Title: Alessandra Zanazzi Fondazione IDIS Citt della Scienza
1Alessandra ZanazziFondazione IDIS Città della
- New Nano-projects in the Ecsite Network
- Milan, Ecsite conference
- Saturday, 06/06/09, 1115 1245, black room
2 Tools to Increase Mass Engagement for
Nanotechnology Start date 01/02/2009 End
date 31/07/2011 Duration 30 months
- Support to outreach and communication in
3Coordinator Fondazione Idis Città della
Scienza Networks Ecsite (European Collaborative
for Science and Technology exhibition) and
Ecsite-UK Science Centres/Museums Deutsches
Museum, Ciencia Viva, Grenoble, Turkey Science
centres Foundation, Technopolis, Heureka and
Warsaw University of Technology An art
collective Brida A social research group
Observa Science in Society An editing company
4 Main objectives
- The TIME for Nano Project aims at engaging the
general public, especially young people, on
benefits and risks related to nanoscale research,
engineering and technology, through specific
informal education products, namely the web
platform ( contest) and the nano-kit, that will
be the basis for the realisation of events and
debates especially addressed to students
(nano-days) - Main specific objectives are
- to provoke a sound, science-based dialogue,
involving especially young citizens on the topics
of the nano-dilemmas - to get feedbacks on their opinions and needs
5 Nano dilemmas
- Health nano-medicine and nano-food
- Impacts on environment and energy
- Nanodivide distribution of knowledge and
- Ethics, enhancement chimeras, super-human
6- The NANO-KIT will be
- a springboard to encourage curiosity and debates
- inquiry-based learning approach
- nano objects, game, hands-on experiences
- The web-contest will stimulate
- Interest in NN
- reflection about risks and opportunities of NN
- works on NN based on creativity and arts
7- First steps taken
- All the partners
- External experts (NISE, other experiences in NN
communication, SAB) - Local experts (games exp.,
- teachers and students,
- researchers CNR,
- University comics
- artists, science theatre)
8 - A shared vision for the contents of the nano-kit
- A framework structure for the web contest,
guidelines for the contents of single challenges
and examples
- A shared idea of the contents of the web-platform
- An efficient working procedure and protocol for
the Editorial Working Group (EWG) - Guidelines for the evaluation
9 NANO KIT Objects and experiments Ferrofluid Mout
hwash dilution Textiles (applications) How tall
are you in nanometers Miracle powder Build your
fullerene/virus (with Brida contribution) Liquid
crystals Lego Quantum dots
CONTENTS Game Debate cards Agree/disagree
cards Experiment cards
Digital version available 1000 copies to be
10- The web contest
- Nanomedical doping could lead to greatly enhanced
performance with little or no side effects. It
will also be hard to test for. Should it thus be
allowed in sports? - INSPIRING (ART) VIDEO
Nanofilters promise cheap, pure drinking water
for third-world countries. However, development
costs are high. Who should pay?
Researchers are working at a nano-robot capable
to deliver nano-surgery inside a body. Would you
accept that kind of a robot inside your body?
11Video example n1 no scientific content, just
creative inspiration how you can tell stories and
build comics with very simple materials a cell
phone, egg-containers landscape, some typed texts)
12Video example n2 no scientific content, just
creative inspiration how you can tell stories and
build comics with very simple materials a cell
phone, a children magnetic board for writing text
and drawing pictures)
13Video example n3 no scientific content, just
creative inspiration how you can tell stories in
this case using very simple materials, different
techniques, such as reverse videos)
14Video example n4 again, no scientific content,
just creative inspiration how you can tell
stories using paper, cell phone video some
manual ability and imagination!)
15(No Transcript)
16- In conclusionwhat is useful to know
- Web contest competition open to any European
resident. Starting beginning October 09 - Kits distribution (100/country 100 more) from
January 10 - There will be trainings at national level and at
EU level (Ecsite conference next year!)
- zanazzi_at_cittadellascienza.it
- drioli_at_cittadellascienza.it
- nano_at_cittadellascienza.it
- www.timefornano.eu