Title: The Art of Betye Saar
1The Art of Betye Saar
- Line is (define)
- It is used here, you can see
- View from the Palmist Window (close-up)
- Form is (define)
- Form is in this art work because it has
Texture is (define) We can see Actual and Visual
Texture in this artwork called Midnight
Madonnas (close-up)
5Color Value
Color is (define) Value is (define) The artist
used color and value in this work of art called
Memory Window for Anastasia
Shape is (define) The artist used shape in the
art work Personae, when she painted dots all
over it.
Space is (define) This image, Buddhas Garden
shows Space by overlapping the objects.
8All Elements of Art are in Wizard
Line is around the stars
Visual Texture is everywhere
There is Form in the box itself.
Stars are Shape
Color is used
There is a little bit of a sense of space where
the objects overlap
You can see different values
9Betye Saar
- Creates ASSEMBLAGE - her art work is mixed media,
sometimes including drawing and painting, but
more often using found objects and putting them
10The subject of her work
- Is about racism in America
- I want my piece to crook a finger, say to
viewer, check this out."
11Works Cited
- Netropolitan. September 23, 2007.
http//www.netropolitan.org/saar/wizard.html - The Brooklyn Museum. September 24, 2007.
base/gallery/BetyeSaar.php?i322 - The Judson Galleries. September 20, 2007.