Title: ICISNPDES Full Batch Alternative 1a
1ICIS-NPDES Full Batch Alternative 1a
June 12, 2009
- Alternative 1a
- Examples of transmitting Permit changes
- Example Alternative 1
- Example Alternative 1a
- Example Alternative 2
- Similarities between Alternatives 1a and 2
- Differences between Alternatives 1a and 2
- Comparison between Alternatives 1, 1a, 2
3Alternative 1a
- Extends Alternative 1a functionality to include a
replace transaction type. - This functionality provides states the
flexibility to submit transactions at whatever
change tracking level their state system can
4Example of transmitting 3 Permit changes Under
Alternative 1
- Alternative 1 Data is submitted via 3 different
XML files only for the data families where there
are changes. - Add Limit B
- Delete Limit set 2
- Change permitted Feature
5Example of transmitting 3 Permit changes Under
Alternative 1a
Alternative 1a - Data is submitted via one XML
file segregated by discrete data families.
Changes could be anywhere within the permit not
only in Limit B, Limit Set 2 and Permitted
Feature Y.
6Example of transmitting 3 Permit changes Under
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 Data is submitted via an XML file
as one large data family. Changes could be
anywhere within the permit not only in Limit B,
Limit Set 2 and Permitted Feature Y.
7The similarities between Alternatives 1a and 2
- Can transmit data without designating where the
change is - Data Extractions
- Same set of data to extract
- Standard extraction routines
- Greater acceptance rates for data transmissions
- Error correction process
8The differences between Alternatives 1a and 2
9Comparison between Alternatives 1, 1a and 2 batch
Underline highlights the differences between the
alternatives at each step