Sort indicates negative 20
    work-days or 30 calendar-days

  • Slipped schedule for the contract (Contract
    Schedule indicates greater than 30 calendar days
    negative float
  • The contractor should prepare a supplemental
    recovery schedule
  • The contractor should select a number of work
    activities indicated to be on the contract
    critical path-- which are scheduled to be
    accomplished within the next 2-3 months
    (contractors choice for selection of work

Supplemental Plan
  • The contractor should then reduce (CRASH) the
    original durations of all of the selected
    critical work activities such that the negative
    float is reduces to 0 float at the end of the
    selected 2-3 month period and the original
    schedule is regained.
  • The contractor must use additional resources,
    additional crews, and/or overtime shifts.

Supplemental Plan
  • The contractor should submit his supplemental
    recovery schedule for approval to the Contracting
  • The government representative should monitor the
    contractors performance and progress on his
    accelerated supplemental recovery schedule

Recovery Plan In-Action
Step 8
  • ACO will prepare and recommend an Interim
    Unsatisfactory Evaluation to the Contracting
    Officer if the contractor is not implementing his
    supplemental recovery schedule during the first
    month of the 3-month recovery period reducing
    the negative float by increasing manpower
    resources (crew hours/week) for the future
    critical and near critical work activities, as
    indicated in the supplemental recovery schedule.

Step 9
  • ACO must require the contractor to prepare
    another supplemental recovery schedule should
    the first supplemental recovery schedule fail to
    result in the recovery of the original schedule.
    The KO may direct the contractor to comply with
    his supplemental recovery schedule and/or
    increase the crew hours/week (adding manpower
    and/or overtime periods) in accordance with the
    FAR Clause for Schedules FAR 52.236 15

Step 10
  • ACO must consider a Final Unsatisfactory Rating
    should the contractor fail to implement the
    supplemental recovery schedule as directed.

Steps for Schedule Management
  • 1. ACO Must assure necessary contract
    requirements are included in Enhanced
    Specification 01320
  • 2. Prime Contractor Must prepare a reasonable
    initial (baseline) schedule meeting 4-tests.
  • 3. ACO Must express serious and sincere interest
    and commitment at the Pre-Construction
  • 4. The Contractor (subs included) and the
    Government must perform two-monthly evaluations
    of updated NAS.
  • 5. ACO must require Project Engineer and
    Superintendent to jointly input AS and AF dates
    into RMS and the NAS Schedule (review weekly).

Steps for Schedule Management
  • 6. ACO withhold 10 retainage when the NAS Total
    Float sort indicates negative float. Continue
    until zero.
  • 7. ACO must require contractor to prepare
    supplemental recovery schedule if the NAS sort
    indicates negative 20 work days or 30
  • 8. ACO will prepare and recommend an Interim
    Unsatisfactory Rating to the KO if supplemental
    schedule fails to reduce negative float
  • 9. ACO must require another supplemental recovery
    schedule. KO may direct increased crew, hours,
  • 10. ACO must consider Final Unsatisfactory Rating
    should Contractor fail to recover schedule.

  • In general, costs are acceptable.
  • Others want dramatically reduced costs.
  • Improving costs means
  • Paying attention to small details
  • Getting the design right the first time
  • Managing costs during construction

Cost Growth
  • Unpredictable material and labor shortages
  • Errors in the design
  • Differing Site Conditions
  • User requested changes
  • Shortage of project funds

Keys for Controlling Cost
  • Teamwork and communications
  • Maintaining forward progress
  • Active problem solving
  • Daily positive attitude
  • Maintaining a working partnership

  • Military Construction Transformation requires
  • Conveying Expectations
  • Sharing tips for success through our communities
    of practice and professional societies
  • Knowing what we devote our most attention and
    resources to (Education Training)
  • Feedback (PEC and Knowledge Forum)

For More Informationhttp//
Establishing Managing a Reasonable
ScheduleDOK Practicum on Schedule
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