Title: Vegetation monitoring for climate studies
1Vegetation monitoring for climate studies
- Mat Disney
- Birkbeck School of Geography
- (notes adapted from Dr. P. Lewis, UCL Geography)
2Vegetation parameters of interest in Climate
- Principally, those that affect transfers of
- energy
- components of greenhouse gases
- influences on mankind
3Vegetation parameters of interest in Climate
- energy
- shortwave radiation
- longwave radiation
- momentum transfer
4Vegetation parameters of interest in Climate
- components of greenhouse gases
- CO2 - carbon cycling
- photosynthesis, biomass burning
- H20 - evapo-transpiration
- (erosion of soil resources, wind/water)
5Vegetation parameters of interest in Climate
- also, influences on mankind
- crops, fuel
- ecosystems (biodiversity, natural habitats) soil
erosion and hydrology, micro and meso-scale
6Appropriate scales for monitoring
- spatial
- global land surface 150 x 106 km
- 1km data sets 150 x 106 pixels
- GCM can currently deal with 0.25o grids
- temporal
- depends on dynamics
- 1 month sampling required e.g. for crops
7parameters of interest
- vegetation type (classification) (various)
- vegetation amount (various)
- primary production (C-fixation, food)
- SW absorption (various)
- temperature (growth limitation, water)
- structure/height (radiation interception,
roughness - momentum transfer)
8explicitly deal here with
- Leaf Area Index/fraction Absorbed
Photsynthetically active radiation (vis.) - But other important parameters include
- albedo
- ratio of outgoing/incoming
- PSN - daily net photosynthesis
- NPP - Net primary productivity - ratio of Carbon
uptake to that produced via transpiration. NPP
annual sum of daily PSN.
9Appropriate RS instruments
- optical data _at_ 1 km
- long-term dataset
- poor calibration/broad wavebands
- not designed for task
- repeat multi-angular
Spectral Range Band Satellites
Satellites IFOV NOAA-6,8,10
NOAA-7,9,11,12,14 1 0.58 - 0.68 0.58
- 0.68 1.39 2 0.725 - 1.10 0.725 -
1.10 1.41 3 3.55 - 3.93 3.55 -
3.93 1.51 4 10.50 - 11.50 10.3 -
11.3 1.41 5 band 4 repeated 11.5 -
12.5 1.30 (?m)
(?m) (millirads.)
11- optical data _at_ 1 km
- multi-view angle (9)
- 275m-1 km
- VIS/NIR only
12- optical data _at_ 1 km
- 250m-1km
- fuller coverage of spectrum
- repeat multi-angular
13- optical data _at_ 1 km
- 1 km
- good spectral sampling VIS/NIR - 15 programmable
bands between 390nm an 1040nm. - little multi-angular
- production of datasets (e.g. EOSDIS)
- e.g. MODIS products
- cost of large projects (big science') high
- B7 EOS
- little direct commercial' value at moderate
resolution - data aimed at scientists ... policy  Â
- NASA ESA - shorter timeframe for development -
smaller, faster, cheaper - can respond more quickly
- scientific requirement
- technology changes
- involve scientists more (e.g. VCL)
- cost lessÂ
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