Emission trading Carbon tax or what - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Emission trading Carbon tax or what


See CANA beginners guide to KP. http://www.cana.net.au/kyoto ... exposures of existing and new investments in trade-exposed, emissions-intensive industries' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Emission trading Carbon tax or what

Emission trading / Carbon tax or what?
  • June 2007
  • Ben Ewald
  • For Climate Action Newcastle
  • Examining the Prime Ministers Task Group report
    on Emissions Trading

This talk has 2 parts
  • Firstly, a description of carbon tax and
    emissions trading in general. The basic economic
    levers that could be used to turn the economy
    around from high carbon to low carbon ways of
    doing business.
  • Secondly, a look at some of the details of the
    current commonwealth proposal, and to a lesser
    extent the states proposal.

The gasses
  • CO2 1
  • CH4 Methane 21
  • N2O Nitrous oxide 310
  • HFC 23 11,700
  • HFC 32 650
  • SF6 23,900
  • PFCs
  • 100 year warming potentials

To Reduce atmospheric CO2

Burn less coal, oil and gas
Take CO2 out of the atmosphere
Carbon sinks. Offsets.
Energy efficiency
Renewable energy
Price Signal
Carbon tax
Emissions trading
What is a price signal?
  • Jargon for consumers noticing that electricity
    costs money. Industries noticing that the price
    is going up.
  • The increased price of electricity automatically
    makes non carbon generation more profitable.
  • The beautiful thing about this price signal is
    that it is proportional to CO2 output.

Carbon tax
  • By regulation, CO2 emitters have to measure and
    report the amount of CO2 released, and pay a
    fixed amount of tax on each ton. OR domestically
    used fossil fuels have a tax imposed that
    reflects the CO2 they will produce.
  • Raises revenue. Sets the price but not the amount
    of emissions. Simple to regulate, hard to dodge.

Emissions Trading
  • Cap and trade model
  • By regulation, emitters have to hold a permit for
    each t of CO2.
  • The country sets an emissions total for the year,
    and prints that number of permits, each one
    allowing the holder to emit 1 t of CO2.
  • Permits are auctioned (sensible) or given
    (foolish) to companies that emit.
  • The cap is tightened each year.
  • Permits can be bought and sold.

ETS fine points
  • Most schemes allow offsets, eg a certificate from
    a forester declaring that 1 t of CO2 has been
    sequestered will be accepted in place of an
    emissions permit.
  • Some schemes have an escape valve on the price,
    with a fixed penalty price that is substantially
    higher than the auction price. This limits the
    risk from price spikes. Ideally the escape price
    would be uniform across the globe.
  • International trading of permits or offsets could
    be possible. Middle men are keen to take their

ETS Grandfathering
  • Grandfathering refers to granting emissions
    permits to current emitters.
  • Disadvantages early movers, benefits maximum
  • Preferred option of generators. Of course
  • As the permits have value, it is in effect a
  • Too much grandfathering is a failing of the
    European trading system.

In favour of grandfathering
  • If a serious cost was imposed on carbon
    emissions, some coal fired generators would just
    not be worth running. Stranded assets would
    result if they were not able to pass on the price
    increases to consumers. Weep for the poor
  • This could result in blackouts / power shortages
    if alternate energy suppliers are not up to scale
    in time.
  • BUT I think it is unlikely that generators would
    be blocked from passing on price rises to
    consumers, as blackouts are politically

  • An ETS or Carbon Tax can specify the scope of
    activities that need permits electricity / heavy
    industry / transport / domestic gas / air travel
    / fugitive emissions from mines, landfill, gas
    transmission, petroleum industry flares.
  • The more inclusive the scheme the better it can
    cap emissions, but the harder it is to negotiate
    and administer.

1 ton per person per year is sustainable!
Notes for previous graph
  • The timing of maximum emissions is critical. The
    sooner we go over the peak and start coming down,
    the less steep the line has to be. Delaying the
    peak means that in order to limit atmospheric CO2
    to 400ppm change has to be more severe and
  • We need a firm 2020 target as well as a 2050

More notes on the graph
  • The vertical axis shows 200 million tonnes from
    stationary energy in Australia. With 21 million
    people thats about 10 tonnes per person from
    that sector alone. A sustainable fair share for
    every human on the planet allows one tonne per
    person per year, so there is a long way to go.

Social Justice
  • Domestic energy prices will rise under any
    effective system.
  • Either a carbon tax or a permit auction system
    raises revenue, which could be put into schemes
    to reduce the impact on poorer people. Simplest
    would be to reduce GST or payroll tax, most
    effective would be to subsidise energy efficiency

Part 2
  • The report of the task group on emissions
  • Prime Ministerial Task group (PMT for short)
  • It has a photo of earth from space on the cover,
    so is trying to look like an environmental rather
    than a mining document.

ACF on both ETS proposals
  • The schemes have elements that should be part of
    an effective ETS. However, neither proposal on
    its own is enough to avoid dangerous climate
    change. We can only argue that other countries
    must reduce their emission to the extent that we
    are reducing our own.
  • http//www.acfonline.org.au/articles/news.asp?news

  • Either a good ETS or CT would achieve deep cuts,
    but a poorly designed ETS would not.
  • Offsets should not be included. They divert
    investment and resources
  • Include Electricity, transport, waste, industrial
    emissions. Exclude agriculture and land use
  • Full auctioning of permits
  • Annual permits, not permanent property rights.
  • No Aluminium subsidy, but performance based
    border tax adjustments for goods exported to
    countries that do not have a price on emissions
  • Carbon levy on excluded sectors.

My opinion on pmt
  • Delays. Commonwealth scheme has 2012 start date
    rather than 2010 in the states proposal.
  • The broad scope looks initially good, but may be
    designed to make the scheme more difficult to
    implement, eg will put up the price of petrol
    which is always politically unpopular.
  • Energy intensive and trade exposed aluminium
    (cement steel) subsidies embedded in the plan.
  • Failure to set a rigid cap shows lack of economic
    understanding. Permits only have value due to
    scarcity, and only a mug would pay good money for
    a permit if there is no rigid cap.

My opinion cont
  • Task group composition Several top Bureaucrats,
    Xstrata, Power generators, company directors
    (Qantas, ANZ, Esso, NAB, rice, biodiesel,
  • Missing from the membership Sustainable
    generators, Building council, Environment lobby,
    academic economists.
  • The group represents only one half of the story.

Untruths in pmt
  • The absence of a pathway for key developing
    countries to make commitments is a fundamental
    shortcoming in the Koyoto Protocol, which
    undermines its suitability as a model for future
    cooperation Ch 4, p51
  • BUT developing countries can participate in CDM,
    and they could be brought into the next
    commitment period. See CANA beginners guide to
    KP. http//www.cana.net.au/kyoto/
  • This is a continuation of Australias shameful
    attempts to undermine the only serious
    international agreement.

Lies contd
  • Untruths On p 8 of the executive summary
    Australia already has an emissions cap that is
    applicable until 2012 referring to the vague
    intention to limit Australias GHG to 108 of
    1990 levels. This however is unenforceable and
    there is currently no barrier to any industry
    that chooses to increase emissions that would
    break the cap.

PMT finds against current policy
  • P 9 Favoring certain lower emissions
    technologies over others places a higher cost on
    the economy and, consequently, unnecessarily
    lowers Australian living standards. (See Chapter
    3.) this directly contradicts the federal
    governments huge support of clean coal

Aluminium Lobby success
  • P12 ameliorates, through free allocation, the
    carbon-related exposures of existing and new
    investments in trade-exposed, emissions-intensive
  • This suggests that Australia will be available to
    international corporations as a place they can
    set up new high CO2 industries and be subsidised
    to avoid carbon costs!
  • P194 Appendix L Even suggests that energy
    intensive industries would be eligible for
    compensation for losses at the end of the period
    during which they receive public subsidy of free
    permits! AND that the Australian cap should be
    increased if new industries come to Australia!
    This shows that the report has been hijacked by
    the Aluminium industry.

PMT on offsets
  • P12 Recognises a wide range of credible
  • Weak regulation or dubious offsets will lower the
    value of emissions permits, making it possible to
    continue to pollute and just buy offsets that may
    have no ecological value.

  • Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and
    Climate Aust, China, India,Japan, S Korea, US.
  • No targets.
  • No timetable
  • No credibility
  • BUT is promoted in PMT as where Australia should
    put its efforts.

Summary opinion
  • The PMT proposal protects some of Australias
    highest emitters from the effects of a carbon
    price signal.
  • The wide range of offsets proposed may include
    offsets of no environmental benefit.
  • The proposal lacks the required urgency.
  • Citizens must watch the process closely or we
    will be sold an ETS that does no good.

Extra bits
  • The following slides include some related issues
  • Baseline and Credit schemes.
  • How environmentally sound are the available
    carbon offset schemes? (There are 17 retail
    carbon offset schemes available in NSW)

Baseline and Credit
  • These schemes estimate emissions under Business
    As Usual then give credit for changes that should
    reduce these.
  • The baseline is subject to gaming.
  • What is best practice?
  • How long does the credit last?

Baseline and credit gaming example
  • If you replace an electric hot water system with
    a solar system you get a subsidy through
    renewable energy certificates.
  • If you replace a solar system with a new solar
    system you dont get the subsidy, unless you
    temporarily install an electric system in

Koyoto Protocol basics
  • The United Nations Framework Convention on
    Climate Change 1994 (UNFCC) is the parent treaty
    for the KP.
  • Ratified by 165 countries, 35 EU have targets.
    legally binding but its unclear what the
    penalty for missing the target is.
  • First commitment period 08-12

Koyoto flexibility mechanisms
  • Clean Development Mechanism CDM, allows
    countries with targets to implement CO2 reduction
    projects in other signatory countries, and
    collect certified reductions
  • Joint Implementation, allows the same thing
    between annex I countries, ie countries with
  • Emissions trading, allows the purchase of
    reduction certificates. Start date Jan 05.

Total Environment Centre report on offsets
  • Telling people to plant trees (to address
    climate change) is like telling them to drink
    more water to keep down rising sea levels.
  • A recent study by the Queensland Tourism Industry
    Council surveyed 10 carbon offset products and
    found that the level of emissions that each
    provider deemed to be associated with a flight
    from Australia to Europe varied from 3.5 to 11.5
    tonnes. Price 43 to 230!
  • http//www.tec.org.au/dev/index.php?optioncom_con

  • In terms of other effects of offsetting, some
    commentators have suggested that the practice
    allows prosperous Western nations to continue to
    enjoy carbon-intensive lifestyles at little extra
    cost while the most immediate effects of unabated
    climate change will be experienced in the poorer
    countries of the world.
  • Selling absolutions
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