Title: COSYSMO:%20Reference%20System%20(Satellite%20Ground%20Station)
1COSYSMO Reference System (Satellite Ground
- Donald J. Reifer
- and
- Ricardo Valerdi
- University of Southern California
2Goals of Effort
- Build a COCOMO-like model for estimating system
engineering resources - Model a member of the COCOMO family of models
- This initial COSYSMO (Constructive System
Engineering Model) effort will fill in the holes
not covered by COCOMO II during the inception
phase of the MBASE life cycle (see below)
Inception Elaboration Construction Transition
3Purpose of Presentation
- To frame the model using an example system
- Identify what activities are and are not within
the scope of the models effort and duration
estimates - Define the components of the labor estimate
- A detailed reference architecture specification
for such a system has been prepared by The
Aerospace Corporation and can be found at - http//sunset.usc.edu/SSCS/abstract.html
4Context Diagram
- Network operations
- external to boundary
- Satellite operations
- includes
- - COTS hardware
- - Software
- - Communications
- Signals to control
- antennas and remote
- facilities assumed to
- be digital in form
5System Description
- External to system are elements of network
operations - These elements provide the antennas used to track
satellites, the communications equipment for TTC
and centralized resource management functions - Internal to the system are the hardware and
software to perform - Mission planning - Orbit data processing
- Telemetry processing - Attitude data processing
- Satellite commanding
- Simulation and resource management are outside
the scope of the system in this analysis
6General System Engineering Tasks
- Prepare System Engineering Master Plan (SEMP),
Test Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) - Define Technical Performance Measures (TPMs) for
managing the effort - Provide support to the Program Office on an
as-directed basis - Not within scope as charged to Program Office
accounts - Prepare/conduct System Integration and Test and
ready facilities and regression tests for this
purpose - Not within scope as all but planning is done in
phases outside of the Inception Phase
7Labor Assumptions
- Person-month assumed to be 152 hours/month
- All directly chargeable labor included
- System engineering tasks/documentation
- Task management/progress reporting
- Algorithm/simulation development
- Specialty engineering (reliability, safety, etc.)
- Support personnel (CM, QA, publications, etc.)
- Integrated product team leadership and support
(as applicable to the task at hand)
8Software Architecture
- Software layered into
- - System services
- - Middleware
- - Applications
- Outer ring contains
- mission-specific information sources
- (databases, knowledge
- base and specialized
- code)
- Applications communi-
- cate via standard APIs
9Simplifying Assumptions
- The architecture is layered with System Services
residing in middle/information bases on outside - Service layer segmentation is as defined by the
reference architecture - Performance has been taken into account in the
design - Applications are distributed across hardware
elements of the system - TTC Applications (mission planning, orbit, etc.)
- Mission Applications (payload command generation,
maneuver planning, etc.) - Support Applications (vehicle simulation, etc.)
10Systems Engineerings Job
- Scope of system engineerings job
- Allocate system requirements to the software
- Define a compatible top-level architecture that
meets requirements and takes advantage of
COTS/GOTS - Specify the major hardware/software system
interfaces, both internal and external - Map operational scenarios from the Operational
Concept Document to the architecture - Determine whether functional and performance
requirements can be satisfied
11More On The Job
- Job scope (continued)
- Perform necessary system tradeoffs to ensure that
functional and performance requirements can be
met - Define algorithms needed to achieve system
requirements for implementation in the software - Validate these equations using 3D and 6D
simulations - Develop system integration and test strategy
aimed at demonstrating compliance with
requirements - Perform market watch and work with suppliers to
ensure that system requirements can be satisfied
12Hardware Architecture - Bus View
- Hardware is distributed
- and communications is
- enabled via standard
- buses and protocols
- Each box on the network
- contains one or more
- COTS processors that
- interface via standard
- hardware APIs
- A real-time clock is tied
- to the network to address
- timing requirements
13Simplifying Assumptions
- There is no custom hardware - all requirements
can be satisfied using COTS components - Hardware communicates via standard protocols
across buses that have the bandwidth to
accommodate the peak loading requirements of the
applications - Interfaces to external systems are well-defined
and protocols have been specified - Reliability-Maintainability-Availability measures
of effectiveness for the system can be realized
using vendor-supplied solutions
14Systems Engineerings Job
- Scope of system engineerings job
- Allocate system requirements to the hardware
- Determine whether functional, performance and
specialty engineering requirements can be
satisfied - Perform applicable hardware/software trade
studies - Define a compatible hardware architecture that
satisfies the requirements - Specify the major system interfaces, both
internal and external - Map operational scenarios to Operational Concept
Document and to Test Evaluation Master Plan
15More On The Job
- Job scope (continued)
- Define algorithms needed to achieve system
fallback and recovery requirements via hardware
BIT/FIT - Develop system integration and test strategy
aimed at demonstrating compliance with
requirements - Includes test bed and test facility long-lead
item definition - Ensure producibility and manufacturability of the
hardware elements of the system - Perform necessary system tradeoffs to ensure that
functional and performance requirements can be met
16Communications Architecture -Inter-Applications
Interface View
- Standard APIs
- govern flow of
- information via
- applications
- Bus architecture
- is layered and
- conforms to CCITT
- layered standards
17Simplifying Assumptions
- There is no custom communications - all allocated
requirements can be satisfied using vendor
supplied solutions/systems - Communications systems are viewed by hardware and
software as pipes that provide data across system
interfaces - Bandwidth provided is acceptable as are the error
detection and correction techniques - Interfaces to external systems are well-defined
and communications protocols are supported
18Systems Engineerings Job
- Scope of system engineerings job
- Allocate system requirements for communications
- Perform communications tradeoff analysis
- Specify communications architecture and protocols
- Specify the major communications interfaces, both
internal and external - Map operational scenarios from the Operational
Concept Document to the architecture via threads
using communications flows to govern end-to-end
processing flow
19More On The Job
- Job scope (continued)
- Determine whether functional and performance
requirements can be satisfied by performing an
operational/interface analysis - May need to develop prototypes or simulation
model to accomplish this task - Develop system integration and test strategy
aimed at demonstrating compliance with
requirements allocated to communications - May require specialized equipment and facilities
20Strawman COSYSMO
- Based on the scope of the example system, the
model - Will be of the form of COCOMO II
- Be developed via USC 7-step model building
process - Will initially be limited to Inception Phase
tasks - Will use EIA 632 to bound effort
- Focus on software intensive systems like defined
in our example Satellite Ground Station - Goal is to have something meaningful done by
mid-March 2002
21Current COSYSMO Structure
Requirements Interfaces TPMs Scenarios
Modes Platforms Algorithms
Size Drivers
Cost Drivers
- Application factors
- 7 factors
- Team factors
- 8 factors
WBS guided By EIA 632
22Size Drivers (First Pass)
Size Drivers Measure of Counted By
requirements Functional requirements shalls
in System Spec Performance requirements
Measures of Performance/ Measures of
Effectiveness interfaces Interface
requirements interfaces needed to
be bounded via ICDs/MOAs TPMs
Managerial requirements of TPMs to be
reported scenarios Operational requirements
operational threads and/or system level use
cases modes Operational requirements
operational modes to be supported
platforms Operational requirements platforms
to be supported algorithms Operational
requirements of new algorithms that
system engineering must develop to
solve problem
23Cost Drivers (Initial List)
- Application factors
- Requirements understanding
- Architecture understanding
- Level of service requirements
- Legacy transition complexity
- COTS assessment complexity
- Platform difficulty
- Required business process reengineering
- Team factors
- Number and diversity of stakeholder communities
- Stakeholder team cohesion
- Personnel capability and continuity
- Process maturity
- Multis-site coordination
- Degree of system engineering ceremony
- Too support
Initial definitions prepared by Dr. Boehm in
previous charts
24Plan of Action Milestones (Status)
- Task Due Date Responsible
- Develop reference system 11//01/01 Reifer/Valerdi
- Define cost drivers 11/16/01 Wheaton/Valerdi
- Define size drivers 11/16/01 Hafen/Thomas
- Define effort scope 11/16/01 Hafen/Thomas
- Finalize survey instrument 11/30/01 Thomas/Valerd
i - Send materials out for review 12/03/01 All focal
points - Hold net meeting/discuss results 12/11/01 All
focal points - Updates done/Delphi defined 01/14/02 Reifer/Valerd
i - Send Delphi out 01/15/02 All focal points
- Complete Delphi round 02/15/02 Reifer/Valerdi
- Update done based on results 03/05/02 Reifer/Valer
di - Present results at annual review 03/12/02 Valerdi
Axelband/Boehm involved in all activities
25Summary and Conclusions
- Bounded COSYSMO using Satellite Ground Station
example - Defined what labor is within scope for the effort
- Defined typical tasks performed to support
allocation of requirements for hardware, software
and communications components of the system - Summarized existing model assumptions, structure
and components - Developed size driver list a little further
- Created one briefing to serve as basis for
further work