Title: ICE 458CIE 658: Teaching Elementary School Social Studies
1ICE 458/CIE 658Teaching Elementary School
Social Studies
2Puzzling Concepts
3It is the white spaces on the maps that
fascinate me.
4I have learned that peoples faces, like the
face of the land, reflect the forces that have
shaped them.
5Maps and charts are the language of geography.
6The study of geography is a voyage of discovery.
7There must be a bit of the poet in the
geographer. Like the artist, the geographer
uncovers patterns and themes.
8Regions are worlds within a world.
9Puzzling Concepts
Puzzling Concepts
10Puzzling Concepts
- Prizes
- What are the benefits of this activity?
- How might you use this activity as part of either
the unit plan you developed yourself or the
social studies strand of the interdisciplinary
plan you created in a group?
11Daily Objectives
- Students utilize simulation methods and other
teaching strategies within elementary-level
social studies classrooms. - Identify methods of using puzzles to increase
social studies skills. - Students identify methods of social studies
instruction that enable learners with special
needs to fully participate in classroom lessons.
12Daily Outline
- Collaborative Grouping Puzzling Concepts
- Opening
- Lecture Teaching Strategies II
- Lesson Demonstration Crossing the Atlantic
- Closing
13Teaching Strategies Buzzwords
- Project-based learning
- Constructivism
- Authentic learning
- Addressing special needs
14Student Rights
- Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
- Individualized Education Plans (IEP)
15Delivery Models
Cooperation/ Consultation
Resource Rooms
Specialized classrooms
Specialized schools
16What does this mean for social studies
17Crossing the Atlantic
18Crossing the Atlantic
- How did it feel to cross the Atlantic in the
mid-1800s? - What were some of the trials faced by
European-American immigrants in the 1880s? - How might the immigrants have felt when they saw
the Statue of Liberty?
- How long do you think students might remember
simulation experiences and why? - How might simulations be particularly useful when
working with students with learning disabilities? - What precautions might you need to take before
engaging simulations such as the Crossing the
Atlantic lesson? - How might you relate the Crossing the Atlantic
experience to immigration today? - What activities or adjunct materials might you
use in conjunction with a unit including
Crossing the Atlantic?
20Daily Objectives
- Students utilize simulation methods and other
teaching strategies within elementary-level
social studies classrooms. - Identify methods of using puzzles to increase
social studies skills. - Students identify methods of social studies
instruction that enable learners with special
needs to fully participate in classroom lessons.
21Daily Outline
- Collaborative Grouping Puzzling Concepts
- Opening
- Lecture Teaching Strategies II
- Lesson Demonstration Crossing the Atlantic
- Closing
22For Next Session
- Readings and synopses/syntheses
- Patty Reeds Doll, pp. 81-143 (audio
availability) - Reading synopses/syntheses due 3/6 or 3/8
- Participation grade next session
- Reflective classroom observations due 3/22
- Next session
- Marcia Stribling
- Educating Citizens
23ICE 458/CIE 658Teaching Elementary School
Social Studies
See you next session!