Title: CSLI Service Learning
1CSLI Service Learning Exit Meeting
- Review the process
- Review the findings
- Analyze - Hypotheses
2Review the process 1
- Evaluate the CSLI process
- Review what exactly did CSLI do?
- Generated questionnaire
- Oriented students in intro meeting
- Reviewed questionnaire with students
- Reviewed nature of surveys/sampling
- Trained students in telephone/marking
instructions - Conducted telephone interviews
- Target at least 400 completions
- Accomplished 577 completions
- Issue and post on Web site Press Release
- Expect coverage in major media Capital
3Review the process -2
- Questionnaire issues initial contact
- Was the opening statement OK?
- Hello, Im a student calling from Anne Arundel
Community College. The Colleges Center for the
Study of Local Issues is conducting a survey on
issues affecting Anne Arundel County Residents.
Would you please take a few minutes to complete
this survey - Suggestions?
4Review the process - 3
- Questionnaire issues - questions
- - Did any specific questions give you more
problems than others? - Clarity
- Public constantly asked for restatement
- Vagueness of what is being asked
- Did the respondents seem to think that the
questions were generally interesting? - Did the respondents think that the survey was too
long or short? - Other suggestions?
5Review the process - 4
- Public receptivity
- Were you surprised by how easy/hard it was to
obtain a completion? - Problems with phone numbers?
- Idle chatter from respondents?
- Bias among interviewers?
- Partial completions?
- Other suggestions
6Findings Most Important Problem Fall 2003-Fall
7The economyrate economic conditions
How would you rate economic conditions in
excellent, good, only fair or poor?
8The economycompare AAC/USA excellentgood
9The economydoes this apply?
10AA County Right/Wrong Direction
11Confidence in federal govt. 2008/2009
12Very plus somewhat confident by party, 2009/08
13Perceptions of 2020
14Perceptions of 2020 Health Care by Ideology and
Health Care Quality/Access
15Budget Issues Party and Ideology
saying support
 All Dem Rep Ind. D-R
Maintaining the tuition freeze at the University of Maryland 79 79 79 85 0
Maintaining the level of state funding for public schools 78 81 76 77 5
Requiring school employees to take several unpaid days off 36 39 36 30 3
Shifting the cost of teachers pensions to local governments 24 23 28 20 -5
saying about right
OMalleys job balancing budget Good13
Okay42 Poor38
 All Dem Rep Ind. D-R
The governors policy of making state employees take three to 10 days of unpaid leave 51 55 50 47 5
Laying off 200 state employees 38 37 40 46 -3
The proposal to cut 210 million in state aid to localities in Maryland 32 29 39 36 -10
The proposal to cut 15 million in local aid to Anne Arundel County 31 30 36 27 -6
Cutting a combined 30 million in health-related funding 23 17 30 28 -13
 OMalley doing poor job
Ideology Â
Conservative 55
Moderate 33
Liberal 10
Conservative-Liberal 45
Party Â
Democrat 21
Republican 62
Independent 38
Democrat-Republican -41
16National Issues Presidential job approval
17National Issues approving of presidents job
by party
18Exercise Develop Hypotheses
- Identify a dependent variable attitude,
preference - Identify an independent variable a
social/demographic characteristic - Specify a likely relationship between the two
based on a theory or hunch - you have about people and attitudes
19Test Hypotheses using SPSS
- Login
- Go to CSLI Web site http//www2.aacc.edu/csli
- Double click on CSLI Fall 2009 Data
- Weight the dataset /data/weight cases/weight
cases by Weight - Cross-tabs - /Analyze/Descriptive
Statistics/Crosstabs - Find Income75 click once on it to select it then
use arrow to place in columns box - Find v4.2 or v4.3 click once to select it
then use arrow to place in rows box - Click on cells and then click on Percentages
columns then OK - Click on statistics and then click on Nominal
Phi and Cramers V OK - Click on OK in main crosstabs dialog box
- Check results Did a higher percentage of under
75k agree with unemploymentthan those over
75k? Were the results statistically
significant were the Phi and Cramers V values
under the column Approx. Sig under .05? - If the answer is yes to both these questions,
then it is possible that - your hypothesis is correct you have
disproved the null hypothesis - 13. Try it again with the significant losses in
stocks and retirement accounts variable (v4.3) - 14. Continue with other hypotheses
- 15. In the last 10 minutes, we will go around the
room asking you to tell - us your most interesting finding