Title: Markov Processes
1Markov Processes
2Some Background Information
- Mathematical models that evolve over time in a
probabilistic manner are called stochastic
processes. - A special kind of stochastic process is a Markov
Chain, where the outcome of an experiment depends
only on the outcome of the previous experiment.
3Markov Process
- Suppose that we perform, one after the other, a
sequence of experiments that have the same set of
outcomes. If the probabilities of the various
outcomes of the current experiment depend (at
most) on the outcome of the preceding experiment,
then we call the sequence a Markov process.
4Why Study Markov Chains (Processes)?
- Markov chains are used to analyze trends and
predict the future. (Weather, stock market,
genetics, product success, etc.
5 Example Markov Process
A particular utility stock is very stable and, in
the short run, the probability that it increases
or decreases in price depends only on the result
of the preceding day's trading. The price of the
stock is observed at 4 P.M. each day and is
recorded as "increased," "decreased," or
"unchanged." The sequence of observations forms a
Markov process.
- The experiments of a Markov process are performed
at regular time intervals and have the same set
of outcomes. - These outcomes are called states, and the outcome
of the current experiment is referred to as the
current state of the process. - The states are represented as column matrices.
7Transition Matrix
- The transition matrix records all data about
transitions from one state to the other. The form
of a general transition matrix is
8Constructing a Transition Matrix
- A group of physical fitness devotees works out in
the gym every day. The workouts vary from
strenuous to moderate to light. When their
exercise routine was recorded, the following
observation was made Of the people who work out
strenuously on a particular day, 40 will work
out strenuously on the next day and 60 will work
out moderately. If the people who work out
moderately on a particular day, 50 will work out
strenuously and 50 will work out lightly on the
next day. Of the people working out lightly on a
particular day, 30 will work out strenuously on
the next day, 20 moderately, and 50 lightly. - Using S, M , and L as row and column headings,
construct a transition (stochastic) matrix for
the above situation.
9Stochastic Matrix
- A stochastic matrix is any square matrix that
satisfies the following two properties - 1. All entries are greater than or equal to 0
- 2. The sum of the entries in each column is 1.
- All transition matrices are stochastic matrices.
10Distribution Matrix
- The matrix that represents a particular state is
called a distribution matrix. - Whenever a Markov process applies to a group with
members in r possible states, a distribution
matrix for n is a column matrix whose entries
give the percentages of members in each of the r
states after n time periods. - The initial distribution matrix describes
Generation Zero.
11Distribution Matrix for n
- Let A be the transition matrix for a Markov
process with initial distribution matrix - then the distribution matrix after n time periods
is given by
12Fitness Example Continued
- Suppose that on a particular Monday 80 of the
people at the gym have a strenuous workout, 10
have a moderate workout, and 10 have a light
workout. What percent will have a strenuous
workout on Wednesday?
13Interpretation of the Entries of An
- The entry in the ith row and jth column of the
matrix An is the probability of the transition
from state j to state i after n periods.
- A small town has only two dry cleaners, Quick
Clean and Northlake Cleaners. Quick Cleans
manager hopes to increase the firms market share
by conducting an extensive advertising campaign.
After the campaign, a market research firm finds
that there is a probability of .8 that a customer
of Quick Clean will bring his next batch of
dirty clothes to Quick Clean, and a .35 chance
that a Northlake Cleaner customer will switch to
Quick Clean for his next batch. - Find the probability that a person bringing his
first batch to Northlake Cleaners will bring his
fourth batch to Quick Clean.