Title: Transit Security: An Overview of Activities Since 9/11
1Transit Security An Overview of Activities
Since 9/11
- Eva Lerner-LamPresidentPalisades Consulting
Group, Inc. - ITE 2003 Annual Meeting
- August 24-27, 2003 Washington State Convention
Trade Center Seattle, Washington, USA
2The Problem
- Transit systems are by their very nature open
and vulnerable to security risks - High concentrations of people and equipment are
prime targets for terrorists and others seeking
to inflict harm - During an attack, transit is expected to provide
a means of mass evacuation
3The Problem, cond.
- In 1998, attacks against transportation and
transportation infrastructures accounted for 42
percent of all international terrorist attacks
reported by the U.S. State Department. - The Transportation Research Board found that 34
percent of the violent acts against
transportation target rail and buses.
4What Transit Has Done
- Transportation Research Board
- American Public Transportation Association
- Federal Transit Administration
- Transit Standards Consortium
- Amalgamated Transit Union
- National Transit Institute
- Transportation Security Administration
5Transportation Research Board
- Funded several key research initiatives
- Established website resource http//www4.trb.org/
6American Public Transportation Association
- Testified to Congress on need for funding
security initiatives - Worked with TRB and FTA on outreach and other
activities - Website resource http//www.apta.com/services/se
7Federal Transit Administration
- Completed 37 threat and vulnerability assessments
- Deployed technical assistance teams
- Awarded grants for drills by emergency responders
and transit - Accelerated technology deployment
- Facilitated training and regional collaboration
- Established a website resource
8Amalgamated Transit Union
- Successfully lobbied Congress to fund training
and education
9National Transit Institute
- Conducted training and education courses
10Transportation Security Administration
- A Division under the new Department of Homeland
11Department of Homeland Security
Executive Secretary
Commandant of Coast Guard (1)
Legislative Affairs
Secretary ---------------------------------- Deput
y Secretary
Inspector General
Public Affairs
General Counsel
State and Local Coordination
Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Citizenship Immigration Service Ombudsman (1)
Director, Bureau of Citizenship Immigration
Services (1)
Special Assistant to the Secretary (private
Director of the Secret Service (1)
Privacy Officer
Small Disadvantaged Business
National Capital Region Coordination
Chief of Staff
International Affairs
Shared Services
Counter Narcotics
Under Secretary Science and Technology
Under Secretary Information Analysis and
Infrastructure Protection
Under Secretary Emergency Preparedness and
Under Secretary Management
Under Secretary Border Transportation Security
Note (1) Effective March 1st, 2003
12Status as of 8/25/03
- Groundwork laid for comprehensive security
approach (vulnerability assessments-planning-harde
ning-training-drills) - Local, regional and national coordination
networks established
13What Still Needs to Be Done
- Implementation of hardening recommendations
- Incorporation of security as a fundamental
component of transit operations - On-going education and training
14Challenges and Opportunities
- Constructive partnerships with other agencies and
the new Transportation Security Administration - Standards for procedures, equipment,
communications, etc.