Title: Public Health Policy: The Issues, The Future
1Public Health Policy The Issues, The Future
2Three Domains of Public Health
- Protection
- Promotion
- Performance
3Rediscovery of Public Health
- Public health high on the political agenda
- Tobacco control
- Food safety
- Obesity
- Bio-terrorism threat
- Communicable disease control SARS, bird flu,
STDs - Good health is good economics
4Policy Highlights (1)
- 1997 Minister for Public Health
- 1999 Saving Lives Our Healthier Nation
- 1999 Health Development Agency
- 1999 Public Health Observatories
- 2000 NHS Plan
- 2001 National Health Inequalities Targets
- 2001 Health Committee Inquiry Report
- 2001 CMOs public health function review final
report - 2002 Wanless I
- 2003 Tackling Health Inequalities a programme
for action
5Policy Highlights (2)
- 2004 Wanless II
- 2004 Choosing health? Consultation
- 2004 Treasury-led PSA targets
- 2004 NHS Improvement Plan
- 2004 Public health white paper
6(No Transcript)
7Wanless I Three Scenarios
- Solid progress
- Slow uptake
- Fully engaged
8Fully Engaged Scenario (2022)
- Levels of public engagement in relation to their
health are high - Life expectancy increases beyond current
forecasts - Health status improves dramatically
- People are confident in the health system and
demand high quality care - Health service is responsive with high rates of
technology uptake, especially in relation to
disease prevention - Use of resources is more efficient
9Health Care Spending Growth Rate, 2003-4 to
Total UK NHS Spending
Average annual real growth, Average annual real growth, Average annual real growth, Average annual real growth, Average annual real growth,
Projections Projections Projections Projections Projections
2003-4 to 2007-8 2008-09 to 2012-13 2013-14 to 2017-18 2018-19 to 2022-23
Solid progress 7.1 4.7 3.1 2.7
Slow uptake 7.3 5.6 4.0 3.5
Fully engaged 7.1 4.4 2.8 2.4
10What does Wanless II Say?
- NHS remains a sickness rather than a health
service - Failure over 30 years to shift the balance from
health care to health - Key challenge is delivery and implementation, not
further discussion - Public health workforce is not fit for purpose
- Poor state of evidence-base and underinvestment
is RD - Weak capacity of PCTs to deliver
- Health literacy of population is poor
11Wanless II Selected Recommendations
- Secretary of State for Health should ensure that
Cabinet assesses impact on population health of
any major policy development - Productivity measures in health services should
focus on health outcomes rather than outputs and
allow comparisons of effectiveness of prevention
and cure
12- A public health research strategy should be put
in place - Annual report on the state of peoples health
should be produced at national and local levels
to improve understanding - Production of strategic public health workforce
plan - Healthcare Commission should develop its public
health assessment role
13Choosing Health Three Principles
- Supporting informed choice, balancing rights and
responsibilities - Personalisation of support to make healthy
choices - Working in partnership to make health everybodys
14Choosing Health Key Issues
- Enabling not dictating healthy choices
- Understand better why people make choices and
design services around them - Coherent and consistent messages from national to
local level - Role of employers and employment
- Focus on delivery, leadership and incentives
15Making it Happen
- Evidence and information
- Workforce capacity and capability
- Systems for local delivery
- Strengthening public health research and research
capacity - New investment in research funding
- National strategy for public health
- Improved coordination between research funders
- Focus on applied research and real-time
evaluation - Evidence on cost-effectiveness of interventions
- Health Information and Intelligence Task Force to
develop a comprehensive public health strategy - Strengthened Public Health Observatories to
support DsPH and skills in equity audits and HIA - Health Poverty Index
18Building the Workforce
- New role of NHS health trainers
- Induction programme for all NHS Staff
- Leadership for health
- Health Improvement Workforce Steering Group
19The Challenge
- Political will and commitment
- Power and advocacy
- Confronting wicked problems
- Managing complex adaptive systems
- Can the NHS break with the past?